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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Pain Like I Have Never Felt at Doctor's; Smell of Burning Flesh

 So, what do you do when you have had three hard days, not enough sleep? Well, I suppose you go to the most painful medical procedure in a doctor's office in your whole life! 

There was no smell with my procedures and no pain with Tommy' procedure. 

I even took Tommy with me to his very first visit to this type doctor.  Surprisingly, he had things he wanted done, too. He has kicked against this type doctor, but went willingly and added procedures. 

When they got through with me, I begged them to hurt him, too. But, they did not, giving him multiple shots of pain killer. What!!!

The doctor pretty much laughed at me most of the time. And, I am going back every two weeks-- my choice! I will get this over with once and for all. 

My dermatologist went to another office that is further away. So, I decided to give his associate a try. I went for several skin problems, but they all seem to be a variation of one problems--seborrheic keratoses. I have mentioned this before. 

However, there never seemed to be a solution. It appears there is a solution. However, I thought I was dying. Yes, I am speaking in hyperbole. It seemed real!

He always took the container of liquid nitrogen and shot it pst pst here and pst there onto the spots. No, I wasn't squealing. Well, she took the liquid nitrogen and went psssssssssssssssssttt over and OVER. It hurt so that I was squealing and trying not to do so. The first place she did was under my eye. This is not a cosmetic fix for me. The place hurt, felt tingly like electricity, and I kept accidentally poking it and hurting it with my nails when I tried to wipe my eye. The procedure took my breath away. 

My heart was racing. I wonder what the Holter monitor was reading. 

Then, she moved on the next place but told me not to scream. Tommy said I was not screaming, just squealing a bit.  The next place was under my breasts. That was very painful, and I had to hold my breasts up, not squeal, and remember to breathe! This was at my chest wall. Then, I had some on my breasts! That did not hurt so much, but I had to be careful not to get my fingers in the way. 

Thennnn, she said they were all over my back. He would pst about eight keratoses and say, "next time." Then, they all had to be retreated when I came in next.  She gave a huge section of my back a pssssssssssssssssssst. She will do my back in sections. I mostly grunted for my back. 

Right now, the one under my eye is really hurting! The back itches something fierce. This ordeal wiped me out! Maybe you think I am being melodramatic or a big baby, but it was real. 

I wanted Tommy to go to dermatologist for his horrid dandruff. He has been adamant he was not going, that it was his dandruff, and he was not going. Well, he agreed, and I made the appointment. He had a surprise. He had a growth removed from his back that the men is his family have had on their backs through generations. He swore he would keep that. Sometime, he grew one on his behind, too. So, they burned those off. The smell of burning flesh was horrendous. Neither hurt him. One stung a bit. They did give him several shots for pain in each location. I was given nothing!

Then, we had a BK, Jr. and went to look at cars. We found a Hallmark car place, talked to a salesman who went to get himself a golf cart, then Tommy decided we needed to go in order to miss rush hour. I need to call and apologize on Thursday. 

We came closer to home and saw another car dealer, drove through and came home.  We were both very tired, and it was almost five pm.

Thankfully, we had hotdogs and chili without beans, so no cooking. I had one bun, two hotdogs, chili sauce, and shredded cheese on top along with tomato and slaw. Tomorrow, I will probably have slaw on my dog and freeze the rest of the chili sauce. Tommy had two hotdogs and buns, salad, and some other vegetables. 

Last night, Tommy forgot the muscadine in the car. I think I will make a smidgen of jelly, not very sweet jelly, more like syrup. I love eating muscadines, but these seemed tough and bitter. So, they were not fun to eat. Tommy said he might have one. Maybe I should have bought scuppernong. 

Have you ever had liquid nitrogen applied to anything. Did it hurt like the devil? Did you get a spritz or two or a long psssssssssssssst?

Did it hurt? 

Did the place come back? 

What was it?

Did you have anything burned off and smelled flesh?


  1. I've had things burned off with liquid nitrogen a number of times, but it never hurt like you're describing. Maybe it was the doctor?

    1. obscure,
      She certainly did not back off when I expressed pain, but I think it was me. I have fibromyalgia and feel pain worse than most people. However, I have never experienced anything like this before. This was excruciating.

  2. I have had liquid nitrogen "treatments" before. It burned a little but that was all. The after effects are what I did not like because my arms looked like I was contagious with some horrific lesions. THe dermatologist zapped me over 30 times.
    Over time the age spots came back, but they are lighter.

    1. Anne,
      I found something that does the trick for age spots. However, it is somewhere in the house. Years ago, I was wandering the aisles of a store and found it. When I find it, I will let you know. I used it for one large spot. It took a while to get rid of the spot. After a few months, it did come back but lighter. I need to find it.

    2. Ugh...lost a comment. Apologies if this is a duplicate. Freshman year in college I had a problematic spot on my finger burned off. It didn't hurt, (I believe he administered a local) and I vividly remember the smell! I walked home afterwards and proceeded with my day. The following day I was physically sick. Who knows, though, if it was related to the procedure or just one of those winter bugs. I had a kid have liquid nitrogen treatments in kindergarten. No issues, kid didn't even blink.
      Did you tell her to treat the pain or did you just squeal? I have warned my kids from infancy that medical personnel do not like theatrics because it creates a dangerous situation. If you sob over a shot, they aren't going to recognize when you are truly in distress. They need you to TELL them what you feel so they can treat you appropriately, even if what you are feeling is simply fear. That said, I have also told them if they ARE in pain, even during a simple procedure, they need to communicate that clearly, and ask them to stop and ADDRESS the pain. "Boo hoo owow whaaa" doesn't cut it. They don't speak whine, but you can't suffer in silence and expect good results either. They have enough patients who are incapable of communicating to care for without having to play games figuring out what you're trying to say. That said, I do not tolerate medical personnel allowing pain to go untreated, but they can't treat it if you can't communicate effectively.

    3. I was doing the best I could!

  3. I think BBQ ought to be on your menus tonight...LOL!

    We've discussed keratoses before, you and me. I had a procedure with medical-grade hydrogen peroxide that felt horrendous. Like they were stubbing out lit cigarettes on my back. 4 rounds of application per keratosis. It was not fun, but effective enough.

    I've learned my derm has since abandoned that procedure for something newer and even more fun. Yeah. That sort of fun will just have to wait.

    I would also be interested in hearing about the age spot remover. I have more on my left hand (due to driving) than my right, and I'd love to at least fade them a bit.

  4. PS: Why wouldn't Tommy just buy Head & Shoulders or Nizoral for his dandruff? Both are extremely effective.

    1. Sue,
      Because "I don't have dandruff." and "I don't care." I actually gave him the bottle he has. He may or may not use it. No one would believe how nasty he is to me because he is so sof-spoken and compliant! I forgot to tell her but he has white flakes and patches all over his face, too. He probably got that off because there was none in the doctor's office and I forgot to tattle.

  5. Ouch.
    I hope this passes soon
    I've had some skin bits burned via liquid nitrogen; happily no lasting pain from such.

  6. I have had a couple of treatments where they "froze" a few spots. While it was not pleasant it was certainly tolerable.

    1. Janet,
      The other doctor gave it to me in small pst. This doctor gave it to me in psssssssssssssssst length. So, the first was tolerable.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.