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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Cream Cheese Penguins

 Cream Cheese Penguins are so cute along with other Christmas appetizers. Click the link for more instructions. Go ahead and play with your food.

These are so cute that I may make a few. However, Tommy does not like cream cheese or olives. I could have him eat the feet and nose. I could eat the rest. Silly me. 

Do you enjoy making items like this? Okay, do you enjoy the idea of making items for Christmas that are edible animals? Do you play with your food?

Do you make vegetable or fruit animals?


  1. I haven't ever played with my food. I never allowed my kids to play with their food either. My parents couldn't abide by poor table manners, nor can I. As it turns out, my kids can't either!
    I don't make a lot of novelty food like those penguins, but I would like to learn how to make sushi. The cream cheese in the penguins brings to mind the Philadelphia roll sushi that my neighbor loves.

    1. Meg,
      I was NOT referring to poor table manners, just making food cute or pretty like the penguins.

  2. I love the penguins, but would not make them as l don’t enjoy making things like this. I enjoy cooking just not things like this. I find making cookies a bit involved . I do have a recipe for black olives and cream cheese with ham that is delicious, so I’d say these are really good. They sure are cute though and would be a big hit!

    1. Belinda,
      I could make these sitting in my chair, with a huge tray as my table. Drop cookies are the only kind I like making. I got a cookie press when I lived at home and loved making those. However, I soon lost If I have anywhere to go, I might make some penguins to take with me.

  3. Yes, I enjoy playing with food. When my kids were little, I would cut their sandwiches into fun shapes or faces. They would love showing their friends their sandwiches. I would make the deviled eggs at Easter that looked like a baby chick . There are lots of ways to make food look good and have fun. I think those penguins are so cute, but I'm the only one who likes olives here.

    1. Kathy,
      Now, I need to know how to make deviled eggs look like a baby chick. Tommy hates olives, I may make these and give them away except for a few for me.

  4. That's cute! A coworker made something very similar over a decade ago. I think she paired it with a cheese ball in the form of an igloo. Around that same time, I made a cheese ball at Thanksgiving in the form of a turkey. I used pecans as feathers. My first try needed some work, but it was cute, nonetheless. If I find a picture, I'll send it to your email. Which email are you using lately? I know you have posted in the past, but it seems like you mentioned being locked out of one.

    1. Alice,
      I am using I still cannot get into the pparsimony one. I would like to see that.

    2. Alice,
      Got it. I spent time trying to get it to here. But, my mind must not be working. Maybe no sleep at all last night is part of the problem. That is so cute. I want to make one myself next Thanksgiving.

  5. I have a kid that used to do that, now her kids are lucky if she even puts the food on a serving dish. LOL

    1. Chef,
      Well, at least she do better. Quite frankly, serving out of the pot is easier. I do like serving

    2. I meant 'at least she did do better.'


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.