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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Car Shopping and Best News

 Sort of...

After the fiasco of a doctor visit, I wanted to redeem the day with something positive toward our goals. Well, car dealer had other thoughts. 

We went to Bessemer to car lots, passing four lots on the way to his target. Well, there was only one car there, obviously the person who was going to lock the door on the way out. 

So, we went back to the other lots. One only had one SUV; one had the entrance blocked; another had only trucks, it appeared; one had so little room we feared we could not get out. 

Then, we went to place that had the Buick. This is third time there. The first time, we told the guy D I was too tired to get out and we would return. We did but could not get out to vehicles because there was a car blocking the circle of vehicles. Someone moved that obstacle and we drove the Buick around the lot. I was having trouble walking and it was sooo hot. I told the guy R that I had to go. After the other lots above, I wanted to go back to this lot. 

The guy R came to the car. I asked about getting in to see the cars. The guy fiddled with a tiny piece of paper and asked if we came about the Buick. (Oh, I did ask why they kept the circle of cars blocked. He said, "Because we don't want people driving into there and bumping cars.) I said, "No." He said, "Which one do you want to see." I said, "I don't know." He just stood there, did not look at me, and continued fiddling with the piece of paper that was smaller than a gum wrapper. I continued to look at him, wondering if he was going to say anything. Then, somehow, my window slowly went up. He turned on his heels at that point and left. 


We came home.

Somehow, I slept wrong Monday night, and my neck was stiff the next morning. Tuesday night it was not better. This morning, Wednesday, it seems to have gone into my shoulder blade/back. The TV is to the left of me, so it is hard to watch TV without sort of turning my body. I take a baby aspirin every night, so I may take 2 or 3 tonight. We don't have regular aspirin in the house. Neither of us take anything for pain. We just 

We forgot to get the ads today, but I was napping part of the day. We will do that as soon as I round up 

Best news of all. I am rarely hungry! And, I have lost more weight. I hear about elderly people not wanting much to eat. Am I there? Amithere? Hurray!

Early evening, I mentioned to Tommy he needed to cook the package of pork for the taco soup. OH SHOOT!!! What? He said he forgot to take it out of the freezer. I told him we could just boil it to thaw it. I think he was relieved I was not irritated. Yes, I do get irritated when he does not get out a chunk of frozen chicken breasts that I have reminded him about for three days.

Taco Soup--ground pork, Five Cheese Italian Shredded Cheese, Taco Seasoning, two cans black beans-drain, one can whole kernel corn, two cans tomato bits or chunks, 1/2 cup Uncle Ben's Parboiled Rice. Put as much or as little as you like of any of this to your taste. I am not as thrilled with the corn as everything else, so I put less. This is actually double the recipe. Okay, I do not double the rice.

I will freeze enough for two generous helpings. The night we opened a package when we were starving and exhausted, was a happy occasion for us. It will happen again. This was a great meal for that occasion. I will have a salad, also, tonight. Okay, I finally am hungry! Very hungry. 

Stevie Wonder is playing and singing at DNC. 

Doctor's office has not called me back. I gave her all day so I could not be blamed for rushing her or nurse.

About 6pm I realized we had not gotten ads. We got them and there are sales/bogo to buy. YAY!

I forgot to call about the dog today and yesterday. But, both days we have tried to call the dog and nothing. So, maybe someone rescued it. 

The weather has been surprisingly mild here, especially during mornings and evenings. Of course, and thankfully, the heat is coming back. We still are under a drought. That is hard to believe when we see people drowning, roads flooding, and houses with water in them in other areas of the country. 

Tomorrow, the plan is to go across town to Home Depot for a door and to used car lots.

What are your plans for Thursday? 


  1. I have been watching the convention all day. I have spied my delegation several times. My neighbor, friend, PCO and mentor is there. She and I car pooled to our state convention together. I can't wait to hear from her when she gets back!

    1. Meg,
      I have not watched all day, just from 7 pm on. It was very uplifting and makes me hopeful. It is nice you saw your friend.

  2. Tonight's speakers were amazing, but I was especially struck by Republican mayor of Mesa, John Giles' words. "John McCain's Republican Party is gone, and you don't owe a damn thing to what's left behind." I hope people are listening.

    1. Meg,
      Yes, I heard that and hope people pay attention.

  3. edited to add: Giles spoke last night.

  4. I do know at lots here, they do block the cars so people can't drive around. Cars could easily get damaged, and that prevents them from easily being stolen. I have friends that were salesmen and that is how they keep the cars safe from any damage.
    Dogs are either gone or dead. Poor babies. That is just so disturbing.

    1. Cheryl,
      I have never seen or heard of blocking access to car lots.
      Today, I will call and see.

  5. I have enjoyed your blog, Linda, until Meg had to inject politics into it. Goodbye


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.