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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Take a Quiz to Reveal Your Dog Soul

 This quiz was fun, especially when Tommy should get a Golden Retriever. Mine was a disappointing Corgi. I wanted mine to be a Border Collie or a Golden Retriever. 

Answer These Questions And We’ll Tell You What Dog Breed To Adopt - Daily Funny

After you take the quiz, what dog was chosen for you?

Are you happy with that choice?

Dinner on Thursday--chicken cooked in crockpot, slaw with diced tomatoes in it, 1/2 cob of corn on cob. Actually, I always cut my corn off cob on my plate. The tomato dices I ate were almost a cup full. It was a huge tomato, and I only ate about half. Wonderful tomato. I am having strawberries I froze last week. 


  1. Corgi for me, too. Actually, I am a cat person. That was the world's longest quiz.

    1. Tewshooz,
      Well, I suppose we only fit with what they I agree, way too long. I did one for Tommy and one for me, definitely too long.

  2. I don't take quizzes like that online, so I don't know what breed its algorithm would pick for me. I DO know, however, what breed I personally like best of all. The English Mastiff is my all time favorite breed, and ours was, of all the dogs I have, my favorite dog ever. He is why I will never have another dog again. A part of me died with him.

  3. Tut! I know what sort of dog to adopt: rescue types. They are the only ones for me.

    1. Urspo,
      Often, rescue dogs have had trauma that is not evident until later, making them inappropriate for homes with children. Know their history. I am quite sure you are safe with a rescue dog.

  4. I am a cat person so I most definitely don't have a dog soul of any breed! And that quiz was so long and boring I gave up.

    1. Sue,
      I cannot have either in the house, just outdoors. It was a long quiz.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.