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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

New Doctor and a Gift


Remember, Tommy went to her first for diabetes. My appointment was set for later even though I got both of them for us. She did not like me telling her about Tommy's low blood sugar episodes when he had no idea what he was doing. He could not tell her anything. 

Today, she looked at me, then Tommy, when she came in. She held up her hand to me and said she wanted to see how Tommy was doing. So, he got a portion of my time. I don't care, but I doubt she would give me any of his appointment. She told the nurse to put his monitor on him last time. Today, she handed me mine and told me to put it on at home. 

She told me the pain I felt when she squeezed my knee and throat was 'just fibromyalgia" that I have. No respect for pain? That is not the point of the fibromyalgia diagnosis!

Tommy said it was harsh when she told me was going to get me a telehealth appointment because it 'was too much trouble coming down to get me and push me around the office.' I was crushed. 

She said my tongue was not swollen when I bite it all the time lately and cannot pronounce words correctly. She said swollen tongue was not part of Hashimoto's.  She said the Hashimoto's was nothing. It is getting a lump on one side from my biting it! Sometimes, I awake and have to push my tongue into my mouth before I can close my mouth. 

She told me to take Ozempic. I said "no," and she told me I needed to lose weight. This is just after I had told her I had lost five pounds. There was no "GREAT:" She did not ask how I did it or encourage my own initiative. Then, she gave me Mounjaro and said, like she was my mother, and I was five, "I want you to take this." I won't but did not tell her so. She knew! 

She told me she wanted blood. I said everyone, most everyone, could not get blood from me and raked the needle around. She said flatly to me, "You have to cooperate." When she left I gave my veins a talking to. No, the nurse could not get blood! This lack of blood has been going on for over fifty years, and is no fault of my own!

I will never go back and neither will Tommy. I told her some nurses rake the needle around and just bruise me, so I hoped the person did not do this. She gave me a flat look and said, "You need to cooperate." After she was gone, I gave my veins a talk and told them to cooperate, Tommy said that was harsh for her to say that.  He said he was surprised to hear a doctor say that. I will not go back and neither will Tommy. He agrees. 

I did ask the nurse to put on the monitor. Less than 20 minutes later, the receiver said the monitor needed to be replaced. We were well away from the doctor's office. Well, I don't have another one, contacted the nurse and have not heard a thing. 

She demanded to know how much Victoza I took. My answer--second mark. She knew the numbers but kept trying to make me say what she wanted to hear. Witch

I did not mean to make the above bold or so large. But, it works. I wonder how I do that unknowingly. I know how to do it on purpose. I will leave it. 

The people in this office are gems, except for the doctor. She may weigh 100 pounds, and probably sees weight gain as a moral failing. 

We forgot to return the UPS package again. 

We went to Farmer's market and got tomatoes. At Publix, I got grapes cheap, Planter's Peanuts bogo, bag of salad greens, and something else. 

The car lot is a separate story--tomorrow. 

I felt attacked the whole time with the doctor! I asked Tommy if I did anything to receive this treatment. He said, "NO." He would tell me. 

If you want to blame the interaction on me, your comment will not be published. Tommy will moderate. I am too wounded and bruised to see it. 

Mower has offered to sell my car. It will stay at my house, and he will bring people here. He said he just wants to help and wants nothing. Great. But, he will get something from me. Best news today. 

Dinner was ham, tomato (lots), and grapes. Tommy had more ham, salad. 

When we picked up food for the five girls, a woman was talking to us. She was a volunteer. She was hot about the weather and her treatment. The police would not keep order, letting people break in line. They messed up the order by telling people in cars the wrong way to go. She was furious because the volunteers sitting in the shade had drunk all the water for volunteers. 

She was on a rant. She said--I don't come out here because God told me to come. I am here because these people need food. I am trying to help. Tommy had heard this and put a bottle of water in the freezer but left it at home. She carries a clipboard and pen, so I thought she needed a water bottle holder. I bought two for $8 or something close. The dark pink is for me.

It has an outside pocket for a phone or whatever. I will get some sort of crackers or candy bar to put in it along with the frozen bottle of water. She asked for it to be frozen. She doesn't know I am bringing the holder. 

Have you ever had a doctor be so unfeeling, rude, annoying as this one was today? Now, I just need to get my veins to cooperate. I lay in the hospital in 1968 with 106F temperature. The nurses did not follow the doctor's orders and put an IV into my arm. He came in cursing and throwing things and put the IV in my arm himself. He was also a friend and church member and there is no fault I place with him. Don't go there. He was just so upset. And, they could not get an IV in my arm as I lay there for two hours, cooperating completely. More than 50 years this has been going on with my veins.

I am tired and more than that--drained. 


  1. Sounds like an endocrinologist! I had one that just walked out of the room while I was talking to him. Rude and arrogant. I have Hashimoto's and yes, tongue gets swollen if I don't take enough thyroid meds. Read "Stop the Thyroid Madness" and you will be amazed at the knowledge you will gain. I have fired all the endos I have had. My GP does a better job and certainly has better bedside manner. I don't allow any medical people to push me around anymore. They work for us, after all. I am sorry you had to endure such shabby treatment.

    1. Tewshooz,
      The swollen tongue is one thing a doctor cannot talk me out of. It is happening. Did you recommend that before? Did I get I just need a GP that does not tell me strange things like the one I have.

    2. That is why I suggested the book. You will be so well informed that no doctor can stand against you when it comes to thyroid issues. Yes, they hate informed patients, but, too bad. You will have upper hand as an informed patient.

    3. Tewshooz,
      If I have not ordered it, I will immediately.

  2. Linda, Ozempic/Monjuro and Victoza are all the same class of drug... GLP-1 agonist, but lasts longer.

    Seems to me that you can, and SHOULD, complain about a doctor to the medical board. She sounds rude, ageist, sexist, and incompetent to me.

    Heck, I'd complain to the hospital, and to whatever medical plan put her into your world. YES...get a new and different doctor ASAP. Meanwhile, are you sure she is a doc and not one of those blasted "nurse practitioners" who can be so full of themselves. (Some, not all. However, seems that they are a bossy lot to me.)
    Have you figured out what kind(s) of car(s) you want? You should do an online search to see who has a used car nearby (I go to Kelly Blue Book and they have a cars for sale listing, that makes it so much easier than wandering around the lots). Hopefully it works in your area.

    1. meetsy,
      I knew they were the same and somehow different, but not sure of particulars.
      Believe me, I have been highly considering reporting her and telling the doctor who recommended her. She is a doctor. NPs can be jewels or bitches.

      I will look at that. We require something not too high so I can get in, spacious enough that Tommy can get his legs in that cannot bend at knee, not new, and not a dark color. Of course, we want seats that do not hurt my back and something I can get a scooter in the back with a wench.
      We are making a list of cars we try and decide we don't want. The list will keep us from trying to get into a car we have tried and decided against. Of course, we keep this all to ourselves.
      When we look at a car, I try it first. If I can get in and if it does not hurt my back, he gets in, turns it on and we drive around the lot.

  3. Everyone has probably experienced rude people in the medical profession. Makes one wonder why they chose that avenue as a profession. Unlike you, though, I voiced my opinion right in his face. I had really severe indisgestion that escalated in intensity, called for an ambulance, since we lived 60 miles from a hospital and my husband had recently had a major heart attack. The doctors he ended up with gave him great care, so I decided to use them myself. It was the younger doctor who saw me in the hospital and told me I had NOT had a heart attack and instead of simply releasing me to go home, ordered more tests (probably to cover his A$$). He was so arrogant and being an old ER nurse, it really pissed me off. Turns out, as the results of all the tests came in, I DID have a heart attack. Did he change his attitude? No, he did not, handing me a prescription for 40mg of Lipitor. I told him I was not going to take it, that my cholesterol was just borderline and that drug has bad side effects. He had my husband on 80mg. He them told me that I WOULD take it, so I ripped the prescription in half and gave it back to him. I now have a great cardiologists who listens to me and she agreed with me about the lipitor and windered why he gave such a healthy dose for a borderline reading. I am far too old to let some kid who thinks he is a god because he went to medical school bully me! As a nurse I found this superior attitude to be more prevalent in male doctors, but the female ones trying to compensate are even nastier. It might make you feel better to write a letter to this doctor and let her know how her attitude affected you and your decision to find a new doctor. Whether or not you mail it, it would be cathartic. I would appear to be longwinded ....

    1. Kathy,
      No, not long-winded at all. That is amazing. I am glad you got proper care. I was reading in disbelief and finally stopped to read to Tommy who had already read it. She was definitely trying to compensate. She was not from this country, but I think she still thinks women are a lesser being. Thanks for the story of incompetence brought on by ego.

  4. Hello Linda
    Stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

    I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
    In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

    All the best Jan

  5. Oof, that sounds rough, Linda! I'm sorry you had to deal with such unprofessionalism. Gee, there must be something that makes endocrinologists a**holes, because I have also had a run-in with one!

    At my initial consult, she gave me my "history" without asking a single question, and even told me my mother MUST have had Hashimoto's (uh, NO) for me to be hypothyroid. She was rude and overbearing and just plain WRONG about so many things. I did attempt to interject but she talked over me every time. I knew I would never trust her, so I wrote her off and just let my GP manage my issues.

    I looked up all her patient reviews online and they all complained about her. Interestingly enough, she retired early. Must've been lack of patients, LOL!

    1. Sue,
      That was a nightmare, too! I cannot imagine not letting you speak. I am glad you escaped her just like I am escaping from this doctor.
      I just ordered Stop the Thyroid Madness and Hashimoto's: Taming the Beast.

  6. I am very fortunate to have had very good medical care.. My GP is a good listener and keeps excellent records .I have been seeing him for close to 30 years. He does send me to see specialists quite often.

    The only time I saw a doctor that I didn't care for was a dermatologist that I was sent to right after John died. During his last 2 years I was loosing a tremendous amount of hair. Apparently hair loss is quite common when one is under stress. This Dr. ran his hand through my hair and studied the root and said that it was stress caused but that he could see a lot of new hair growth surrounding my face. That was good news.

    All that took about 5-7 min. He then asked if I had any other concerns. I showed him a couple of skin tags that were being irritated by my bra. Instead of saying let me freeze them for you he left the room saying make an appointment. Nope, I was not going to see him again. I told my Dr. that I thought that Dr. had been abrupt and dismissive he made note and sent me to a different Dermo.

    1. I have had good doctors, but it seems the stress of an a$$hole, really offsets the good doctors.

      That dermatologist was unbelievable! I had one doctor tell me I did not make an appointment for what I mentioned, so I had to make an appointment for that issue. The person was not rude but never saw me again. The person who recommended me certainly heard about it.

      It is a joy to find a pleasant doctor.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.