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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Tree Situation

 Mower came today. Before he went into the back yard, I told him about the tree and asked him to tell me exactly what is going on. He said the tree is bent and bending the clothesline pole. NOT good. He can only trim a few feet, that a tree trimmer will have to get the rest. It is not several limbs, just one limb that is at least 24" diameter. Good Grief! He has to dodge to get under part of it to mow. The rest he uses the weed eater underneath to get the grass.

Now, the mower can barely mitigate the situation. So, we have to deal with the backyard neighbor. We can be civil about the situation. However, any problem I had with the myriad neighbors in the tacky rental house were always very hostile.  A paid tree trimmer is only option here.

I have choices. 1) speak to them civilly. Leave if they get cranky. 2) have it done, pay for it, and take bill to them. 3) let/expect them to get the tree person and hope it all turns out okay, 4) Expect the people to pay when we have it done.

The tree is a monster with the huge branch bending from about 40' above the ground. So, this is not something for a person with a chainsaw. I want someone licensed and bonded to do the work. This is not my first rodeo with a tree. This will ruin Tommy's fence if the huge limb falls on it. 

We drove by the house behind here and the yard is immaculate front and back. Not a blade of grass out of place. They have two grills out back on a patio along with furniture. There is no way they have not seen this problem. So, I suspect they will not want to pay for this removal. I have never seen anyone outside, so who knows whether they are old or young or what. I have to lean forward to see out of the dirty kitchen window and through a screen and through a dirty storm window. 

This makes me anxious. I will get a quote first. 

Mower raised the blades another inch for four-inch cut. The St Augustine will keep weeds from sprouting. Plus, it looks lush, like it should. It will also survive better any bit of drought or heat this summer. I have tried to get Tommy to let it grow higher instead of scalping the lawn, exposing dirt where weeds thrive. Maybe he will let me get a tree or three planted next--crape myrtles. 

Tommy has heard my plan for his lack of noticing his condition before he passes out. I will be at his appointment with Endocrinologist. I will have his monitor info on my phone even if he has a monitor in his pocket. Before this, he has said he does not need me to help monitor. If I don't, his diabetes will land him in hospital with head injury or broken bones, OR in the morgue. 

I made a list from the Publix ad and Tommy went in. Tomorrow. 

We have been watching Elkhorn. Anyone else? I love it.

Things like this tree bending my T-pole to hold my clothesline are what disturb my sleep at night. 

What would you do about the tree branch leaning? This is a branch that is tree sized and very wide.


  1. It seems the two of you are in a mutually beneficial situation. What will happen when one of you passes? Do you have wills? I am worried for your situation if something happens to him, specifically. I know a lot of people don't like to talk about such things, but death is a fact of life and much easier dealt with beforehand with a plan.

    Tree cutting is big business. I expect that you're going to be shocked with the estimate. I also expect that neighbor will balk at paying for something that they may view and not affecting them. South Central Kentucky has had so many severe storms starting with the big tornado a few years ago in December. My husband and a bunch of men from church have spent so many hours/days/weeks cutting up downed trees and limbs. One family said they'd received a quote for $8,000 for the work these guys did for free.

    1. Alice, 
      I suspect you are correct about the people balking. I hate this kind of messy business with neighbors. At my house a huge limb overhung the neighbor's house. She refused to 'let' me cut it because it provided shade for her and the tree was slightly on her property. It would also provide a skylight if the limb fell. She said she would take her chances. But, she would not put it in writing.

      I have heard about the exorbitant prices and shudder to think what this will cost. There are only a couple of elderly men in Tommy's church.

  2. I would just try to talk to the neighbors and tell them their tree is causing issues now. It's likely they are figuring, hey, if you don't say anything, then they sure aren't going to spend the money to fix it. Just tell them what is going on and that you are getting a quote to have it cut down and see how receptive they are. But, I think typically, it would be your responsibility to cut down branches on your side, as long as you don't damage the tree. Years ago we had a tree hanging over onto our neighbors that got so big after years and years and we were proactive and paid for a tree trimmer. I don't think it was terribly expensive to have trimming done. Cutting down trees does get more expensive.

    1. I don't think we are responsible for anything. The part on our side is very long, tall, massive. The only thing we could do is pay lawn guy to cut the last six feet of the limb. This is a tree-sized limb. I will get pictures to use on blog.

  3. Tommy has the right to cut things hanging over his side of the fence, but cannot ask them to cut the tree down unless it is dying and hazardous.

    1. We both know he has the right. The problem is the cost which he does not want to bear. That is the problem, getting them to pay for it. The whole tree does not need to come down, just this massive limb.

    2. They are under no obligation to cut down limbs on your side of property line. You want limb down, you pay for it but only to the line. Check with your local laws to be sure.

    3. Tewshooz,
      When I feel better, I will see.

  4. Any of the options where you contract to have the tree trimmed and then expect neighbors to pay seems
    risky. They may NOT have the money and they may not be legally obligated to pay in any case.

    1. Connie,
      We will not contract with anyone. Yes, they are legally responsible for the tree. Until I hear definitively from someone, I will not believe we are responsible. I suppose we will see.

  5. We have one set of neighbors who are a real hassle. Example: We share a brick path between our houses that splits off in a Y to our own fence doors. Our area had, had torrential rains & water started to pool on the brick path between our houses. We have a big hill in our backyard, so we had already installed a French drain. Beyond that, there's not much we can do. So.. she filed a complaint with the city. Luckily, the city knew where Chris worked & went up to his business to advise of the issue. The city sided with us & told her it's been raining cats & dogs.. what can any of us do about it? Avoid using the back gate for a few days & use your front door or garage. 🙄 Another time she walked into our open garage & asked if she can have our brand new mattress, still wrapped in plastic. Um.. no? It's not like she's hurting for money (they just expanded/poured a new driveway). And they wonder why we don't answer our door now (that and all the unwelcome religious visitors, having four animals & safety concerns).

    1. Tiffany, she complained about water that just fell? How was that supposed to be your fault?
      That is amazing they would question you about not answering the door.
      I do wonder why she would ask for a brand new mattress. She has a lot of gall, more brass than the courthouse dome!
      I had a neighbor I would find in my back yard looking around. She was always sort of snooping, stopping and looking at things. She came in front yard and just walked herself to the back yard. She is one who stole all the stuff from my back yard--swings, tables, chairs, huge potted plants, etc.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.