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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Poor Dogs! Update!

 I had Tommy go to the fence and try to lure the dogs into sight. We have not seen them for a few days. It was over 105F 'feels like' temperature. He took dog treats with him, real dog treats not leftovers.

He can hear one dog barking when he called for 'doggy.'  The window he could see open was only open about eight inches. I am quite sure the dog is too hot. 

I was so mad I said I was going to call Governor Memaw! Oh, called police and guy told me twice that was for animal control. I reminded him he had to contact him, so he said he would. That was the moment I was more angry. They would be better off outside where they might catch a breeze or lie in the grass under a tree or in the shade of the house. Remember, there is no electricity in this house to run ac or fan.

Maybe this is unreasonable, but this is stressing me!

The other dog that is not barking is fat and wheezy sounding. I hope he is not suffering so he cannot even bark. 

The Hueytown. AL police department must know something I don't about the conditions under which a dog is not abused, stressed, and in danger. Isn't this akin to leaving a dog in a hot car?


Tommy was wrong. The dog is outside, just over on the other side of the house. However, there is one dog all alone as far as we or the policeman who came here can see.  At least, the dog is not shut up in the hot house. So, the animal control officer will be alerted again. It is a mystery as to why this is not corrected. Still, this is heartbreaking.


  1. This is 110% animal cruelty!!!! There is absolutely no excuse for all agencies to be avoiding this. I would call the TV news help lines - the Govenor, the Mayor, absolutely anyone that might listen.
    I am not there - but it makes me stressed and it is sooooooo wrong. No creature deserves to be treated that way. Can you imagine the filth in the house? They are in and have to potty. The smell is soon to be at your door as well.
    Pisses me off to the max.

    1. Cheryl,
      The update was the dogs are not inside. News is a good idea.

  2. people routinely leave dogs behind to suffer whatever fate life deals. Is there a local rescue organisation who would come get it?

  3. Thank you for trying to help those suffering dogs. Do they have food or water?
    Call a local TV station I bet they can get those dogs rescued. Go on Facebook and ask for help. There are many good people in the world who would help.
    It's not illegal in your state to abandon a dog?
    I'm with you, it is tearing out my heart.

    1. savannah,
      It is ridiculous to think a dog can be left without love.
      I will!
      I suppose no one calls this abandonment.

  4. How sad that it's known no one lives there, yet animal control is not doing anything. I hate dealing with gov't/bureaucracy depts. They all just pass the buck and no one does anything unless you just raise a complete ruckas. Would it be possible to talk to a couple of the other neighbors and get them to call in as well? Maybe more calls will get them to take the dogs out

    1. One,
      They have no other close neighbors except us next door and the house opposite on the other side of the street. They are on a corner which is actually a wide loop and neighbors are barely in sight. The neighbors behind all of us are on a lot like ours, very deep. So, not many people realize the people are not there. I was just discussing the fact they don't bark much anymore. I suppose the dogs have no one to protect so quit barking.

  5. How horrible to have dogs mistrt4d like that. It makes me so sad for them.

    1. Belinda,
      They never got any attention, but at least they had their people.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.