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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fly Spots and Awful Text Sent to Me

Tommy says he has never seen a fly spot. Have you? I was disgusted to find out what they are. This is one more reason to wipe the counters even when they don't look dirty. By the way, I call then fly specks. The article called them spots.

 Why Do Flies Fly Around Switched Off Light? | Amazing Animals (

The man who collects food for five little girls will never get another call or food. He sent me a text: " I want b**bies and back rubs." It really unnerved me. Tommy said he was p*ssed. 

What are your thoughts on this guy?


  1. Eewww, I don't like that text at all. I'd leave it a day (to see if he apologizes/was pissed) and then block him!

    1. Treaders
      Thanks for that. I was shaking after I read that. It really unnerved me.

  2. Possibly sent to the wrong person - although still inappropriate.

    1. Doubtful! He has been inordinately friendly lately, but nothing out of line until this.

    2. Change in behavior means something is up and he's covering. I really stand on my prior comment that is not yet posted here.

  3. Call the police and give them the information. If he collects food for children and sends texts like this, he might be abusive of children. Better safe than sorry!
    The officers can decide from there. This is top of mind for me as an upstanding man in the church in which I was raised, has just been arrested for exploitation of 20 !!!!! children :-(

    1. Elle,
      I never allowed my children out of my sight in church. I believe churches are hotbeds of creeps. It has happened in my church. A minister tried to do something with me when I was a child.

  4. Don't reply and block his number. He does not deserve the benefit of the doubt nor a second chance. What a disgusting, reprehensible a**hole.

    Sorry for the little girls, but their mom will have to get off her ass and secure their food donations like she is supposed to. That she is comfortable waiting for the rest of the world to beat a path to her door and give her free food is just beyond.

  5. I agree jerk but I also know phones can be tapped into.

    1. Lilac Dreams,
      Thanks. Do you think someone tapped into his phone or into mine?

    2. His, people do it often. I would text his number and tell him you are very offended by his text, and share the date and time. And tell him as a result of that text you feel it best to terminate your acquaintance. If his phone was tapped I would think he ask what your talking about. Then you'll know, and go accordingly. If it truly was him, I'm sorry for his disrespect.

    3. Lilac Dreams,
      If it was him, he might think I was contacting him for more. That is how some guys are.

    4. It could go either way, but telling him you did not like it and are terminating the friendship would tell him you don't approve.

    5. Lilac Dreams,
      True. I will think about it.

    6. NO, phones are NOT easily "tapped in to". And not responding/blocking is the best way to deal with creeps. For them, any response is a good one--especially an upset response. Then they know they got your goat and they can dish out more to a waiting audience.

      Don't let your curiosity get the best of you and respond to him, Linda. Block and walk away.

  6. My guess is it was sent to the wrong person but if you're uncomfortable you are completely entitled to block him

    1. kylie,
      I am positive it was deliberate. I have not blocked him because I want to see if he does so again.

  7. Personally I would use the reply button and ask if this message was intended for me. His reply would determine my next step.

    1. Janet,
      That makes me uncomfortable. He would enjoy the response! And, he would say it was a mistake.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.