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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cow Crossing

Monday, way too late, I put on the ground pork in the crock pot. It hurt my hand to chop it up as it cooked. This dish took 2 cans chopped tomatoes, 1 can corn, 1 can of black beans. Opening that many cans caused more pain. I poured the rice into my hand to measure it. I used the cheese on special about six weeks ago. It was easy but hard to cook this dish. It cooked on low until Tuesday  morning.

Before exbf arrived, I managed to wash three quart jars and dip the "casserole" and store it in refrigerator. By the time he left, it was cold enough to travel easily. He got one quart.

Yesterday (Monday) , I had to fill out a form and send it back. Well, there must have been ten pages, none of which I could read. I took all this to an agency that helps the elderly. The guy at the desk called a worker and said there was an "elderly woman" out front who needed help filling out some papers. I was stunned at his terminology and what it implied.

I know I am elderly! There is no dispute there. However, it implied my elderly condition brought me there and I could not fill out papers. The fact is that I cannot find my glasses. It still stings!

Tuesday, I went back to find the correct address. I was given a stamped, addressed envelope. That way, I did not have to walk into the PO.

Free lunch at the church that has guitar players playing during the meal and afterwards. Lunch: huge chicken fingers (baked and not fried), slaw, green beans. slice of bread, unsweetened tea. The green beans must have been at the boiling point. Besides, they had some sort of heat/peppers. That set off a severe allergy attack. My piece of pie was like fudge in a pie shell, very delicious.

One thing about going to these dinner is that we find out who is ailing. My friend whose cerebellum is shrinking has another problem. It is something about her marrow not being right. We were interrupted before she could explain. Lots of others have doctor appointments from toes to extended illness that she cannot shake. Do you ever go to an occasion and find out who all is ill or has a new diagnosis?

Afterwards, we drove 20 miles only to discover that KMart is gone and also the ones 40- and 25-miles from here, maybe none are open within a reasonable driving distance. Thankfully, it was a very pretty day, plus we went up hwy 31 instead of the interstate. I suppose I will order online.

We saw a sign--"Cows cross under highway 31". I sort of squealed at the sign. On the way back I saw it on the other side of the divided highway. Sooo, we turned into the farmland and mixed use land, on a road, of course. I have never seen this before. Today, I saw no cows, but they had left their hoof prints in the bare, wet soil. Have you ever seen a cow crossing that was under the highway? Where?


  1. My seniors group all have significant health issues which they report on each week and there are often reports about neighbours and friends the rest of the grip haven't even met!
    I think the support helps them and none are hypochondriac about it

  2. My friend with the memory problem has quit driving and now has bone marrow problems. I suspect that is anemia. Hopefully! Only one person is a hypochondriac. Then, she broke her leg and is very happy.

    Some days, I hear of a problem and thanks the stars I do not have that problem.

  3. There is a cow crossing beneath Highway 31 in Calera. Of course by the time 31 gets to Calera it is little more than a two lane road with gozillions of turn lanes though it's center. I see it when we go to the lake but have never seen a cow emerging from it.

  4. That is amazing that the only other reported cow crossing is on the same road--Hwy 31, about 100 miles apart. This was near Hartselle. It's been several months since I have been on this road. So, you have a better view. Thanks.

  5. I'm on the upper east coast and there are no Kmart's left & it's hard to find a Sears.
    I've never seen a cow crossing under a highway. But hey...

    1. monica,
      There is not one kmart left in the state of AL. I think the pants I want are in Sears, too. I will check to see where Sears are located in AL. This may be the impetus that start me sewing again, starting with getting a sewing machine where I cans sew. I have never seen a cow crossing anywhere, but I have not been enough places to call an under road cow crossing rare.

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.