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Friday, August 30, 2024


 I received a call about the ultrasound results. I was giddy. Can I come in and get a piece of 'machinery' to put on my legs? Of course, I can. She said that in the meantime, I should wear compression stockings, at least to the knee. 

As we hung up, I said, "Oh, I am so happy!" She laughed sort of low. 

I related my problem. One place that sells this type of product as well as scooters and wheel chairs said they would not sell me the stockings until they knew what size to sell me. So, I was wary. I looked in other stores and absolutely did not know what to buy. They implied the stockings could do harm. This woman over the phone gave me the compression number and told me how to measure. Why have the half dozen medical professionals not told me this? 

My right leg is the one with the vein problem. Yet, the left leg is swollen the most, so much that it is hard to bend my knee. I am very hopeful that this will solve part of my problem. Now, I need a spine doctor as that may be most of the problem with left leg. 

I was worrying about a friend and looked her up on obituary site. She was not there, so I entered another name, one I have entered often. Yes, she did die this April. I will miss her. The woman that I cannot find the name is about 65 with CP. Her husband said she should not be alive. I don't know. 

The search for a new endocrinologist is on. I received Stop the Thyroid Madness and Hashimoto's: Taming the Beast. I started reading since they are light. But, I was horrified the print was too small. I suppose I will get a page size-magnifying glass. At least the book is light to hold. 

Tommy put chicken on without me in kitchen. I told him to put the thighs in the crockpot with 1/2 cup water. Then, I put the Boar's Head Honey Mustard on top of each thigh. He objected to honey mustard. I had to talk him I assured him it did not taste like honey mustard to me, the reason I bought the Chic-fil-A homey mustard. He brought me what I asked and said it did not smell like honey mustard. 

We were debating what to eat. There is still ham to eat, so he can work on that instead of waiting for these thighs. Tomorrow night, we will bake bscb and vegetables. He asked me if I am going to buy slaw. That means he wants it, so I am.

About The Pig and bscb. I looked it up three times today, and YES, there is an ad for bscb for $1.99 at my Pig. I did it three times and on two different sites to make sure I was not making the same mistake three times. So, big mistake in printing. But, you know stores don't honor mistakes. So, I made no mistake and am not crazy. 

I think I have shingles again. This cannot be happening. 

All this happiness is wearing me out.

I took a nap and feel better. I made tuna salad for my dinner and ate it with tomato and slaw. I have no idea what Tommy ate since I was asleep. The chicken in the crock pot should be done soon so I can put it in the refrigerator for Tommy and some in the freezer tomorrow. 

A horrific thunderstorm came through town today, but we did not get a drop of rain. Tommy did not water the plants counting on Mother Nature to do the job. 

Have you ever been so happy to get help from a doctor that you were all giggly? 

Have you ever had an online ad be completely wrong? 


  1. I'm glad to hear that news from your drs office made you giddy!

    1. Belinda,
      I don't think I have been that giddy over a doctor call! I was giddy for a bit.

  2. Many years ago, our Walgreens had a little eating area. There was an ad in the paper for inexpensive toasted cheese sandwiches and chips. We decided to take our 3 children there after church. When we got there the waitress knew nothing about any toasted cheese sandwiches on sale in fact no cheese had come in. She got the manager and he knew nothing either and seemed overwhelmed at the size of our family (3 kids ?). We ended up ordering more expensive hamburgers.

    1. Carole,
      Oh NO! How tragic for the children. You cannot explain that to children. They should have given you a break on the hamburgers. I wonder how many other people were disappointed.

  3. I am 100% alternative medicine and she has taken me seriously and completely changed my health. Before that I was not taken seriously or listened to and so I left traditional medicine 13 years ago and no going back unless I have something like a heart attack.

    1. Lana,
      I am not against alternative medicine. I need to go to her. Cost and distance are nothing at this point! You are probably less likely to have a heart attack since your health has improved.

    2. She is not taking new patients but you can likely get into the one who trained her.

      Reuben DeHaan in Black Mountain, NC

    3. Lana, Thank you for giving me this name.

    4. You're welcome. I wish you health!

  4. The older I get, the more I misread things. Sometimes it makes for a funny thought! I saw a sign for 'farm fresh eggs', but read it as "WARM, fresh eggs. I said I wanted my eggs to be refridgerated!

    1. Kathy,
      That is funny. I have done the same thing. This time, it was the fault of the ad. I looked it up and yes, I did read correctly! But, the whole ad was a mistake.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.