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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid

 My email inbox always has things I have won from places I have never been, never dealt with, not in my area of the country. No, scam. 

Sam's sent me one of those emails. I wondered. Could I have won those pots and pans? Is the internet reading my mind? I know it reads my emails and blog. 

I pulled out Tommy's Sam's cc and plunged right in. I 'only' had to pay $8.98. So, I did it. Then, ten seconds later I got an alert that this may be fraud. 

I am so cautious and so skeptical. But, I had slept two hours and up for four hours. My stomach hurt so, my esophagus felt full. I am no longer sleepy, just dopey. In my defense, I have never fallen for a scam. In my defense, I felt defenseless. 

I started to wake Tommy, but did not. I told him when he got me up at 11 am. He called at my insistence. Then, he got a woman who could only keep reading her script and kept saying there was nothing to do but wait a week. This was the number on the back of his cc, and she was no help. I had taken the phone and finally slammed down the phone. 

Isn't that a satisfying feeling to slam down a house phone?

Five or ten minutes later, someone who could do something called from his cc company. It appears that the $8.98 and another $34 and change had been put on his card. Now, both cc have been cancelled and new ones issued. And, I suppose I won't be getting cookware in the mail!

I am so wary over the phone, with mailed offers, and even in person. Scammers or liars never catch me off guard. I am strong. Now, I need to know when I am weak and without sleep and in pain. I feel stupid. 

At least, I figured it out quickly and told Tommy. He was not mad at all, just fixed it. I would have fixed it, but my name is not on the card. Well, it is but the whole account is in his name. 

I had a new cleaner today. The other one can only come seldom, maybe every six weeks. We need more days than that. She is superb! Of course, there is a box of things to sort. I need to maintain the level of uncluttered, too. That is hard. 

The day has been sunless and dreary, but, it seems brighter indoors with dusting and decluttering done. 

EDIT: I have just won high dollar items from Kohl's, Lowe's, Harbor Freight, Macy's. Sure, I did. /s

Have you ever fallen prey to a scam? 

Do you think a dusted and decluttered room seems brighter?


  1. At the moment I'm getting notices of my "winnings" from UK shops (and I haven't been back for four years)! Plus UPS in Minnesota frequently "can't deliver my package" as they can't find my address. Not suprising really, as I'm in the French alps!

    1. Treaders,
      Oh my! That is even more ridiculous than my experiences, but the same thing. I wonder what would happen if you gave UPS your correct address or at least the country. At least you are giving up a cc number, and a cc number you do not own.

  2. There are so many scams on Facebook these days it gets old fast. And many people have fallen victim to these scams, sadly.

    1. Belinda,
      I received an email scam from Facebook just once. I thought it was strange, but did not know this was common.

  3. At least you figured it out right away. I figure I never win even when when I actually enter to win something, I sure as heck haven't won something from some random email, LOL.

    1. One,
      I was very tired, but no excuse. I actually entered two different things and called both stores to see if someone was playing a prank on me. The first time I won a playpen. Next time, a shirt for my son. And, I forgot the third until just now--a drill. There were other things because for two years I won everything I entered, and these were just in store boxes to drop a ticket into with my name and phone number.

  4. I don't do any of those things as Mother and Pop did and wiped out their credit limit. Mother got it taken care of but it was so stressful and they couldn't buy groceries for a month. Thankful they were working at a food pantry and told of the issues. We took what they needed to fill in. Daddy said to not do publisher's sweepstakes either.

    1. Chef,
      Oh No! Too bad. I hoped they learned. Publisher's Sweepstakes worries me to death after I entered, so never did it again. I never purchased anything.

  5. I have not fallen prey. There is nothing free in this world, and anyone who asks me to pay for a "prize" I've won is not legit, ever.

    I'm glad you were able to stop the charges against Tommy's card.

    Dusting/decluttering always makes a room feel lighter and airier, I agree!

    1. Sue,
      Agreed. They only wanted me to pay for shipping. Still! I came to my senses.

  6. Decluttering and tidying up can indeed bring a sense of brightness and order to a dreary day. Remember to be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that we all have moments where we may feel vulnerable or caught off guard. Read my new blog post.

    1. The dusting is what made it brighter. The light could reflect off the furniture!

  7. Alas yes I have fallen for a scam. When we do we feel stupid but it's about being human: we trust others. This isn' bad although we get burned from time to time.

    1. Urspo,
      Some people lose lots of money. So, that is bad.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.