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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Friday Fatigue

There was lots of rain here. And,100 mph winds somewhere in Alabama. 

Thursday night, I did not sleep until 7 am, so will try to reverse that Friday night. I slept 3 hours then another two in the evening. We had to go out today, so I am exhausted. With fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, it is not surprising I am exhausted, but a little sleep lifts my mood somewhat, actually lots. Despite the fatigue, I did manage to accomplish a few things.

The day was beautiful, and the wind rose as the day passed. Birds were rapturous, singing and swooping here and there. We saw a large group of small birds seemingly fall from the sky and begin to peck around, then they all took off. Tommy said they were starlings, but they must have been very young since they were not large enough or black enough. Okay, he just told me they were starlings and full-grown. 

Dinner--chicken, squash casserole, slaw, green beans. I think Tommy had same thing plus carrots and potatoes, the last of those. I had strawberries.

Tonight, I trimmed and froze 3 pints of strawberries. They were going fast, so I needed to preserve them in freezer. Now, I need to put up the rest of the squash or cook it to eat. Tomorrow. 

The mower showed up today instead of Saturday. The heavy rains came as he left the porch with his check. The cleaner cancelled because she had to go to the doctor since her surgery on her thumb has become infected. However, she will come Sunday. 

Thus, we have no plans for tomorrow, but it appears it will rain. My plans are to find my car keys! I cannot take it for a wash without the keys. 

What are your plans for Saturday? The weekend? 


  1. I've been very, very busy the last few weeks, so I'm not leaving the house today or tomorrow. I'll tidy up & work on laundry, but that's it. I have another busy week/end ahead, so I need to rest.

    1. Tiffany,
      Staying home and doing laundry sounds like a good idea. Hope you get caught up on laundry or whatever you need to do.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.