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Monday, August 20, 2018

Making Vanilla Extract

Over a year ago (June 2017),  I bought a Madagascar Vanilla Bean to make vanilla extract. Since I had sunk enough money into one vanilla bean to practically buy groceries for a week, I certainly could not afford a bottle of vodka to make the extract. I used Cruz (or Cruzan) Mango Rum that I had for making fig preserves. I cannot quite see the label on the bottle on the top shelf since it is obscured by something else.

I was buying one tiny bottle of rum every week or so. One day exbf was in the liquor store and suggested I go ahead and buy a full bottle. After that purchase about ten years ago, I never used the mango rum in baking or jelly making. Isn't that always the way?

One vanilla bean in a cup or so of rum has been sitting in the cabinet in the dark for about six months.  I gave it a shake every few days or weeks at the end.

Used in any recipe with bananas, the taste of the banana is much richer. Mango Rum was not my choice, just all I had. No, the specific taste of mango does not come through. For anything else, the vanilla with mango rum enrichens and deepens the flavor.

I have taken pictures with my smart phone or Android or whatever I have. However, I get a message that something is open that should not be open and that I cannot transfer pictures.

I have kept several empty bottle from Vanilla Extract and plan to pour some of the extract into those since the bottles are dark.

Your turn
Have you ever made vanilla extract? How did it compare to commercially-made vanilla extract? What liquor did you use?


  1. I put vanilla beans into sugar instead of alcohol, and use the vanilla sugar in recipes. The vanilla scent (and flavour) is very good.

    1. EC,
      Sugar is definitely cheaper than liquor! Maybe I will try that when I can afford another vanilla bean.

  2. Wow..great minds think alike!! I saw a recipe for Instant Pot (electric pressure cooker) vanilla extract the other day and just had to try it. I had bought vanilla beans when they were still cheap so I used those and vodka. 30 min in the pressure cooker and I have rich dark vanilla extract….maybe I could drink it? ha ha. I made a mason jar pint. I also love vanilla sugar. The price of vanilla beans nowadays is just crazy! I like vanilla extract from Beanilla, but can't afford that anymore, either. 5.00 for one bean?

    1. Tewshooz,
      Vanilla vodka? Sorry, but I paid $12 for one bean. There was nothing I absolutely needed and no sales or clearances, so I splurged to buy the one bean in a jar. Crazy! I would never have thought that the instapot would make vanilla extract. At the rate I am using vanilla, the cost is not to bad, considering this will last me five years.

  3. I made several bottles 4 or 5 years ago- I used the big bottles of vodka- and gave them away except one which I just finished. I have some vanilla beans but no vodka so I need to buy some. I ordered mine off Amazon but I've heard they are very expensive now. I used Tito vodka. PS I now have a day old grandson named Theodore. The old names are coming back! I just wish he and his sister lived closer.

    1. Nan,
      Last year, they were cheaper from the store since there was shipping from the internet order. Congratulations on the grandson and his name. I like it. Are they going to call him Ted, Teddy or Theo? I like all the old names coming back. Maybe you can facetime like some grandparents do.

  4. Oh I do facetime with GD. She will be a good big sister. I was 3 1/2 when my brother was born but I can't remember anything about it. We went to my grandparents and stayed there while Mom recuperated so I am told. Daughter went home yesterday- one day after the birth! She said there was no nursery so she might as well be at home taking care of the baby- this way her husband can do diaper changes and watch GD! She exclusively breastfed with GD but this time she says she is going to pump and have husband do some feedings. I hope 'Teddy' will take the bottle.

    1. No nursery is the new thing so mothers will have baby and nurse. I think sometimes the mothers need a nursery.

  5. A friend of mine spent several years teaching in Papua New Guinea and brought me a bag of vanilla beans which will last a long time. She's living in Nashville now so I don't suppose there are more vanilla beans in the pipeline for me

    1. kylie,
      Wow, what a friend to have. Will the vanilla beans last that long and not spoil? Can you freeze them?

      Could you stuff way too many in a bottle of vodka, making a very strong concoction and then dilute it when you need a new batch to use?


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.