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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Cookie Press

Reading an article, I was reminded that I made cookies with a cookie press as a young teen. I am not sure why I quit making them. But, it was fun. Having thought about it overnight, I think I got tired of cleaning the cookie press. Mama expected me to wash it with all the dough in crevices. Imagine her wanting, demanding I wash it after using

As I recall, it was fun and easy. I would not get a plastic press, but I would get a metal one at least as good as we had. 

Have you ever made cookies with a cookie press? Did you enjoy the process? Anything seems more fun than using a cookie cutter. I have no talent for using a cookie cutter. Drop cookies are more my style. It is even better if they are no-bake. 

How about you? Are you a cookie maker or do you prefer making cookies from the freezer department of the grocery store? 

Using a Cookie Press 

I barely slept last night, got up at about 6 am, sat here until 9 am, tried to sleep and got up about 11 am. I made scrambled eggs and had a glass of milk. My stomach never did feel right after that. I tried to sleep again, and finally jumped up, losing the eggs and milk. It has been a miserable day, stomach wise. We had to go to two stores. Tommy came in one to help me because I was too weak. 

Right now, I still have outside clothes on, shoes and coat. Tommy turned up the heat, and I am freezing. I really need food, but am afraid to eat anything. 

Now, I need cookies! 


  1. I have made those cookies many, many times and have had them all my life. The cookie press is difficult to clean - I will give you that. A lot of crevices.
    Sure hope you get to feeling better. You should have stayed in. Nothing can be that important. If I am sick, I am not going out shopping. Feel better.

    1. Cheryl,
      I have just about talked myself into buying another press.
      Well, I was not so sure I was better or not. It turned out I was getting better. Mostly, I was weak from no food for almost 18 hours.

      The only time I have had those cookies that were not from a store was when I made them, I think.

  2. Oh no! I'm sorry you lost your breakfast and your stomach is upset. I hope you get some good rest and you feel better today.

    I've never used a cookie press, but that sounds so easy compared to making them individually. I may pic one up the next time I see one second hand and give it a try.

    1. Belinda,
      They are a challenge. But, the end result is so pretty and fancy. Be prepared to spend time cleaning the press. If you buy one used, make sure all the pieces are there, otherwise, it will be a disaster. Follow the cautions in the link in blog post. They are fun to use.

  3. I tend to use cutters ...

    Many thanks for your recent question on the low carb diabetic blog about 'halo's' I have put a reply on the post here

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      I used cookie cutters more, too, which almost never and not in the past 40 years.

    2. Jan,
      Thanks. I will look for the answer.

  4. It seems like every family had a cookie press when I was growing up. As much fun as it was to work the press, I thought spritz cookies were absolutely tasteless. The miserly sugar sprinkles didn't help at all!

    Then I discovered Lynn's blog:

    Lynn has over 50 different spritz cookie recipes!! My favorite is her peanut butter spritz. I use the wreath die and press a Hershey's Drop (looks like a large brown M&M) in the center before baking. It makes for the most delectable little mouthful!

    Lynn has lots of other amazing recipes, too, so her blog is really worth a look. She has a bean bake featured on her sidebar that is to die for.

    I have 2 cookie presses (guns). One I bought specifically for a die that I couln't get anywhere else. It's a pretty oval tart shape. It has a depression in the center that can be filled with jam.

    Quite honestly, I don't find either cookie press difficult to clean.

    Lynn's blog:

    1. Sue,
      Thanks. Peanut butter or chocolate sounds better than the vanilla ones. I would rather have a pan of I will go and look at Lynn's site.

  5. I usually make cookie press cookies at Christmas. I put my press in the dishwasher and it cleans it all up just fine.
    I like most all cookies and have probably baked millions of them in my lifetime. But I don’t make or eat them nearly as often as I would like too because of health reasons.

    1. Rhonda,
      Of course, we did not have a dishwasher back in early 1960s. I am quite sure I would have had a career in cookie press cookies. Now that I think about the dishwasher, I may acquire another press.

      I love cookie, too. However, I must admit that most cookies are not my favorites to bake. My children loved chocolate chip, so that was my

    2. Halos and Cuties are brand names for the same fruit. We find that the ones in the stores around Christmas are often the best ones. They are sweet/tart and have a tight-ish peel. As the season progresses they become less tart sweet and their skins looser.

      This may not be true at all locations. These fruits are grown in California's Central Valley. I see them when I drive through the San Joaquin Valley to see my sister who lives near Modesto.

    3. Janet,
      We love Cuties and Halos! The last time I ate any citrus fruit, I became ill. I am allergic but try to eat them, anyway. I should not! I may eat one Christmas.
      I do know CA fruit has more nutrients than fruit grown in FL.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.