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Thursday, August 8, 2024

An Expensive Car Key Loss

 About the age spot remover--I will look for it tomorrow at store. I wanted it for one flat brown spot. The things I had taken off were raised, so this spot was different. 

The woman who just saw my car and asked about it without my advertising it wants to test drive it. However, I managed to lose the key. I spent several hours trying to talk to a dealer or locksmith about the problem. One dealer said it would be $90 to make key, and $175 to program it, and "oh, by the way, you need to have it towed to the dealer." That won't fly. 

One locksmith called. He could come here, make the key, program it from his van for $250--DEAL! We were amazed he could do it from his van since no one else seemed to be able. 

One woman from one locksmith was difficult to understand because of her heavy accent and fast talking. I asked her to slow down because her accent made communication difficult. When she hear 'accent' she started screaming at me that she 'did not have an accent.' I hung up. I was polite, but she went ballistic. 

At other places, I was told to leave a voice mail. Only one actually called back, but the guy we used was here already. 

One phone answerer promised a person on the other end. Three times I got an answering machine. The fourth time I called back, I pointed out I had not gotten a person. She got all indignant about me not like the way they did business and she was sorry I was unhappy. I hung up again. 

I would recommend Around the Clock Locksmith--1205-225-6457. He was very nice, polite, prompt and took my debit card. Areas We Serve | Around The Clock Locksmith ( He happened to be in the area, so the service was fast. 

Maybe they have this business in other areas/states. It appears so when I googled the business. 

Today, I had a list of 18 things to do, some were places we needed to go, and others were calls. I managed to get over half done. 

I found out how to get to voice mails and was upset my monthly rate went up when I tried to get a better deal on cells. That was a bummer. two places to return things are on the list for tomorrow. Cannot get electrician to respond. Paid Amazon. No late charge. Called derm to find out why Tommy's prescription shampoo was not called in to pharmacy. We got all three store ads and bought some things. Got Tommy's car tag stickers. Called my bank.

Yesterday, I was commenting about a police car. As we passed it Tommy said, 

"He lit me up." I have never heard that phrase, so wondered aloud why we were turning into a church. The guy reminded him and let us go. 

I had gotten an email from McAfee that they had charged me $818.16 cents for five years of McAfee. I got out of email with no response and called bank. I will call every day. Then, I got a call that someone had ordered and ipad with my Amazon card, to call back if I had not ordered it or do something else. I just hung up. I don't play those games. Whew!

Tommy had salad at dinner time when I was sleeping. A apple flavored pork loin, carrots, onions, and potatoes are in the oven. I suppose it will be done by 10 pm. 

I have a uti, so maybe won't eat much. 

No, I don't know where I lost the key. 

Has getting new key been a hassle for you? This programming is a pain. 


  1. I'm getting bombarded with emails at the moment, many of them telling me that my McAfee coverage will be cancelled if I don't pay up. Then I've won 180 piece tool kit or something from a major store in London. Delete and block, delete and block (although I kinda enjoy it to be honest)!

    1. Treaders,
      I have won so many things it is I sort of think that marking them as spam will stop then from getting to my inbox. Maybe that is an incorrect perception I have. Yes, I do love blocking.

  2. A new key for my vehicle is around $100 - the vehicle can be opened and locked with just a key if nec. A key fob. I have to get at the dealer only - they have to program and that is costly. I had to do that once.

    1. Cheryl, My car only runs with a programmed key...big problem. I have never had a car like that!

  3. My spam filter seems to do a pretty good job and I don't get much spam email at all

    1. One,
      Maybe mine does, too. I don't know what is considered

  4. what does 'he lit me up" mean?

  5. Years ago, shortly after we moved to the farmhouse, I used to have to keep the garage freezer locked because my littles and my cherished neighbor's littles would rummage through it for popsicles and such. I didn't mind that, but they had a nasty habit of not closing the door properly. One November day, as I was heading to the garage freezer, I dropped the key to it behind the wood box, where it fell in an odd little crevice. No way I was getting it out, and, in fact, it's probably still there! I had to have the appliance store order me a universal freezer key, which was only a few dollars. Problem was, our Thanksgiving turkey was in that freezer, and the key wasn't going to arrive until after Thanksgiving. We wound up buying a fresh turkey that year! I have a kid who, like you, seems to constantly misplace things including keys. It causes a lot of unnecessary, self imposed stress. I confess to having grown to being not very nice when I happened upon, oh, say kid's sunglasses where they shouldn't be. I usually said something like "You better put these where they belong because God help us all if you can't find them when you want them," and then shadowed that kid until they got put in the proper place. Kid could have been in the middle of brushing their teeth or eating lunch, and I would make kid put discovered item away. Kid still misplaces stuff, but at least no longer makes us suffer, beyond asking nicely for help locating said item. I don't understand why people continue to do the things they do which cause they know makes them miserable. It's weird because this kid isn't the one who has a tendency to keep a lot of unnecessary stuff. THAT kid knows exactly what stuff they have and where it last was.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.