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Friday, August 23, 2024

Busy Thursday

 Today was a hard day for me. Staying out for five hours destroys me.  When we finally got home and settled, I took a nap. I turn on music, get into bed and on left side, put something over my eyes, arrange my hands so they don't hurt, and usually go to sleep, aware I am drowsy. Today, I don't remember covering my eyes. I was that sleepy. My hands must have arranged themselves. 

Tommy took with us a frozen bottle of water, and I took the bottle carrier. We gave it to the woman. She was loaded down with purse, larger bottle holder, then the one we gave her. But, she was deliriously happy with frozen water and the carrier.

We got the food and wanted little of what was there, so went to a store and gave it to a young woman who teared up and said this came at the right time as she was struggling. I teared up, too. I think we may buy for her for Christmas instead of donating coats. 

I went to Publix and shopped the bogo things. I bought zinc since Tewshooz said she needed it for thyroid problems. 

The mower came, mowed, and put in the dusk to dawn bulb. Since I wanted to talk with him, I had told Tommy to call me if/when he came. He did not have time to do what I wanted, so I was up for nothing. He did take pictures of my car to sell it. 

Lunch: Tommy has lived here for forty years and has eaten at a hotdog place about a half mile from here on a main road. For almost five years, I have mentioned eating there. Today, with my pushing, we did. These were long, skinny hotdogs. I had mine plain and brought it home and put my mustard on it. Tommy had everything on his. We split an order of fries with him getting the lion's share. The cost was less that $9. I was shocked it cost so little. So, now I have been there. He eats better now that I am here, so need to get another hotdog from there. 

I called a2milk company and asked why the price leap. The woman looked it up and they still sell the milk for the same price to distributor. 

Today, I started planning my birthday week. So far, I have Chicken Salad Chick, KFC, and Bright Star. Maybe Jim n Nicks.

Dinner: Tommy had a huge salad with hamburger meat, cheese, tomato, catsup, and mustard on top. I had the same size salad with olive oil, tomato, and Parmesan/Romano cheese. 

I picked up the medicine insert and read that this antibiotic suppresses appetite. I was so surprised. Now, I know why I have no appetite, never hungry. 

One doctor sent the answer to a question I left on message machine. The endocrinologist nurse has not returned my call from Tuesday!

Tonight, I went into back bedroom to get things out for shelf in kitchen, tuna, especially. I stepped on something sharp. It was a sewing needle! I have not had a needle in there. The room has been vacuumed several times. Plus, it is not the kind of needle I use. I am afraid of the puncture wound. As excruciating as the pain was, I cannot remember which foot it punctured. I won't go barefoot in there again. 

The weather has been so mild that I don't feel suffocated when I get into the car. But, as it does, the weather will heat up to almost suffocating temps and humidity before long. 

Thursday was a day of little things, nothing earthshaking, all positive, but it exhausted me. I will edit nothing.

Do you ever have a day of little things that seems overwhelming and exhausting? 


  1. I often need a nap after being out of the house for a long time too. That is frustrating about the milk and more proof that food companies are being greedy right now.

    1. Belinda,
      Naps are good! The food companies are not raising prices as we thought. She is going to look further into who raised their prices.

  2. Being out of the house for more than a few hours exhausts me, too. That's interesting about the milk price - did you ask the store and they blamed it on the food company?

    1. I have not had a chance to follow through with distributor or store. Three hours out of the house is doable with recovery But, any longer and I need major recovery.

  3. I have no similar health issues to you, but even so, being out and about for five hours would wipe me out too! It's not age either. I always felt wiped out after a full schedule, even at my fittest when I was running 5(+) miles/day. When we first moved to this part of the country, DH used to joke that a trip to Costco took a minimum of 3 hours, and $300.00. We eventually added three days to recover to that!

    1. I agree with the three days to recover.

      At my prime, until late 40s, I was a dynamo, going non-stop. Nothing stopped me. I could go from early morning until midnight. I could outwork both younger sisters. Gradually, that ability just drained away. I do believe different health issues is the problem, not age.

  4. Yes, DH and I need to "rest" after a long morning or afternoon of errands. The key phrase is, "I need to sit down for a while...". And we both do! Because there's nothing wrong with a nice break.

    1. Sue,
      Funny that you use the same key phrase that we do.

  5. I am writing this on Sunday evening. I am exhausted Although it is only 7PM all I want to do is go to sleep.

    1. Urspo,
      I feel exhausted often a 7 pm. Sometimes, I get over it. Sometimes, I nap.

  6. Every day, right around 1:30 I am like a cranky toddler. I NEED to go lie down for a quick nap. I don't usually sleep long.

    My go to sleep method is similar to yours. For a nap I recline on all the pillows, at night I turn onto my left side for both times I put on the audio book that I am listening to. I set a "bookmark" so I can return later and pick up where I last stopped then I set the timer for 10 or 15 min. I almost never last more than 3 or 4 min.

    My watch tracks my sleep. I am averaging 7 h 15 min per night.

    1. Janet,
      I am more like a cranky infant who needs to go down often! But, I do sleep long, three hours if I don't have to go to the bathroom.
      My boombox plays my 45 min cd. If I don't go to sleep, I reset it. I think I need to play it on something that will repeat and I can set it to play twice, at least. Your book listening method seems great.
      What kind of watch do you have that tracks your sleep? I probably sleep at least that or more, but over 24 hours and two or three sessions.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.