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Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Heat and Holiday

 My energy flags quickly these days. Friday, I washed my hair just two days after applying color. I am not sure why, but using the cream rinse included with the shampoo causes me to have greasy looking hair. Plus, if feels like it was sprayed. Now, my hair and looks and feels normal. I was embarrassed to be seen right after color, not the usual affect of color. 

Thursday night, we did other cooking after midnight. Plus, I was energized, gathering laundry, putting away stuff scattered and just left to lie about. It was very productive. 

Today, we went out and came back home. Tommy went into the house. As he came out, he had one of my real cokes, caffeine free. I asked if he brought it for me. No, he needed sugar since his dropping blood sugar was too low. He got into the car and tried to open a small piece of cheese. He never asks me to open things. His hands were trembling. He could not figure out how to get the cheese out of the package that had been cut open by me on three sides. I told him to drink the Coke. His monitor was not working, but he could see a plunging trajectory of his blood sugar. 

He was about to drive. His blood sugar rose enough for him to be safe. He seemed to be driving okay. I am so stressed watching traffic, how he drives And, it was so hot today. 

When we came home, I took a nap, and he peeled potatoes and carrots. I assembled the cooking bag. At 8:30, it was done so we could eat. 

We have buns gotten cheaply, yet they are Sara Lee. I will freeze most of them. Having the freezer with enough room to freeze bread and buns saves money. I can eat a hamburger or hotdog on a piece of bread. But, the bun is so much nicer. 

Tommy put a note on our neighbor's door. Her son said he would hang a light. He is an electrician with some company. We intended to pay him. This has been over 4 years ago. So, she called back and left a voicemail. She said an electrician came 3.5 years ago, started a job at her house and never came back. She said she understood. Maybe the work will get done yet! 

Cleaner called and said she has been ill. Yet, she did not miss work. Okay, so maybe she did not feel like doing more. Next Tuesday, she will let us know something. 

The woman to whom I gave food will not reply. So, will never depend on her doing anything, like calling me. Or picking up food I collect just for her. 

Thursday night, I ordered another outfit like I bought five years ago. I can wear this one with abandon and not have to save it for When I took the one I own out of storage this spring, it was squashed and in with other items. I shook it out and wore it without one wrinkle. I also ordered garbage bags for the kitchen. They are hard to handle because they are so heavy, one less thing that will not hurt Tommy. 

We need potatoes, eggs, and strawberries. Tomorrow, we will go to Publix during their sampling events. Yum! We may have pork ribs Monday. We will be staying home, not cooking much. 

There are things to do outdoors, like clean off the porch. But, it is so hot, I just don't care. Tommy would have to be with me, so he does not need the heat stress, either. I only slept four hours Thursday night because of the heat. The ac was set on 67. Tommy was bundled up in front of the ac vent by his chair, so it was cool in the living room. Well, not too cool except in front of the ac vent.

What are your plans for this weekend? Food, fun, family?


  1. 67? Dang, I would be bundled up too! I could never have my house that chilly with the AC.
    No plans here - just another weekend to me. It is supposed to start getting a little cooler and less humidity here this weekend. YAY

    1. Cheryl,
      At 67F my bedroom is hot and stuffy. I sleep under a quilt and a wool blanket to stay sort of warm but low temp so it will be cool enough to breathe. I can feel the heat in the bedroom as I step in. Tommy can feel it too, so this is not a menopausal woman thing, not my thyroid problem, not my natural love of cool temps to sleep. It is no trees or shrubs in front yard and sun setting on a brick house. He is now amenable to getting green stuff growing between us and sunset.

  2. Special K is on sale at Publix. We will grill burgers on Monday and we got a watermelon which is probably the last of the season. We had ribs last week and gobbled them right down, soooo good!

    I got new pants from Walmart and they are so comfy but the fabric is slippery. I hate to feel like I am slip, sliding around on a chair and about to slide off.

    Today is all about the Clemson game smack dab in the middle of the day. I wanted to go to the salvage grocery store but we will see. We may go and we may not.

    1. Lana,
      We went to Publix this morning, and Tommy brought me two boxes! I grabbed them. I was so happy!
      Those sound like good pants if they are comfortable. Read the label to me. Maybe I can get some, too.
      Once, I was in a new church, sitting in Sunday School class. I dropped something and bent sideways to pick it up. I slid right off. I had to get up with people watching me. Everyone said I did not look at all humiliated as I was laughing. Sad day!
      I am going to take a nap, so Tommy will probably watch it. Okay, he said it is on. I wish there were a salvage store with electric carts...not.
      Thanks for telling me about the Special K. I need to go back and get more.

    2. Terra and Sky Women's Plus Size knit pants $17.98 each. Order them online. I am wearing a different pair today which feels the same but are not slippery. No clue because they feel the same.

      Oh boy! I hope I don't slide off. It would not be pretty!

    3. Lana,
      Thanks. Be careful on folding church chairs.

  3. I would be bundled up at 67 too. LOL It felt really hot here today but the temperatures were only in the 70s, must be because I was sitting in the sun.

    1. 70 in the sun can be warm. Like I said, at 67 the room is hot, even to Tommy.

    2. My bedroom is furthest away from the air conditioning blower unit. It is west facing so it is never really cool in there. I have a sliding glass door in that bedroom, I leave it open all night then close it and pull the blinds in the morning. I do this with a lot of my windows. Doing that helps tremendously to keep it "coolish."
      I set the air conditioning at 78 and the heater between 72-76.
      The heater doesn't reach back there either.

      I don't need to use the air conditioner very much. If I do

    3. Janet,
      When it is 90 in the middle of the night, open door or window does not help. Besides, any dampness or allergens will make me ill by morning. At 78. Tommy would be complaining, too.
      It is also the coldest room in the winter! The ac is on from March to December.
      Different worlds?

    4. Yes, we rarely have a hot night. The Pacific Ocean is not a warm ocean. I leave that door open and run a fan and find it quite comfortable. I sleep with a top sheet and a down comforter. We have a weather alert for the 4th -6th. They expect temps around 100-108.

      When John was living I kept the house at what ever temp kept him comfortable. As his illness progressed he was always too cold. We ended up using a heating pad on his chest.

    5. Janet,
      I did not know the Pacific Ocean was that cool. Do mosquitoes, bats, cats or raccoons or whatever critters around there ever come in the door at night?

      Daddy was always cold, too. We went there and he had the heat on 80F. Kids were hot. We all went outdoor in 50F weather to cool off. They went out in tshirts and light clothing. I told them to breathe deeply. We could not deny Daddy the heat he needed. I wondered it a heating pad would have helped him.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.