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Monday, August 12, 2024

Bypassing Amazon

 No, I am not feeling better. Could not sleep last night, did not try today. I am going to bed very early tonight.

We went to get bread, milk, and bananas. I needed to go and do something, somewhere but told Tommy I could not handle anymore. My bread was bogo. Tommy got one loaf last week and another today. I took ten slices out of the last loaf and put it into freezer bags. two slices in each bag. The one he got today will get the same treatment. Since I now have room in the freezer, I can save money on bread. 

We are eating protein from the freezer, so maybe by turkey breast sale time, I can add a few of those for next year. Right now, we are eating cooked protein. There is some frozen that maybe I can get thawed and cooked, and refrozen for quick meals. 

We did get from the local hardware a light bulb with a sensor in it that turns the light on at dusk and off at dawn, only $8. He brought it out to us, took the cc, and brought it back to car. Good deal. Better than Lowe's!

We came home and I still had not put the clean car in the carport nor had I looked to see what was in the trunk that needed to come out. If we do it now, we will not have to ask the buyers or pay cleaner or mower. The trunk was stuffed full. Really, that was where I put plastic I used on lawn to paint things. So, not as full as it looked. One thing had to come in. We can do a box each day. Half the trunk had the thin tarps. I need to paint, so I will keep them to use for that, bundled into a bag. 

Tommy chose the red Rubbermaid box. Inside, I found all sort of Christmas and Auburn stuff, bought on sale, obviously. I put one Auburn object on Tommy's chair. He tossed it aside and didn't murmur a word. I will get it back tomorrow when he is out of the chair. He never, ever says thank you. Remember that he graduated from Auburn. 

Latest project--making a dowel thing to hang his Auburn banner. I did find a bit to declutter in car I am selling. Decluttered my table by my chair so it won't accumulate. Red box is still sitting, waiting on me.

I only got three calls out of dozen made today. But, that is still a win considering how awful I feel. 

My teeth are flossed and brushed, so I will not eat more. Besides, it is 9:30, and I intend to be in bed by 10 pm. 

I need to shine up the chrome on the car to make it look extra spiffy and clean out the two little pockets on each door. Huggies Wipes are handy.

Okay, had meds to take, so will try to stay awake until 10:30 in order not to have reflux. 

Have you ever used a bulb with sensor in the bulb to turn light off and on with the sun? 



  1. I like your plan for decluttering a little bit at a time. I have a bad habit of making piles of things and then the pile sits there so long it becomes part of the landscape. I'm working on that. I also have a bad habit of doing laundry and then putting it on the spare bed and then not taking care of that. I fixed that yesterday, all the laundry in the house is finished, hung, folded, and put up. What a glorious three minutes that was until we put something in the laundry basket.

    I keep wipes in my car, too. And tissues.

    1. Alice,
      I can relate to the 'glorious three minutes' in many aspects. It is like getting everything into the dishwasher, turn it on, and someone puts a spoon into the sink! If I had a spare bed, I would probably fall into that.
      Wipes cannot be kept in the car since it is in full sun and the heat is tremendous. I had one pack dry out. We keep it still in the car and just use a water bottle to rehydrate one cloth at a time. It works.

  2. Grrr, why is it my comments to you vanish??? All our our lights are on sensors, but we keep the switch off so they don't stay on all night. The light pollution is bad for birds, as well as the bees we keep. Plus, I can't bear to see the light from my bedroom. The last person in at night turns off the lights. Kids are pretty good about making sure everyone is home before they turn off the lights. Well, except DD. She has a nasty habit of leaving lights on EVERYWHERE.
    Our farmhouse didn't have sensor lights. Many is the time in fall/winter when we would leave in the afternoon, get delayed, and come home around 5p.m to a pitt black walk WITH A STEP UP!!! Very dangerous. Before the age if ubiquitous cell phones, we kept flashlights in the car and one on my key chain in my purse. We still do, actually.

    1. Meg,
      We will probably turn them off when we go to bed. Tommy may be able to see the light in his chair. No, I don't like lights on all night because of trees, flowers, birds, all living things outdoors. Ambient light at night raises blood pressure for humans, too.
      I do like a light on when we come in especially in the winter even though we try not to be out at dusk. A memory of my father is leaving the house in daylight with his flashlight. It was the barrel type on its side with a handle on the side/top. It is my favorite flashlight, too. I keep a flashlight in car and in my purse.

  3. I hope you got your Special K while it is BOGO at Publix!

    1. Lana.
      Ir is bogo tomorrow? I had not checked ads for tomorrow. I will buy six boxes! Thanks for telling me. I am so happy. I have missed itbut refuse to pay $8 or so.

  4. I bought a sensor light to use in my foyer lamp, so it would turn off automatically for the day. Doesn't work AT ALL. Feh! Useless crap...

    1. Sue,
      The light to charge it is not enough. Too bad. Maybe not useless. Maybe used wrong. You can probably use it elsewhere.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.