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Monday, January 1, 2024

2019 Picture and 2024 Goals


I found this picture I did not know I had in my email. It was taken at some event in Cullman.

This year, I have a few goals. My health is at the top of the list. 

I need a new mattress before I am lost in the lumps in this old one. 

I need to buy a new vehicle, one that is easier to drive and get rid of the Impala. I love the car, and it is in pristine condition. But, it is almost impossible for either of us to get into or out of it. 

Sewing is another big thing I need to do. I have things to repair including clothes, dishcloths, towels of all kinds. Mending saves money. Maybe I will make some blouses. 

Finding Tommy a new vehicle and selling his present one is an important thing to get done and not just talk about it.
Oh--return expensive laptop I hate, find a new one I like before this slow, old noisy computer just dies of old age, and I cannot get my info out. 

I am so exhausted that even little things are a huge chore, but we have to do these things! However, no amount of sleep leaves me feeling rested...EVER.

Today, we saw a special about M*A*S*H, my favorite series ever. Now, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is on with a favorite actor, Steve Martin. Last night, we stayed up until 5 am to see Airplane 11: The Sequel since I had never seen it. Tommy never can stay awake that long, but last night he did not nod at all. I was the one wanting to sleep. (I did get 8 hours sleep.)

I suppose we will start taking down decorations tonight. I dread taking down the deer outdoors.

We will continue our frugal ways.

Have you taken down your Christmas decorations yet?

Do you make resolutions? Or, do you have goals? 

Can you share your plans? 



  1. Good morning, that is a very nice photo of you.
    You are so right that health is important.
    Something about our health we can fix, but somethings we just can’t and that is frustrating

    Happy 2024 to you and Tommy

    1. Rhonda,
      Thank you. I was less fat in that picture. I had forgotten about the picture.

      Yes, it is most important to me! I am working hard on what I can fix, and am still getting nowhere with the medical community.

      Happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. We would have had our decor down on Dec 26, but we decided to take a quick trip to Gatlinburg for a few days. We did take it down on the 30th and it's all packed away and put up.

    My goal was to purchase a new-to-me car in 2025. However, my current car broke down while in Gatlinburg (for the second time in a year!). I got it fixed, drove it home, and traded it in. So I have a car payment that I wasn't planning on for another year, but that's OK.

    I don't have a yearly goal. I guess my resolution is to move more. But I'm going to take it month by month with small goals each month. For January, it's an "ease into it" kind of month. 15 modified push ups (stand in front of a door and do push ups on the door), 15 squats, 15 sit ups. If I do that each day, I can so more in February. I also have a doctor appointment to get my hormones straightened out. I am hopeful that will help me a lot.

    1. Alice,
      I never want my decorations down before NYE. But, that is me.

      At least you have a trustworthy car even if it means a car payment.

      Moving more comes under health goals. I am not so ambitious as you.

  3. Happy New you to your and your family Linda. I will be posting our to do list tomorrow. Fingers crossed you get everything achieved on your to-do list!

    1. Gill,
      Thanks. Happy New Year to you and your family.
      Well, if I don't improve my health, I won't be here next year.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.