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Thursday, April 25, 2024

It Is a First

 Last night, I was so tired I went to bed at 10:30. Of course, you know that means nothing to my body. So, at 12:30 I awoke to go to the bathroom. I fell. This is the first time I have fallen, not tripped, mattress threw me out of bed, or something like that. Last time it was a tall screw that Tommy refused to let me screw down in threshold of front door! This time, I just fell over. Don't worry. I landed on a laundry basket of towels and sheet ready to be folded--nice, fluffy sheets out of the laundry and not folded. The fall was not even jarring.  But, this time I was lucky I did not hit the dresser. From now on, I stand a minute.

My big problem after 911 was called was that I still needed to pee. So I did! I stuffed a folded towel under me and then a pair of pants behind me. At least, there was nothing on the carpet. 

Thankfully, I did not hit my head on anything. From now on, I will get my balance like I usually do instead of just start walking. I usually stand and wait a second after I flip over and bounce off the bed. Yes, I am fast on this new extra-mattress. 

We had gone to Cullman yesterday to the lunch at a church. Not many people who came before covid were there. The guitarists and a woman on tambourine were there playing during the meal. There were hymnals to sing from. I had never heard the first four or five songs, so did not sing or try. 

The huge round tables were well-appointed. Pink and pale green table cloths were on the tables with a pretty bouquet of flowers and little decorations around the vases. 

My 93-year-old friend was there, too. Her husband fell going up a slippery ramp and the side of his face was very bruised. They were going to the beauty shop where she was getting a perm. After he fell, he insisted he was okay, so they went inside.  The people in the shop insisted 911 should be called. The EMTs checked him while she got her perm. 

Then, friends left and took him to ER just to be sure. After that, they picked up BBQ to take home for dinner. She drove after he fell and they left the beauty shop. 

When they arrived home, their son and daughter were waiting on them. They took the car with them so they cannot drive anymore. They children never tried the parents' cell phone. They never called the police to see if they had been involved in a wreck. They never called the ER. Just "could not find them." I was incensed for her.

The day I called her I found out this happened the day before, she was still furious. Plus, she had to cook dinner because they had nothing to eat. Usually, they go get one plate and share it or a relative brings dinner. Now, she was angry she could not go out to take care of herself and not have to cook. She said by the time she got dinner done and on the table, she was exhausted. 

Son did take her to this lunch, one he has always attended. Everyone there to whom she related her story agreed with her son and daughter. I felt for her. We can always take her if we are in Cullman. Even when we go there without a luncheon happening, we will call to see if we can take them anywhere. 

We had bbq pork, baked beans, and slaw at the lunch. And cake. However, I could not eat the slaw as there were diced cucumbers in it. I never eat baked beans, not a fan. I had to have a tiny burger to make it home.

By the way, I have no residual pain anywhere to remind me I fell. But, it was scary because it was first fall without mitigating circumstances. The other falls were like all falls in my life except for the fact I could not get up! I am a faller. 

Have you ever had falls that had nothing to do with age, weakness, or losing balance? I have had many!


  1. if they don't have legal power over her they can call police or their lawyer to get the car back.

    1. Chef,
      They would never do that. They depend on the son and daughter. The husband is very skinny, frail. The woman has essential tremors. When I saw her I was shocked as one arm flailed about wildly. I have never seen anyone in that condition. So, it would have to go to court and the couple would lose. Technically, you are correct. It would not take much to get the son legal power over them.

      This couple drove to Michigan or somewhere up north about five years ago. So, basically, they have been very active.

  2. Glad you didn't get hurt. I have always had some reason if I fell.

    1. Cheryl,
      I suppose I could injure myself badly even if I had a reason. But, I don't fall about like elderly people often do. This is the first time dizziness has been the cause.

  3. Is it possible for her to have a food delivery service bering food to her like Dinner Delivered or Uber Eats or GrubHub? I would be upset about that too!

    I'm so glad you are OK after your fall.

    1. Belinda,
      I didn't even think about that. I will call her. I am never hurt much, just highly annoyed I cannot get up.

  4. I have never fallen that I remember. Lately a little wobbly but still upright, ha ha. My biggest fear is losing independence like your 93 yo friend and her husband. I used to work in a nursing home and what I saw horrified me. After years of a productive life to wind up completely dependent upon someone who really doesn;t care really scares me. I hope you are OK after your fall. Why do you think you are a faller? Do you get dizzy? It just occurred to me that I am not acquainted with anyone older than me anymore except for one old friend.

    1. Tewshooz,
      When I was about 35, I decided a fall was going to kill me eventually. I saw my mother falling or heard about it and she was only about 60. I decided it was in my genes. I was not dizzy this last time and never before. I do get dizzy but know to either sit down on bed or stand still.

      You would laugh at all the ways I have fallen. Some are hilarious.

      My friend is still hot under the collar about the loss of her car.

    2. I would NEVER laugh at a fall, nor allow anyone in my presence to do so either. What a horrible thing to do. That was the substance of the comment that vanished.

    3. Sometimes, if I put enough distance and time between the fall and recounting it, I can laugh in horror. But, no one better laugh at me during a fall.

  5. A comment started with "I am a dancer." Then, it disappeared. Please comment again.

    1. I am (was) a dancer, so of course I have fallen, sometimes doing a simple plie! Fortunately, I know how to fall, and how to get up. I had a strict rule in my class that if a classmate fell, we applauded when they got up...everyone falls, what matters is you get up after. What I DID NOT allow was laughing. Any student who laughed at a classmate's fall could get the eff out of my class for the night. Fortunately, they never made me enforce it. I have no patience with people, especially adults, who laugh at falls, trips, etc., even if the victim is not hurt. I don't get the thought process: Gee, you're not hurt, which would have been comedy gold, but maybe humiliating you when you're already embarrassed might garner a chuckle. Is that what they're thinking. Crass, to say the least. Glad you're okay.

    2. Meg,
      I am glad you had that policy in class. People need lessons on manners.

  6. I have spatial issues so i am always misjudging a step or the distance if I am walking over something. Once I tripped over a sprinkler head and face planted on concrete, at work in front of the CFO.

    1. Patti,
      I do have astigmatism so that is part of my problem, especially in the past. I can imagine how horrified and humiliated you were. Once, I was in the chicken pen and leaned over to pick up something. I put a hand on a chair I gave the chickens to play on. I put too much pressure on the broken arm of the chair and face-planted in chicken poop! At least it was not concrete and no one saw me. Did you hurt your face? Hope not.

      Steps were usually the things I misjudged, so had to look straight down through glasses at the steps. Of course, I clutched the railing for dear life.

      Thanks for the story.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.