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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Food Shopping

 I was the best of trips. It was the worst of trips. Publix, I mean. Special K was not bogo as someone told me. She must  be in a different area. Miracle Whip was bogo. He got two jars. 

His Cheeerios bogo, got two. Coleslaw mix bogo $3 each. Two chicken tenders for $4.46. I would rather have chicken breast than dessert. $17 spent.

Sometimes, we pass a place that is selling items cheap on sidewalk. Once we bought ALL. They gave me two skeins of crochet thread. The skeins were a surprise. They told me that two stores down items would be free in two days.. 

Next time I passed, I got one free item. Today, we passed, rather stopped. People were lined up getting items and putting items in bags to take. We waited at the curb, asked the man if he could give us something. 

He gave us choices of bread, and I chose marbled rye. I love it with cheese. Then, he gathered up five small bags--10 lbs, cherries, 2 bell peppers, 7 ears of corn, 18 kiwi, turkey hotdogs, 1 lb, ground round, 1.5 lb ground beef. There was a donation jar. Tommy had a $100 bill, and I had a $5, so I got to donate. I would say we certainly got a deal. 

Now, lots of this needs processing. I have never bought more than two kiwi at a time. So, I had to search for how to store them. I love kiwi but rarely purchase them. When I see them for $1 each, I pass. 

Tommy came and reported we have had a cabbage for a long time, two packages of Brussel's sprouts and something else. He is Refrigerator Master, Lord of Cold Storage, Duke of Earl. 

I need to take a nap and the get onto food processing later. 

We made the rounds for the three ads, And, we drifted into a used car place, drove around, talked to a salesman, promised him we would come back. We only shopped at Publix and the free food table.

My two breakfasts are 1) Special K, banana, milk or 2) pb, MW, banana sandwich. Neither of these requires me to take my hurting back to the kitchen to prepare.  Actually, I would prefer scrambled eggs and one piece of toast. Sometimes, I like a bowl of beans--black eyed peas or navy beans with maybe tomato or slaw. Maybe I will have cleaner scramble nine eggs again. That will last for 3-4 days. Hopefully, Special K will be bogo soon. 

Only 3 ears of corn were okay. 

What are your choices for breakfast? 

Do you ever pass a random place with free food? 


  1. I have never seen a place with free food unless it is a food bank. Maybe a Southern thing?

    1. Tewshooz,
      It is common here. It seems that the news has events for giving away food all the time in several smaller cities. It seems common to me. Maybe it is not common. The place I went to today was just set out on a shopping center on the sidewalk. Sometimes, they are in church parking lot, at a park, city center.

  2. I have lived in several U.S. regions, and never seen a place with free food, absolutely never. Years ago, however, back in the days of fully stocked stores, I did get two free bags of fun size Kit Kats from Rite Aid. The manager's district manager had just been in, and told her she had to pull them because they were too close to their best buy date to sell. The manager couldn't bear to toss them, so she was offering them to customers she knew. (Read, "customers who won't sue me if they get sick.")

  3. Special K BOGO ended on Tuesday.

    1. Lana,
      We would have seen it. Maybe it was in another market.

    2. No, the deal was listed on I Heart because there was an coupon that matched.

  4. M-F I do not eat breakfast. On Sat-Sun we go to Einstein for a bagel breakfast sandwich. Oh but I enjoy a proper sit down breakfast! These are reserved for holidays and vacations.

    1. Urspo,
      I eat breakfast anytime I want, just want Special K, bananas, and milk. I rarely have the kind of breakfast you describe.

  5. Our town has around 5 little "food pantries" in various accessible locations. They look like those little free libraries that people put up during Covid. People can stock it with goods or take from it as they need. I do neither, but I do donate to our official town food pantry, and to the Boy Scouts and USPS worker's collections.

    So, free food in public? Yep, I've seen it.

    1. Sue,
      I always took extra of anything to one of these free pantries. People took it out as I put it in. I always forget the PO collections.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.