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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Is This True?

 If so, why has this not been on the news. There is so much disinformation nowadays, that I am puzzled


Why haven't these atrocities been publicized?

In other news, when I went to the cardiologist, the np said that the heart block was not new. The last test I had there months ago showed the same thing. The doctor had not informed me. I sat with my mouth open for a bit. I was shocked, told her so, and that he should have discussed this with me. She said nothing. 

Are you familiar with the Lurlene Wallace? Her husband was George Wallace, governor of Alabama. She had breast cancer. Her husband decided he did not want to worry her, so she died of breast cancer. And, the doctor allowed information to be kept from his patient to please the husband. I was shocked at this information and cried for her 60 years after the fact. 

She also said she suspected I had lymphedema. Funny thing, when I asked about this years ago, and many times since, each doctor said, no, I did not. How do they know? No one tested me. Or examined me for it. 

The np practitioner at the cardiologist gave me a list of tests to come back and have at their office. "Call me at this number if you have any questions." So, I called and the people told me the stress test would only take 15 minutes, so a 30 min appointment would be sufficient. I argued with the list of tests in my hand that I was not scheduled for a stress test, that I had already had one. Well, they know better than I. Also, I had to tell them exactly what questions I had and they would ask the np. Never mind I had a half dozen questions that would probably have follow-up questions. She said, "I am going to tell the np that you refused to tell me what questions you had." So, it has been over a week and the np has not called back. I am baffled as to how to get past these minimum wage workers. 

But, tonight, I figured it out. I will call and press any other button to get me somewhere else in the office and tell them that I need her to return my call. I know this won't turn out well for me, but I will try. There is always the office

Have you faced the initial contact who is argumentative and refused to give you an appointment to suit the tests? I can read and there is no stress test! And, a stress test is 15 min in the machine, plus, the insertion of the needle with meds, and the waiting time for the machines and people to push a person about. I was on a gurney, so it is not like they want me wandering about on my own.


  1. I think it's scandalous that Wallace kept information from his wife. I suppose it depends on their relationship but I believe everyone should have the right to know their own personal situation.

    1. Treadeers,
      It is also scandalous that a doctor would not inform a patient of her status. How can he justify keeping information from her? That seems like malpractice to me.

  2. Continue to press your doctor on the lymphedema. The first time I told my doctor in June of 2022 she told me it wasn't lymphedema, but she was wrong because that is exactly what it was. I ended up having 3 cat scans on the area and a home health nurse and a visit to a surgeon before finally getting into physical therapy for electromagnetic lymph therapy. It was a long road and I wish you the best of luck in your journey. Sometimes even when we know what it wrong with us, it is hard to get the doctors to see it.

    1. Belinda,
      The nurse practitioner said she thought it might be lymphedema. I was shocked and asked her twice to repeat what the word was--lymphedema. My mouth fell open, and I told her I had asked half a dozen doctors about having it. Can you email me at I cannot get into the email on blog. Thanks.

  3. I read about Ms Wallace on Wikipedia, she did find out she had cancer but unfortunately well after her husband had been told about it :/ sad that he would have kept it from her in the first place. In that time it was common to tell the husband first if the patient was a woman according to the Wiki article, so sad.

    1. jj
      And, we all know that the husband/man is the keeper of all knowledge and has the best interest of wife/woman in mind. /s

    2. Well, husbands are so much smarter, y'all. Plus they own their wives. You know, like their dogs. But I'm guessing if Wallace's favorite hunting dog were sick, he'd have moved heaven and earth to keep it alive.

      Also, the men in charge of the world and the media would actually have to consider rape a crime to bring atttention to it. Didn't you know that raping women is just a spoil of war?

      And so it goes...

    3. Sue,
      I know I typed a response to your comment! I know raping is a spoil of war, but had not heard this info. Rape by conquerors is in the Bible and apparently approved.
      Thanks for setting me straight on dynamics between men and /s

    4. Linda, I hope you heard the sarcasm loud and clear in my response!

    5. Sue,
      I got it.
      /s = sarcasm Yes, I got it loud and clear.

  4. The clinic I use has a computer section where you can access the doc, np, what have you with your questions. They will always answer. Much better than calling and being put on hold, then trying to explain the question.

    1. Carole,
      Oh, I can handle a call-back. And, I could have follow-up questions.

  5. Does your cardiologits office have a system where you can email the NP? Might try that.

    1. One,
      Yes, but a discussion where I can ask multiple and follow-up questions would be less tedious and more helpful.

  6. stress test does NOT always have needle... They can do a heart monitor instead or EKG. instead. Hubby gets one 3 times a week at cardio rehab (today is his last day of rehab YEAH)

    1. Chef,
      I am so glad for you both that this is his last day in rehab.
      The stress test I take is a chemically induced stressor. I do not walk. I lie and go into what looks like a MRI machine. I did not specify what kind of stress test I did.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.