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Friday, August 9, 2024

Black Eye & Cold Front & Snail on Me

 I awoke to a black eye from the freezing of spot under my eye. And, I could not see out of that eye well, because a huge lump obscured my view. Today, it is worse. It is going to take nerve on my part to return. 

Today, well right now, cleaner is here washing my car to sell. I don't feel like driving to car wash and need stickers on my tag. I don't want to get a ticket.

I told Tommy three days ago we needed to find the bottle of car wash liquid in the house. I reminded him several times each day. Well, he decided last night he would look. Of course, he did not look where I was sure it was located. So, we left to go buy some and got home at 2:25 this afternoon when we expected her at 2:30. Then, she did not get here until after 3:45. It is okay, but I could have been sleeping.

We will have a cold front come through. Yes, it is going to be all the way down to 90 this weekend. Whoopee! 

Dinner--pork loin, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes in cole slaw, green beans All are leftovers. Tommy will have a salad. I will have slaw and tomatoes. I like to chop the tomatoes and stir them into my slaw. Tomato juice running into the slaw is a plus. 

Every day we watch the Olympics, not all of it, not all of the events. And, the events we do watch, we don't even watch all the event. It is fun to see. The gymnasts are the ones I really want to see. 

One evening, at 7:30 I noticed an alert for delivered package. It was delivered about 6:30. Tommy got it in and gave it to me. It took about ten minutes to open, get the items out and the box off my lap. About two minutes later I felt something went on my midriff. It looked like a very wet bean. I touched it and realized it was a snail. This was horrifying. It wanted to crawl away. I got a Kleenex, captured it, and one of us flushed it, Tommy, I think. 

I am quite sure the snail was not inside the box. So, snails must like the porch. Yuck. I will be mindful of box deliveries, well, any deliveries. I was so grossed out. I hate snails!

Having an elevated temp make me so tired. 

Do snails repulse you as much as they do me?


  1. You can just use regular dish soap to wash a car. Dawn dish soap is all my dh used for years and years to wash his stuff

    1. One, I thought about it, but did not want to dull the finish justt before I was going to sell it. Thanks.

    2. it won't dull it. DH has a custom paint job on his 1999 pickup (painted right after we got it, brand new) and that's all he's ever used - and he's SUPER picky about things looking nice :)

  2. Did you find your car wash liquid?Dawn works great on cars. That's what we have used for decades. And by we, I mean kids. I haven't washed a car since eldest turned 8 or so, or, for that matter, driven a vehicle through a carwash since they started getting their driver's licenses. Their favorite summer activity as littles was washing the cars, and it turns out that my new drivers preferred to take shiny clean cars to school. Heh...when they first started driving, the two eldest would head to school the high school in DH's Cadillac, with a few of the neighbors in back, leaving the rest of us with the truck for the day. Every Friday they'd
    drive it through the carwash on the way home.

    1. Meg, I read about a man whose little boys, preschool age, washed his car and finished off by filling the gas tank with water.

    2. Serves him right for leaving preschoolers at that level of cognition unsupervised by the car long enough to be able to do that!

    3. Meg,
      You are absolutely correct! It was a funny story. I am sure he realized the folly of his ways before he told the story.

  3. Think about it: if dish soap does not dull the finish on dishes, it most certainly won't dull the finish on a car.

    1. Sue,
      I have never used anything but car wash for a car! I was not going to experiment now.

    2. It's actually super-duper basic logic.

  4. The snail would have given me the heebie-jeepies.

    1. Belinda,
      I almost died. Tommy was wondering what I was doing.

  5. Linda, This is going to creep you out. I use snail mucin on my face almost every morning. Yep snail mucin is snail slime. A friend who has a flawless complexion gifted me my first bottle and I have purchased more bottles since then.

    1. Janet,
      Glad to know you don't go out and collect snails to squeeze for your face. I might use that if it did not get squished under my foot, like stepping on one at night.

    2. Janet, I am curious as to how you feel the snail mucin improves your skin. Do tell!

  6. The week before last, the heat index was nearly 110°; this past weekend, temps dropped down to the 70s! 🙌🏼 It was especially nice at the baseball game & state fair.

    1. Tiffany,
      The fair and game were two places you really needed that temp. I think it was still in mid 80s at those times of day you were out. Of course, the heat is coming back, and worst of all, humidity will rise.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.