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Friday, April 26, 2024

Kitchen Towels that Stink and The Solution

 It is Friday again? I am not losing days, but it seems the weeks have been flying by. I cannot believe it is Friday already! Has the week gone by quickly for you?

I have complained before of kitchen items keeping a greasy, nasty smell even after washing in hot water and detergent. I forgot which detergent actually killed the stench. But, it seemed to keep returning. Yesterday, I was folding the kitchen linens and was NOT overwhelmed by the clean laundry. Usually, I have a throw over my lap and have kitchen laundry on it and folded items on one arm of the chair. I really don't want the smell to seep into the clothes I am wearing. 

I put a dishcloth to my nose and could smell nothing. I don't even like the smell of any laundry. But, I was relieved not to smell rancid greasy cloth. 

 I usually use Oxyclean along with All Free and Clear. Now, I use the Odor Blaster variety powder in a tub. 

When I bought Oxyclean last time, I bought a different variety. The type I use now that has no smell when used is Oxyclean Odor Blaster--purple top. (sweaty, musty, body odors) Urspo, sounds like what you need. The last type of Oxyclean I used was good, "No dyes or perfumes." green top. But, still I could smell it on my clean clothing. 

For stain spot removal, I use Oxyclean Laundry and More liquid in spray bottle. Attacks tough dried-in stains. No chlorine. 

Tommy uses some strange washing powder that is pink and in unmarked, five-gallon bucket. Someone he helped to move gave it to him and he has used it for 7 or 8 years. I have no idea what it is. He uses what he wants to and I use what I want to wash with. I realize I ended the sentence with a preposition. 

I know that others have had this same problem. Some people say they throw the towels away. Does anyone use Oxyclean Odor Blaster?


  1. Haven't had a problem in years. Used to use baking soda in laundry when it happened.

    1. Cheryl,
      Baking soda never worked for me.

    2. Do you go to a laundromat or wash at home? I'm thinking the washer may need to be cleaned.

    3. LaurieS,
      Home. Nothing else smells, just kitchen stuff.

  2. We put 20 Mule Team borax in towel loads. It has worked for us for years.

    1. Lana,
      I have not used that in years. Maybe it was the smell of the product in clean laundry.

  3. I love doing laundry and the smell of freshly laundered towels. All my kitchen towels are 100% cotton. Hot water, tide free pods and Clorox. Gets the stains and stink out. Also 1/4cup washing soda. Sometimes those blue non bleach balls. Love the cotton terry dish towels from Walmart.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I cannot use Tide. And, I never use Clorox anymore. I have allergies and cannot abide the smell of either. Hot water is always good for the kitchen things. I still have some WM towels from years ago. Even the odor of clean bothers my allergies. I am glad you have a good formula for getting the smell out.

  4. Vinegar along with detergent in your wash!

    1. obscure,
      I tried that. It did not work. It is not good for the washing machine to use too much vinegar in the washer. I was losing my mind trying to figure out this stench and was ready to toss them all. Some people do that. Thanks!

  5. I am going to be on the lookout for Oxyclean Odor Blaster! My son's clean laundry often smells.

    I just found and ordered a 5lb tub at Amazon!

    1. Janet,
      It will end the stink. I use it with detergent. Maybe I don't need to use detergent, not sure. Let me know if it works on his laundry.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.