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Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Wednesday, I had an appointment for an ultrasound, and those women hurt me! Before we left, I had to color my hair. I took a lunch sandwich with me for breakfast, and off we went. 

I have never had an ultrasound cause me pain, but this one did. It was for the veins in my legs. One squeezed while another ran the wand. Another part of the pain was position, the way I had to lie. It was 30 minutes of agony. The two young women were very nice. As a matter of fact, every person with whom I interacted was very pleasant.

The only unpleasant person was an obnoxious man in a MAGA shirt making fun of an elderly woman who was giving them "what for." She had been put into a room before her 12:30 appointment. It was after 1:30 so she came out and said she was going home, "And, I want my $35 copay, too!" Then, for some reason that she explained, she said she wanted her $70. The whole time, he laughed and mocked her relentlessly, looking all around for an audience. It took everything in me not to fuss at him. 

When we left, I told Tommy I wanted to go to Jared's Jewelers, get something to eat. and go to a used car lot. I kept changing my mind about what to do because it was late. Finally, we just ate at Chic-fil-A. So, this was part of my birthday plans. By this time, we had hit the early part of the rush hour and both of us only wanted to go home.

While Tommy was ordering, I asked if they had the bottles of Chic-fil-A sauces. Honey Mustard? So, for $3 I now have an 8-ounce container. There is a collection of other honey mustards that are not what I want. I will use those to put over chicken for oven cooking. They will not be wasted. I did not even eat the little packet they gave me for my sandwich, so this will last a long time. 

I was excited to go to The Pig and get cheap bscb. Surprise, surprise, I got none! Obviously, I was looking at Pig in another state! I was so disgusted. I did buy a 24-pack of water for the under-the-bridge people. 

Publix has Chef Boyardee Ravioli on sale $1 can. I bought ten for the same people. I have ten small applesauce cups. I will probably get ten packs of pb crackers. This will all go into a Christmas Ziploc storage bag. I need to gather up ten forks and ten spoons. 

When we were still driving, Tommy's elbow was hurting so. I felt bad because he said lifting things so much hurt him for a long time. So, I need to keep him from hurting and his osteoarthritis from immobilizing his arms, shoulders and ankles, all places he says hurts. I also need to pay someone to help with bringing in heavy packs of drinks. Of course, he will pay, not me. 

I remarked that I was going to get him an appointment with a doctor to see what he can do to slow the progression and stop the pain. Usually, he explodes at me. Today, he said okay. Progress comes hard around here.

While I do have bscb right now, thawed to cook, I was planning to get about ten packages. This is the second time that I looked at the wrong city! I clicked on the right city twice after typing it. 

Have you ever checked the wrong ad? 

Do you ever deal with a man who is determined not to take care of his health? 


  1. A vascular ultrasound can be painful when their pushing the wand on sore veins.I usually try some meditation/ slow breathing when under going tests unless I'm told not to.

    1. angie,
      The pressing with the wand was painful, but the other tech was squeezing my leg, digging her fingers into my leg. The worst part was the way my back was hurting!

  2. How do I deal with a man determined not to take care of his health? Check out my blog!! Mountain Mama's Point Of View! Since we live in NC, very close to Georgia and Tennesee, I am constantly having to check which state has the best prices, then factoring in the cost of fuel to get there.

    1. Kathy,
      Thanks. I will. Yesterday, I was trying to find the ad, determined to go get it, price of gas be

  3. Do you have Food Lion there? They have boneless skinless chicken breast on sale this week for $1.99 a pound.

  4. I constantly have trouble with Food Lion not having what I think they do. I am so careful but sometimes I think they are in error at the store. It is frustrating.

    1. Lana,
      I agree, very frustrating! I wonder how some stores always seem to make mistakes and others sail along fine.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.