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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Three Hard Days

 Monday, the cleaner came. I went for a nap. Electrician said he was coming soon. I waited up, and we did not eat dinner. He was later than he said, and then stayed here three hours. At the end of day (three am), I was exhausted. 

Today, we awoke with a list. We trimmed the list until we could do all. 

I went into Lowe's to find another light for over kitchen sink. There was nothing I could see that would work in the space. No one came to help, and I could not read the boxes or get them down. We had things to return and another item to purchase. Leaving the rest off was how we trimmed that trip to Lowe's. We left off another store with returns. 

Tommy does returns, so he was glad not to get out of the car both places. He did go into the two stores. Tomorrow is another busy day, so we were trying not to wear ourselves clean slap out. 

The Kraft Parmesan Cheese in the green shaker was on sale but gone. So, I settled for the Parmesan Romano. I told Tommy to get a 5 gallon of vinegar. Yes, I was that tired. Then we went to Publix with a list Tommy made from last week's ad. He got a few things, nothing on the list. We took cheese sandwiches so we would not buy something out. His blood sugar dropped while he was in the first store, so he wisely bought M&Ms to keep blood sugar from dropping too much. He would have been at passing out stage soon.

He bought us each a chicken tender from Publix--$4 total. Even though we ate them in the car, I decided that would be our dinner protein. 

We went to the Farmer's Market in the park, but the park was blocked off. It seems that there was a Night Out or something. We drove between the barriers to get in. Someone saw us and moved the saw horses closer together. The women always come to us, get our order and take the card. Today, we bought a cup of tomatoes--5 and a cup of muscadines. Those will be good. Tommy may eat one of the five. At 6 pm, we unloaded the car. I went to bed at 6:30 and could only sleep one hour.  

I sliced the last tomato we bought last week. It was so good. I had slaw and several slices on tomato for dinner about 8 pm when I awoke. Then, I added one hotdog and no bun. I will have an apple later. 

I tried a Oui Lime Pie flavor, and it was horrid. I am so glad I only had one. 

Tomorrow, our day won't start until noon, thankfully. My body is shaking right now. 

Maybe it is too soon to rejoice. This evening, I took one glucosamine chondroitin. Dose is two, three times a day. When I awoke from my little nap, my knee did not hurt in the least. Of course, a few more days will be the real test. Twenty-five years ago, I had severe knee pain after knee surgery for a torn meniscus. The doctor told me this probably would not help. The next morning, my knee was better. After that for years I never had pain. It seems I am having the same results. I may have spoken too soon. 

I sort of wrote this post out of order, but it all happened. No editing again.

Have you ever taken Glucosamine Chondroitin? Did it work?

Have you ever been worn to a frazzle with a disability and cannot recover for weeks? That is where I am heading! 

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading in JAMA (many years ago) a double blind study on the efficacy of glucosamine was no better than placebo for arthritis pain. However I don't remember if it was done in patient with pain or to see if it would prevent pain.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.