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Monday, April 22, 2024

Refunds, Tree Limb, Olive Oil

 For at least 24 hours, I had not eaten correctly. It seemed everything bad for me was all I wanted. I was sluggish, sleepy, and not motivated to do much. I don't know why I felt so compelled to eat bad stuff. But, that phase is over. 

I did not feel like typing anything on my blog. I did read and comment on others' blogs. Of course, I did put things in new posts to share. 

Sunday night, I went to bed at 10:30 and woke at 2:30. Well, that was it for sleep until noon on Monday. Then, I was up at 3 pm. Still, I got little sleep and just as little food. Around 10 am, I had less than 8 ounces of milk. 

I am back on track. At 4 pm, I had a huge salad with Romaine, tomato, cheese, chopped chicken and dressing. I used half olive oil and half Italian dressing and marinated the chopped chicken in it while I grated a bit of cheese, and diced tomato. I was stuffed when I finished. About two hours later, I had a banana. 

Funny Tommy story--one day I was going to make a small batch of brownies. I asked him to bring me olive oil. He brought vegetable oil, saying he knew I meant that instead of olive oil. Well, no. He was distraught that I was going to put olive oil in brownies, saying he would not eat them. Of course, I knew the bottle open was not aromatic. He tried the brownies and has never doubted me using olive oil for anything since. I do realize he knows nothing about olive oil and had never used it for anything before. It was funny. 

I had an appointment to have teeth cleaned in Cullman today. My heart was beating funny, and I was exhausted from no sleep, plus I felt like I was going to throw up. So, I cancelled and rescheduled. I do brush twice a day and floss at least a dozen times. So, maybe my oral health has not disintegrated to the point I need extra measures to keep my teeth. I do not cancel lightly, so these were extreme circumstance to cause me to cancel.

You would be proud of me as I am making a concerted effort to keep this decluttered table clear of stuff. Tommy has paid attention to it and helped clear things away that I put down. And, I am slowly clearing off the table on the other side of me. Tommy's table and bookcase are worse than mine. I will tell him she can clear his flat surfaces, too. That will put ambition into him. Really, once a surface is decluttered, the surface needs to be dusted/cleaned. He sees no sense to 

In the decluttering this last week, stuff in living room, I gave away one book. I bought it new but on sale. It was awful. I did give that to cleaner along with a child's t-shirt, and something else. I must do better. 

Today, I got refunds on two items. The first was a2milk Real Dairy Protein+Collagen from a2milk.  It mixes in nasty. Lumps remain on the top even though the milk tasted like chocolate. I have been trying for several months to use it. Somehow, the milk I put it in just gets foam or something thick on top. It is hard to believe this can be good or good for me. The cs I talked with was amazed and kept making sure I did not put in too much powder. I will get a coupon that will buy another 1/2 gallon of milk. 

Then, I called about Chips Ahoy that were scorched and the chocolate chips were actually burned tasting. They were nasty, but of course, I ate them, albeit slowly. I have not had any in four months or more, trying to break that habit. They are sending me two coupons to replace the two packages. 

Today, I received in the mail four coupons for Miracle Whip for the two I bought. One was orange MW and the other is not tasting right. These have an expiration on the coupons for next year at this time. 

I had to call because points were not put on my account at a business. All I wanted was my points, but they added another $7 that was on my account for the next purchase. 

Today was profitable--4 jars of Miracle Whip, 2 packages of Chips Ahoy, $5 coupon from a2milk, and $7 in points. That is a $42 value altogether. 

Right now, he has decided to inventory meat thawed and decide what to do. Well, he let one spoil! No, I cannot get that stuff off the bottom shelf. I will cook a pork loin tonight, to eat or store for other meals in freezer. I will cut it in portions for one and freeze. Also, he will brown and chop 3 lbs. ground beef for freezing. I thought the meat tasted like vinegar, so Tommy can eat it since he liked it. Chicken breast suits me. 

Do you ever face a stack of books or anything, fully committed to decluttering and just want it all the stay with you? I do have other books to sort, so all is not lost.

The tree limb will cost $1350 to remove and carry off. Now, to get two more estimates. 

Do you call and tell manufacturers when a product does not meet expectations? 

My friend turned 93 last week. I forgot her birthday! For tomorrow, I have a tragic tale from her.


  1. Olive oil in brownies? I bet this provides some extra flavor, depending on the olive oil of course.

    1. Urspo,
      Actually, no extra flavor as the olive oil is not savory, sort of bland.

    2. I always use mild olive oil in brownies - they sure are moist and tasty,

    3. Cheryl,
      And hopefully better for me.

  2. people make brownie from all kinds of things: sweet potato and avocado sometimes. Olive oil seems mild enough and actually, there is a Greek cake which is made with olive oil.
    Your teeth will be ok until you feel better, it's good to know your limits

    1. kylie,
      I have a delicious recipe for black bean brownies. It has bananas, too. Love it. It can be searched for on my blog. Put chocolate in it and its brownies. I think I have heard of the cake with olive oil.

  3. " I don't know why I felt so compelled to eat bad stuff." Sugar and things that turn to sugar when eaten (carbohydrates) affect the same receptors in the brain as opiates. Additionally, they do NOT trigger satiety hormones. So when you eat carbs and you are 'hungry' again so quickly, it is not because you're really hungry, but that your brain wants to feel good again. And you can overeat them because your brain doesn't know you're full already.

    I recently purchased a rather expensive container of mixed nuts. The Brazil nuts tasted rancid. I called Planters and they sent me two very healthy coupons. One was maybe $9, and the other $4.

    No one should use vegetable oil. It's highly processed and promotes inflammation in the body.

    1. My brain loves brownies! Chocolate does make me feel good.
      I hate to get nuts that are rancid. Glad you got a replacement.
      I have read that, too. I had a bottle for so long that it was going rancid, so tossed it. I was loathe to use it, the reason it was so old, going rancid.

  4. I love using olive oil as it is much healthier than vegetable oil. Sounds like you had a busy day. Kudos to you for keeping your table top uncluttered.

    1. Belinda,
      I am determined to not have it get so cluttered.

  5. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Linda. Sometimes the old digestive system goes wonky, and there's naught to do but wait it out.

    There has long been a trend to put olive oil in sweet baked goods. It's not for me. I buy very green, fruity olive oil for salads, but it does not taste good in sweet baked items. It lends an unmistakeable flavor I don't like. It's fine for focaccia and bread, but not for cake. But that's just my opinion.

    I do call mfrs when I am seriously displeased with an item. The last time I called to complain about a much loved product that suddenly became "new and improved!" I was refunded my purchase money. Which is exactly as it should be. I was a loyal purchaser until they decided to fork things up.

    I also call mfrs when I am super pleased with a product. I think you have to balance criticism with praise whenever possible. Keeps the universe balanced, LOL!

    1. Unless it is something contagious, I do know how to keep my digestive system happy. I just screw up

      I don't put anything that is not mild and bland in brownies. Once I did put in the wrong kind and it was not pretty. Yuck!

      Improving a food product rarely succeeds. I do praise. My milk I am drinking is from when I praised a2milk and wanted to know when they were going to make yogurt. I also contact managers in stores when I get exceptional service.

  6. I hadn't thought of trying olive oil in brownies. I'm going to do that next time.

    1. Make sure it is mild olive oil.

    2. ok, maybe I won't try my olive oil then, it's pretty hearty and robust ;). But I do try to use it as much as possible, frying eggs, sauteing veggies and chicken pieces

    3. One,
      Get a bottle of mild for all those cookies you bake and cakes.

  7. I use mild olive oil in my bread or wherever oil is called for.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I buy whatever extra-virgin olive oil is bogo at Publix. But, I do use only the mild for baking or scrambling eggs.

  8. As long as you don't use extra virgin oil or the insanely expensive stuff, the olive flavor is not pronounced in baked goods. I have even used it in cookies before.

    1. I always use extra virgin. I think this stuff I use is expensive, but maybe not so expensive by comparison and I cannot taste it. Maybe I should switch to less expensive for baking.

  9. I rarely bake from mixes, and when I do, I typically use either melted butter or melted coconut oil in them for the oil. I do, however, use extra light olive oil for my pie crusts, and have, in a pinch, used it to make a doctored cake mix cake. I also once used peanut oil in a chocolate cake discovering too late I was out of butter--that was the only time I noticed the taste of the oil, but as I was making a peanut butter frosting it didn't matter. I don't use corn, grapeseed, "vegetable" or canola oil ever. Olive oil, butter and coconut oil are pantry staples in my house.

    1. Meg,
      That was the last time I will buy vegetable oil. f have found ' doctored' cake mixes make the best cakes.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.