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Friday, December 1, 2023

I Did Not Order This!

 Today, I got a notice and photo of an Amazon delivery on my front porch. Tommy retrieved it. Lo and Behold--it was a 2-pound bag of corn meal. I have an identical bag sitting next to me that I bought at the store. I know I looked at the cornmeal on Amazon, but I had no intentions of buying it. So, I have paid $10./lb. for corn meal. AND, it says it is non-returnable. How on earth did I do that? 

I do have an order I expect on Friday, the monthly items I order, plus a few more items. My neighbors who are in their 90s are moving from their house into a duplex. The did rent from their daughter. She wants to sell, so the kids are moving them. She has two bluebirds hanging in a small tree, and one red bird I made her. There are no trees in which to hang the birds. So, I purchased chains with hooks on each end for them. It will be their Christmas present. 

Every day, I make a mental note of food that we need to eat, mainly the meat. Well, I check with Tommy and we go over it aloud each night. We have left the turkey breast we had for Thanksgiving. Then, there is the full turkey I baked Sunday or Monday night. Tommy will pick the meat from the bones so we can freeze part of that. I have a bit of my chicken and rice still left. 

We are expecting rain for the next three days, so that will be different. Tomorrow, I will take the lemon and lime tree outdoors for nice rain instead of treated city water. I will catch water to give it when it stays in the house. 

Birmingham is rife with lead pipes for our water supply. I have decided I will buy a gallon of water with which to cook. Already, I will use the bottled water for beans and things that need water to cook. Tommy, hopefully, will use it when he makes coffee. 

Friday, I expect a grow light for the trees in the house. I will put the bulb in a lamp in their room. The Amaryllis bulbs under my lamp light don't seem to thrive. I wonder. 

Once again, Tommy has proven to be fickle to his own rules--likes and dislikes. I was in Lowe's and saw jackets, $90 value, reduced to $19.95. I bought one for him on his Lowe's card. I didn't show it to him until we got home. He blustered about how he did not want it, need it, or like it. I had him try it on, and of course, it did not fit and he did not like it. Then, he turned around and put it on his coat rack! I think he actually liked I highly doubt these are $90 value. But. it is waterproof and thick, seems warm.

Tonight, I had chicken and rice, and collard greens. Tommy had part of the whole turkey, collard greens, rice. 

I messed up on my eating today and had two sandwiches! But, I had no breakfast. And, I had a huge helping of collards. 

Did you ever order something non-returnable from Amazon and did not mean to order?

Do you use grow lights? 


  1. My daughter uses grow lights and they really work well. She has my Christmas cactus under them and it has grown so much since she did that. You will be happy with them I believe.

    1. Belinda,
      I won't have a light over them. I just bought a bulb I will put in a lamp as that was cheaper. I hope that works. Thanks for answering.

  2. I've certainly ordered enough things that went to the wrong house. The last was a bag of sunflower hearts. I meant to send it to DD (she puts the seeds on a deep windowsill to attract birds for her cat's entertainment) but sent it to myself instead. I had done exactly that once before. So, expensive bird seed that I don't really need (I don't have to worry about seed shells) but will use eventually.

    It's annoying for sure.

    As far as the grow lights go, I think they have to be shining above the plant. At least that's what my grow light specifies. But I guess a bare bulb shining at them horizontally is better than nothing.

    1. Sue,
      I did that once, sending something to myself.
      If the sun shining through a window will work, a bulb will work. After all, the sun is not above the plant. I can turn the plant.

  3. As it turns out, the ONLY thing I've ever ordered from Amazon that I didn't MEAN to order, was also non refundable. Lovely.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.