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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Best Laugh All Year

 The year is drawing to a close. Of course, I am exhausted. So, Tommy is helping me as usual. I decided to make my favorite Jello concoction. I had Tommy bring me a cup of boiling water in a boil so I could dissolve a 3 oz package of no sugar Jello. When I finished, I had him put it in the refrigerator and leave the spoon on the counter. 

Later, I wanted to put apples, banana, and a can of sugar-free fruit cocktail . He had left the hot Jello water on the counter. I asked him where he put the spoon. "I put the spoon in the refrigerator, just like you asked me." Well, No!" He insisted I did not tell him to refrigerate the Jello, just the spoon." 

I laughed so hard, harder than I have all year, I do believe. I coughed and choked and kept trying to laugh through it all. I cannot imagine in what situation I would have someone refrigerate the Jello spoon and leave the boiling Jello on the counter. I asked him if he did not think that strange. He said he just did what I told him. 

Can you see it--spoon in the refrigerator and hot Jello on the counter? 

The Jello was a failure. How can Jello fail? The directions said to leave the Jello in the refrigerator about four hours. I decided that 30 minutes would be enough to make it thick enough to put in the fruit from previous experience. Well, it was done solid in 30 minutes. I had forgotten to add the cup of cold water, making the Jello very thick, almost hard. So, I chopped up the Jello and stirred in apples and fruit cocktail. I figured bananas would not fare well. Then, I stirred in 1/4 cup Cool Whip. It is not what I wanted, a failure, but it is okay. 

At this point, we are listening to fireworks, eating leftovers, and waiting until later to eat the few goodies I made. Tommy ate almost the whole bag of chips I bought for the onion soup dip. He volunteered to go get more. Nope! Staying home and making do. I may or may not make the sausage balls. 

So far, there are no fireworks in the sky. Sounds like firecrackers. Maybe at midnight. 

Okay, now it is almost midnight. More fireworks. I need to collect my kiss. 

How went your NYE? 


  1. Hubby was sound to sleep at 10 and Charlotte and I were outside listening to the ones on down the road shooting their guns off.

    1. Chef,
      I wish I could get to sleep that early. At one point, I thought people were shooting machine guns. I suppose it was packets of firecrackers. The noise around here was so loud, yet I could see no fireworks in the sky. weird.

  2. Ha ha, that really is funny!!!! Happy new year to you and Tommy, and thank you for the Christmas card!

    1. Treaders,
      Yes, I store spoons in the refrigerator and leave food on the counter! Oh, I wondered if it would get there in 2023. Happy New Year!

  3. That is funny about the spoon in the refrigerator. LOL Sounds like you made the best of the situation with the jello. I really enjoy jello and have it regularly with fruit cocktail in it. I need to make some today to enjoy this week. I hope you and Tommy have a very lovely 2024 and are very prosperous this year. :)

    1. Beliinda,
      I chuckle when I think about it. The Jello was not what I wanted, but okay. It has been several years since I made that, then I mess it up. Thanks. May your new year be a prosperous one, too.

  4. We started watching what I deemed as one of the most unusual westerns I have ever seen. When we thought it was going off, it said, "to be continued." By this time we were invested, so continued to watch it. The good thing was, whatever station it was on did not have commercials, so what should have been two-hour segments were only 1.5 hours each. As it turns out, it had been a mini-series in the 90's and it ended up being not quite as weird as the beginning made it seem. We were still in bed by 10:30PM, which is MUCH later than my normal bedtime of 9PM.

    1. What was the name of the movie. Yes, you were in bed very late for you.

    2. It was Streets of Laredo.

    3. Alice,
      I think I have seen that. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.