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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Saturday Was Slower Than Yesterday

 We have almost finished all the Thanksgiving food. I didn't realize that anything was left. Tommy pulled out the remainder of the gravy. It had no broth in it, so I figured it was okay. I added a bit of the broth from the turkey we cooked this week. It still was just a bit, so I cut up the turkey breast this week and ate it in the bit of gravy. I also had slaw and mixed greens. 

I awoke before Tommy this morning. He got up and made no motion to go for my apples! Finally, when the Alabama--Georgia game came on, I went to bed for a nap. 

Before I went to bed, he hurried from his chair to kitchen, clutching a plastic bag. That looked suspicious, so I asked what he was doing. He was going to remove the bones from the turkey, put them in the bag, and then bring the rest of the turkey into the living room, probably with a few small bones left and get the meat ready to eat. Okay. He brought the pully bone and we tried to break it. Unfortunately, just a bit of the wider side broke, hanging. So, he said we would both have a little luck. Clever and okay with me.

He remembered to get rubber gloves. Otherwise, we would have grease all over the house. When I awoke, everything was finished and put away. I absolutely HATE taking meat off the turkey bones. I rip off the breast off as soon as it baked because leaving it on the bone makes the meat taste funny to me. I am lucky to have him and thank him and tell him so all the time.

I will use this dark meat in several ways. 

  First of all, he will eat dark meat instead of the breast. 

  Second, I will put it in my Christmas giblet gravy along with chopped boiled eggs. I will not eat the giblets. 

  Third, I want to make a casserole of turkey meat, altered (less sodium) Stove Top Stuffing, egg, broth, green beans, raw cranberries, lots of celery. I will put gravy on top when I eat it. This will be a meal for in between Thanksgiving and Christmas or after New Years. Now, I need to freeze the broth for both needs and in separate bags. 

We put nothing out for Christmas decorating today, so even though it is almost 11 pm, I will bring out at least one thing AND find the Christmas cards. I think I will put a red bin in here so I can just plunder through it. 

We watched Home Alone this evening, and we are now watching the Home Alone New York one. I would like to see the third one without Culkin in it. I think this is the third time we have seen Home Alone this season. It is sooo funny. Now, we are watching The Christmas Story with Ralphie grown with a family. Don't know the name.

There is a drizzly rain on the lemon and lime. Sunday, we WILL fertilize the trees. YES, WE WILL! The trees will stay out for a couple of days since it will be warm at night. 

I made my plans for tomorrow, getting apples and shopping, known to him tonight just like I did on Friday. Hopefully, he won't get side-tracked by a football game he does not really like. At least we will get apples. 

Yesterday, I was going to mail something and needed a box. I decided to turn an Amazon box inside out to use. (After that failure, I learned the box with Amazon logs can be used.) I had cut it up so that it could not be secure because I was mailing something heavy. Thankfully, I found one smaller. So, there is that chore. The main chore is copying a recipe with additions. 

That is all the news that is no news.

Do you enjoy Home Alone? 

How about The Christmas Story? 

Are you finished with Christmas decorating?

What do you do with Amazon boxes?


  1. we don't watch movies as we do not have streaming or cable. I pass my medium to large Amazon boxes to Amish neighbor.She puts them on her floor when she is butchering. Said it is easier to burn the ick than scrub it off the floor. Others we burn in barrel, barrel get dumped in compost pile. In city we recycled them. We hung the wreath on the barn. We haven't felt up to doing much so decided we would do some decorating daily this week.

    1. Chef,
      If I had as much to do as you and the energy to do it, watching TV might not be so entertaining. I agree with scraping it off the floor, easier to burn.
      Didn't the Amish children enjoy the wreath on the barn? That is a good thing to decorate first.

  2. I'm so glad you have Tommy to help you, and I'm sure he appreciates you letting him know how much you appreciate him. We have our Christmas decorations out of the closet and have started to put a few things up. I wrapped a couple of gifts already too. I want to enjoy the season and not rush it. I mailed one Christmas card today to my brother.

    1. Belinda,
      If I don't go faster, we will never get the decorations up. I did it all in one day when I was younger and three little children to mind. He seems to appreciate my acknowledgement of all he does.

  3. I think I must be one of the few people who have never seen Home Alone, LOL. We just flatten the boxes and add them to our garbage can. Unfortunately, recycling garbage service hasn't found their way to rural Montana yet.

    1. One,
      Make it a point to see it this year as it is one of the funniest movies ever made. There is no recycling program in Hueytown, either. And, this is not a rural place, just depressed.

    2. One Family-
      You are not alone. I, too, have never seen Home Alone I find it very difficult to sit through an entire movie if there is anything else I feel like I should be doing.

  4. We had our oldest grandson this weekend (9) and I watched three Grinch movies with him. The original, which was from 1966, I think. And then another cartoonish one. And then the one with Jim Carey. We watched Rudolph and a couple of other shorter Christmas shows. It was nice.

    Hubby burns paper trash and boxes so we're not sending extra stuff to the landfill. We use larger boxes to fill with stuff for giveaway. He just took three boxes last week to the Veterans Alliance store where they give the items to veterans for free. It's set up like a Goodwill, but it's free for them and their families.

    We have a Christmas tree on our flag pole out front and hubby is putting up the lights on the outside of the house as I type this. But no decorations inside as of yet. We've had super busy weekends, two weeks in a row. Hopefully decorating will happen this week.

    1. Alice,
      Watching those movies with a child makes it extra special. I love any Christmas movie, and I don't care who knows! We saw the cartoon Grinch, too, and Rudolph.
      They saw burning is bad for the atmosphere. But, it is a better solution than the landfill. The free for Vets store is a great idea. We haul stuff off and use them to store things, too.
      How tall is the flagpole? We only put a wreath on the door, just decorate a bit inside. Maybe if you and I decorate bit by bit indoors, it will happen.

    2. The flagpole Christmas tree is 15 feet tall. The pole must be about 18 feet, because the bottom of the tree hovers about three feet off the ground. If you Google search "uncommonflagpole christmas tree" you'll see an image.

      In 2018, I didn't decorate for Christmas at all. Not even a hand towel. My little momma died that year and I could not. It's been hit or miss ever since, but I really want to do it up right this year. We can do it!

    3. Alice,
      I will go look at it right now.
      I am so sorry you could not decorate that year. The only way I got through my mother dying was asking myself what she would want me to do. This year is a good year to do it up right.

    4. Alice,
      Okay, now I see how it is done. Neat!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.