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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Reindeer and a Beautiful Song

On their way. These were gotten using credit earned shopping on Amazon. For four years, I have resisted the urge to spend it. 

This was always a favorite Christmas song of mine. However, as the years went by, it was no longer played at Christmas or any other time. I wish it were played more often. 

 Harry Belafonte is always great. Scarlet Ribbons

Today, I got out of the car after Tommy. I have him go up the ramp first. When he is in the house, I get out of the car so I won't have to stand on the ramp. At 4:30 we came inside. At 10:30 he went to take trash out of house. The car was still running. I am mortified. I need to be more careful. He did not even sound angry I had wasted so much gas. Ack!

Nothing has been cooked for Christmas. All the decorations, few as they are, are not up, just sitting here out of the tub. Oh well. If we get the reindeer up, I will be happy. If I could sleep except for all day, I would be even happier. 

Are you familiar with Scarlet Ribbons?


  1. My daughter has a bad habit of not turning her car (van) off when she comes into my house to pick up the kids. Sometimes she gets sidetracked and then it's just out there running.

    I hadn't heard the song before. He has a nice voice. But I didn't love the song.

    1. Alice,
      Besides running all the gas out of the car, it could easily be stolen. yikes!

      Oh, too bad. I have loved that since I was a child. But, a woman was singing it. It sounds darker with him singing.

  2. Nope, never heard of Scarlet Ribbons.

    Not gonna say anything about the car running. You seem to be apalled enough on your own.

    We're looking a little more festive than last year, but it's still kinda meager. I'm more concerned about getting the house cleaned and get my grocery list together. Oh, that turkey that I thought was over 20 lbs? Is actually 14.5. I guess it just looked bigger because of my dread over cooking it, LOL!

    I'm waiting for my shape sorter keychains/ornaments to arrive to inspire me to finish decorating the kid's tree.

    1. Sue,
      Did you listen?
      I am just horrified!
      That is funny about the turkey looking so huge. I would share the grocery dilemma and house cleaning. I have given up on house being clean before Christmas.
      I have three more ordered. How much were yours?

    2. Well, YES, I did read what you wrote, Linda. I said I wasn't going to comment because you were already appalled. What does that mean to you? Do you think I implied you don't feel guilty enough? :^(

      The shape sorter keychains arrived and are so cute! I have them hanging on the tree already. DH will have to cut off the keychains later so I can put them on proper ornament hooks. I got mine at *m*zon. $6.80 each. Shipping was free and super fast, so if I paid more than usual, it was worth it.

    3. Sue,
      "Did you listen?'--referred to whether you listened to the song and had not heard of it or whether you did not recognize the title.
      'I am horrified.' This was referring once again to the car running and in response to your comment.
      I forgot my T lady was at Disney World, so emailed and called. She is going to mail them. So, I hope she means when she gets back and not from there. Mine will be $2.50 each, I hope! That is what I paid for the one. Glad you like them.
      Merry Christmas, Sue!

  3. The reindeer look great! Oops about leaving the car running...was he the one driving or you?

    1. One,
      He was driving, but I started it with fob, so he did not have to get the key out. I sat there, waiting to get out. My fault, totally. Glad you like the reindeer.

    2. Okay, so I misunderstood. My apologies, Linda, for the confusion.

      I did listen to the song. Mmm...not my cuppa.

      I was shocked to learn that Sinead O'Connor covered it on her third album. Seems a real departure from her oeuvre.

    3. Sue,
      I suppose my telegraphic writing of that answer was not understandable.

      That is surprising Sinead O'Connor covered that.

      Don't worry about it.

  4. Your new reindeer are so festive & cute, I've always wanted some!

    I LOVE Scarlet Ribbons! My mother used to sing it to us as she played the guitar when we were little so I have very fond memories of this song & it usually makes me cry whenever I hear it, such a sweet story!

    You're lucky your car was still out there when he went back out there haha! I hear stories of cars being stolen all the time in situations like that. Glad that wasn't the case for you guys.

    Merry Christmas to you & Tommy!!

    1. After buying one for $1 once, I was holding off on buying them, but since it was with money from buying, I just decided to do it.

      Oh, you heard it! It is such a tear-jerker for me, too.

      You know, I told Tommy that I was glad it was still there. Not many people walk here at night. If so, the dogs next door would alert us, not that we would catch on. I have to do better.

      Thanks. Merry Christmas, Bri?

  5. ... I'm now singing Scarlet Ribbons ! :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      That should be quite entertaining for your husband. I would love to hear someone singing that song.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.