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Sunday, August 4, 2024


 We all have them. Most people have more than one, maybe one in a purse or glove compartment, one in a suitcase, one never opened, waiting in line for use. 

My favorite toothbrush that I received from my dentist was discontinued. The dental office did not know why. I took it upon myself to discover why. It turns out the machine that made the GUM toothbrush I loved broke. They were going to fix it. Nope. Six months later, the company decided not to repair the machine, just discontinue making my toothbrush. RATS!

The dental office found another one they recommended and to give to patients. It hurts my gums, but they had given me two, so Tommy got those, even the one I tried. I read about another one at CVS--Oral B Sensi Soft. It is wonderful. Tommy bought me two to try. They are over $9/2. 

I found the same thing on Amazon for a little over $4. One tore up when I stuffed it back into the packing. So, I ordered two more. Then, I promptly lost the package I bought at CVS. 

Today, I saw a little bit of a white plastic bag peeking from between a couple of white envelopes. It was the lost toothbrushes I bought from CVS. Okay, I have about five new, never-used toothbrushes. 

I have two old ones like I like in Tommy's bathroom drawer. I took it. He did not care since any toothbrush suits him. Then, I found another two of the GUM toothbrushes in my stash of extra stuff. Then, I found a used one in the glove compartment in a toothbrush holder. 

I think there are also about 8 toothbrushes in active use. It is ridiculous, I know. It just happened somehow. I never have had more than two toothbrushes in use before now. They were already open when I counted them. I have one by my chair, one at the sink, and one by my bed. They all three travel between locations. lol. Silly toothbrushes. 

Years ago, I gave all three children, sil, dil, and four grandchildren free toothbrushes. Free to me or about a quarter apiece. I don't find those bargains now. But, for the ones I use now, I never intend to be without this new brand--Oral B Sensi Soft--00410-10430. If I ever seen the GUM Sun again, I will buy more of those.

Toothbrushes were passed out to lots of people for a few years. It makes me anxious to think people don't have toothbrushes. I feel obligated to help people who need them. 

Okay, enough said about toothbrushes.  

I almost never throw away a toothbrush, storing them under bathroom sink and kitchen sink to clean. 

Today, the cleaner cancelled. She needs a new tire on her car. I have a list of things for her, nothing hard or lengthy. The list will keep things moving along. I thought we did not remove all the food from the freezer to sort, but she and Tommy say we did. 

This afternoon, I suggested we go somewhere to get out of the house. We tried to see the dogs but could not. Then, we went to look at a car in a closed car lot. I thought car dealers were open on Sundays. Then, I found a dress that I hope works, and little pink purse so I don't carry this heavy red one. It can be a fanny pack or crossbody. And, we got Tommy's milk. Plus, he requested serving spoons without slots. I got another pack of  microfiber cloths. This way, I can fill two or three of the lingerie bags with dirty cloths and wash them separately in the washing machine in cold water. I did not know until lately that they should not be washed in hot water or dried. 

That was our big excursion for the day. The day was bright, beautiful, and very dry. 

I finally got the fertilizer ready for Tommy to use on flowers and blackberries. so he needs to water with just water today. 

Do you ever use Miracle Gro?

Do your gums seem to hurt with some toothbrushes? Are they sensitive like mine?

What is your favorite toothbrush? 


  1. I have a toothbrush in my house and one in the RV that are in use. I have lots of them for cleaning purposes and I like soft bristles, as my gums tend to be sensitive. One of my old toothbrushes is used to bathe my turtle, Dora. No soap, just running water and she enjoys a good scrub with the soft bristles.

    1. Kathy,
      Two is enough to be in service! Somehow, I did a little bit of overkill here.
      I think that is cute, scrubbing your turtle. I heard they like a scratch.

  2. I have two or three going for fun. Once in a while I put the through the dishwasher. They last a long time.
    I like stiff bristles.

    1. Urspo,
      I only put cleaning toothbrushes through the washer. The ones in use get a few days in Listerine. The soft toothbrushes feel like they have still bristles since my gums are sensitive.

    2. I meant to say the soft bristles feel stiff to me.

  3. I have used Oral B toothbrushes forever. I like their small, soft headed ones. Th regular sized are too big for my mouth to use comfortably. I always use Miracle Grow, in fact I use their potting soil for petunias every year. too. They grow huge with tons of flowers.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I am not sure if these are small heads, but I know what you mean about the larger ones. They are not comfortable at all.
      I don't have petunias this year, but I hope the miracle gro causes them to flourish. I spray it on their faces/leaves, too, and talk to them. They love it.

  4. I have an electric toothbrush that I love, bought from Amazon at a good price. I have about a dozen replacement heads for it. But I also use an Oral B toothbrush because it has a bigger head that I like for brushing my tongue and it has little nibs on the back of the head. Those are nice for cleaning the inside of the cheeks while brushing. The electric toothbrush runs for two minutes once turned on, in increments of 30 seconds. I am very methodical in brushing my teeth, as my daddy had false teeth since way before I was born. He was 43 when I was born. I do 30 seconds on the 'left outside,' then 'right outside,' and then 'bottom inside,' and then 'top inside.'

    Hubby waters the flowers every day and uses the miracle grow every other day.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.