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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Not Much Happening this Friday

 Today, I went to Publix for apples and bananas. They were out of Red Delicious Apples, yet I came out with $90 worth of groceries. Toilet paper was on sale. We needed it. Somehow, we/managed to run out of AA batteries. I have about six packages of AAA because I buy both at the same time. We are going heavy on the AA usage. I suppose that is because of the pillar candles and tapers. One of the two remotes we got this year do not work. Maybe it is just the button battery inside.

Of course, I will remove all the batteries from the candles and put them in the bag with all the AAAs when we take down the decorations. 

Last night, it barely rained here. I did not miss much by not putting it outdoors. Tonight, the trees are outside, and the weather is mild. 

I bought two more 1-pound bags of pecans for freeing. Everything else was a necessity, not just nice to have. But, it was stuff that could not be found on Amazon because they were out of stock. So, my regular order from Amazon will be less. 

After sleeping 2.5 hours and being awakened by incessantly barking dogs, I need a nap in the afternoon. We had leftovers for dinner. I had turkey breast, rice, collard greens. Tommy had turkey, blackeyed peas, and collards.

Today, I received four boxes and two bags from Amazon. This is in response to my complaining about the hair color and something else always being squashed with the box destroyed. They could have put the three little shipping boxes and the two bags into the one large box that another large box in it. Plus, all the little air pouches could have been eliminated or used inside the large box. 

I know these Amazon items are shipped and go through a lot, but when the hair color box is so smashed it won't sit up and contents are threatening to spill out, Amazon should be worried, too. The glass supplement bottle was in a mangled box, but the glass bottle had not broken, thankfully. 

The lemon and lime tree shed all over the house when taken out. The lime tree was still bright green, but the lemon tree looks dead. Maybe the rain and the sun and the grow light will revive both. 

Saturday, the plan is to mail a package and buy apples. I need to work that around Tommy's plan to watch Alabama and Georgia. 

I think the fall two weeks ago did more damage to my already injured back than I thought.

How does your lemon tree grow?

Do you receive Amazon bags and boxes with the contents mangled but still usable?


  1. Linda, have you fertilized the trees with citrus fertilizer? They are heavy feeders, especially when trying to set fruit.

    My lemon has always shed leaves when brought inside. It's looking pretty grim, with 4 enormous STILL GREEN lemons. I am getting old waiting for them to ripen!

    I asked for a key lime tree for Xmas. I got nothing but side-eye from DH and DD. They've seen the lemon tree and are dubious about spending money on something they're certain I'll just kill. LOL!

    You got all those Amazon boxes because the goods come from different distribution centers. They don't seem to be very consistent with how they pack stuff, so the air pillows show up when they're not needed (and are not used when they should be)!

    I had to run a few errands today (out of Keto bread, dang it!) and the Christmas shopping traffic is HORRENDOUS. Must remember to do December errands on weekdays...

    Although I do want to lay a Christmas wreath on the grave of a friend today. Pretty sure there won't be any gridlock at the cemetery...

    1. Sue,
      I did fertilize them with citrus fertilizer. I am glad to know they lost leaves. I was feeling terrible about it and worrying about the little lemons that are 1/4 inch long.

      That is funny they think you will kill the lime tree. At Lowe's they are now very cheap. I wanted to buy more, an orchard in the bedroom, I suppose.

      I was startled at the number of boxes. I am not sure those air pillows actually help, anyway.

      Chores on the weekend seem the hardest, but from now to Christmas, nothing is going to be easy.

      You are safe in going to the cemetery without a traffic problem. I have no cemetery to visit.

  2. PS: Oof, we are out of AA batteries, too! Thanks for the reminder! :^)

  3. It has poured down rain here today, but I will not complain because we needed the rain so much. Our worst packages came from Target and always seemed like something was damaged, but they are good to replace items.

    1. Belinda,
      It is just drizzling here and not for long at that. I can live without the rain, but I know the plants suffer. I have never ordered anything from Target. I need a lap desk to read, so my get one from there. I do not intend to ever go back into Target. At least, they are good to replace items.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.