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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Cold Dinner

 As a matter of fact, Saturday night, I had two cold dinners. Each was equally delicious. First, we bought two boxes of Special K Original. After my nap, I had a bowlful with a whole banana sliced in it...delicious. 

About 8:30, I had sliced chicken, cole slaw, and tomato. This one chicken breast is making me four meals. 

Tommy ate much earlier, so not sure what he had other than chicken thigh that was flavored with the Boar's Head honey mustard that does not taste like honey mustard. He was agitated that I was going to use it on his thighs. Well, he calmed done once he squirted a bit on a finger and tasted it. He says the taste is okay on his 

I froze two of the thighs in pint freezer bag today with him admonishing me not to freeze too many. He can thaw the two thighs, one for each of two days or eat both at one meal. 

I did get around to freezing most of the buns. The hamburger and hotdog buns had 16 buns each, 32 buns in all. We would take forever to eat that many buns unless we just ate them instead of bread. I froze the hamburger buns two to a package, hotdog buns were frozen three to a package. 

We went to Publix during the tasting event from 11-2, but it was held at 3 pm due to not enough help. Not good. We bought strawberries, Vidalia onions. Potatoes were too expensive. We will either go to Pig or Food Giant on Sunday for those. I was too exhausted to do it on Sunday. 

One package of the 1 lb strawberries was organic, one not. Both packages weighed 1.5 lbs. each. Yes, I weighed them. I wonder if they really do not have poison on them. I will see if they taste better than ones with pesticide. 

I have five more pretty tomatoes. If Tommy gets the ribs out of the freezer, we will have ribs Monday along with potato salad, tomatoes, maybe baked beans. It is an easily prepared meal. If he does not get the ribs out, we will have leftovers and not worry about it. 

It seems all we do is buy food, cook food, freeze cooked and raw food and give away food. There are days every effort revolves around food! Then, there are days we just get it out and eat. 

The woman for whom we got food is no longer responding. So, we had three huge boxes, banana box size, full of food. About 20 lbs. was frozen meat. Lots of vegetables, pasta, bread, desserts. The first woman I asked had two preteen girls. She was happy to get it. 

My neighbor could not find an electrician for two years. Then, she found one who did not complete the job and has not come back for two weeks. So, it is not me. Her son will be back from Florida vacation on Monday. So, the search continues. 

Tonight, we watched Some Like it Hot, one of my favorite films. Then, The Defiant Ones was new to me and spectacular film with Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier. Now, The Boston Strangler. It has been a good night for films. 

While I slept today, Tommy watched football. So, the awful season begins. I never complain or want to watch something else. 

When I woke, Tommy asked me if the thunder disturbed me. I did not hear anything for the whole three hours even though he said one thunderclap sounded like it hit the house. Nothing, heard nothing even though he said it went on for an hour or more. 

How do you feel about football season? Everyone has an opinion on football season!


  1. Food Lion has 5 pound bags of potatoes this week for $1.99. I may get some and have until Tuesday to do that. I love the Boar’s Head honey mustard. It’s delicious! I’m not a fan of football or any sports really. Bailey got some beautiful tomatoes at the apple orchard on Friday. They are delicious!

    1. Belinda,
      That is a good price. Potatoes were that price last week. But, Tommy said we had plenty. Now, we are out! Tomatoes at an apple orchard. Do they grow on trees? jk

  2. I do not watch football nor care anything about it. Glen used to like to watch now and then, I just went in the other room with a different TV.
    No problem here with electricians - can always find one.
    Glad you found someone who could use the food.

    1. Cheryl,
      There is no other room here or other tv or I would just leave.
      If the mother of an electrician cannot find and electrician, they are few and far between! Yes, first person I asked, too.

  3. I love college football season. It is a time when we have house guests, good food and fabulous times. There is no reason for me to not enjoy it, win, lose, or draw.

    1. I went to game parties, took a dish, took a magazine. The food and fun was all I cared about. The game was something to endure. My ex did not care sports at all, did not play anything or watch anything.

  4. We have a local man who sells tomatoes he grows in his backyard. Eight pounds for ten dollars. Hubby went Saturday for another batch and he gave us 23 tomatoes for our ten dollars! I asked for them to be over half green so we will have tomatoes for weeks. They are so sweet and delicious.

    1. Lana,
      That is a good price. The tomatoes I get at the market are five for $5. And, they are large. I never mind the half green ones in a cup.

  5. Last weekend 31 August was the first U of M game; it begins !

  6. Yes, here in the UK it's football season too!

    All the best Jan

  7. The *only* reason I care anything about football season starting is that it means basketball isn't too far behind. LOL

    But I also like the halftime band performances. :)

    I like how you said, "banana box size," because I love a good banana box. That's what I use to put my giveaway items in as I collect them. I'm always sure to keep the box when I give the items.

    1. Alice,
      I am just glad when Spring comes.
      Otherwise, people might think it was shoebox size. My friend tries to tell me how to move. He insists I use a banana box to move books because a banana box holds lots. Yes, but who can lift it? Besides, I care about my books.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.