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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Different Car Search

 It s shocking when Tommy told me the squash we had bought eight days before was still in the refrigerator, two cups, along with three quarts of strawberries. You have to understand I rarely look in the refrigerator. 

He has washed two quarts of strawberries, telling me that he only lost about five strawberries. Today, I took care of the squash, one cup, anyway--squash casserole. 

I cannot remember the recipe, but sort of know. I tried what I thought a couple of years ago, and it was awful. So, I tried the same recipe with different cheese. I always used sliced American Cheese. But, the last time that was so awful, I tried to use a healthier cheese--Kraft Cheddar. So, this time is when I used sliced American cheese again. 

The trouble is that there was little American cheese. Tommy eats that; I don't. He had about a year's worth in the freezer, most of which we found when freezer was cleaned out. So, he brought out a package sized portion. It had ice all over it, tasted okay, but texture was awful--not cheesy, sort of crunchy, dry and crumbly. 

I cut the squash, put buttered bread pieces on it, along with the awful cheese. Well, it turned out great. I made slaw from slaw mix bought over a week ago! We will eat it soon so that I can mix the other package. 

Since I had put four pieces of lightly buttered bread in the squash casserole, I decided to have no bun with my burger. The burger, slaw, and squash casserole were delicious tonight. 

Well, that is a lot of talk about a very simple dinner! I probably won't make the squash casserole again this year. 

When I first came here, I tried to convince Tommy not to eat American Cheese he had, to eat Cheddar. I told him it was better for him. He said, "I will just eat good old American Cheese!"  When I told him why it was not good for us, he was shocked into silence. Now, he mostly eats other cheese.

Mower did not come today. Cleaner will come on Friday and Sunday. Mower will come on Saturday. I have just about convinced Tommy to use the guy from Lowe's to put up the light fixtures. 

I went into Publix instead of sending Tommy and spent over $40 and bought no food. It was all edible, though. I did buy a quart of Chobani yogurt for me and the cooked Jimmy Dean sausage patties. Tommy won't eat yogurt, and I will only eat two of the eight sausage patties, his reward for not getting sausage and biscuit from Hardees. I did buy Diet Mt. Dew bogo, but only six bottles. I will only drink half one at a time and not very often. I do not need the caffeine. I wish they made it caffeine free. 

I heard this woman on sort of whispered rant. Finally, I asked her if she was talking about cereal. She was. I told her I found it cheaper at The Pig, even when it was bogo at Publix. It was funny as she was raking Publix over the coals. 

This afternoon, a car advertisement came up on my news feed about a sale. I clicked on and had to go through this form to put name and email and zip code. I quit when they wanted my phone number. Three minutes later I got a call from a car salesman from a car dealer in Birmingham. I exclaimed, "Oh, I just knew you dealers were tracking me. At any rate, I agreed to come in maybe tomorrow or Saturday. Maybe I won't if people are coming here. 

I am quite sure I did not put in my phone number. My email was already in the form along with my first name and maiden name. I have not entered that for a car company, either. So, I suppose anyone knows all about me. A friend is so careful so no one tracks her as she browses. I think we have no chance of hiding!

Do you have people contact you after being on the internet? 

When you email or write something on a blog, does the item show up in an ad or a news feed? 


  1. I can type about something on my blog and then I get ads. I can type something on FB and then get adds. The track everything we do. Scary part is I can actually be thinking about something, and never look, and there it is in an ad.
    I have also covered my camera spot on my laptop. I was getting hacked a lot until I did that.
    I had to laugh you telling Tommy Amer. cheese is bad and then you drink Mt. Dew! LOL. That stuff is horrible for you! It tastes good - but it is sure bad for you.

    1. Tommy and I discuss things and something shows up. I know who people who live on the internet and then say they don't do something on the internet to protect their identity. Silly.
      I drink Diet Mt Dew once a month, maybe. He eats cheese at least twice a day.

    2. Cheryl,
      I cover the camera first thing when I get a new computer home, always have. It is creepy.

  2. Install a free Adware program on your computer. Keeps those ads away. Also a VPN. If you look yourself up online, you can find all your information as to who you are. Your phone tracks you wherever you go, even if you turn it off. I not only cover my computer lens, I disable the microphone. These things are always listening to you. Social media is the worst. We snack on Tillamook cheddar every day.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I do have adware. These come in like a news item. I know I can find myself online. These calls come within a minute of my search for a car. It is just creepy! Okay, I do need to disable the microphone. We both love cheese. I know I have tried Tillamook, but forgot whether I like it or not. Thanks!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.