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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Another Episode

 Friday night, I took my meds too late, took a nap, and could not sleep. As I sat here about 5:30 am, Tommy woke. He started moving like he was getting up from his chair. Then, he settled down, then started thrashing about, moving like something was wrong, sighing, sort of coughing, all sorts of movements and breathing like something was wrong. 

Finally, I asked him what was wrong. He finally got it out that his nose was stopped up. I suggested using some Vaporub at end of his nostrils. He agreed and made no move to do so. This happened three times in a row. 

Finally, he decided to get up and started getting out of the chair by sliding down the footrest and not using the controls to sit himself up or let down the footrest. When he was off the chair, he grabbed at the one arm, sort of almost fell, grabbed for the table, knocking it around. Then, he managed to get on his feet and all hunched over got hold of his walker and staggered about. He just stood there. And he said some disparaging things about himself that almost made me cry. 

Finally, he said he was going to the bathroom. I followed and watched. He was not producing much, maybe nothing. I was afraid he would fall in there and really hurt himself. I have no idea what I could have done except describe the fall and call 30 seconds earlier than if had to run and see him fallen. When he was going to come back down the hall, I got away fast, fearing he would fall and hurt me, too. 

He stood around the living room, trying to talk. Finally, I got up and moved his chair to proper position. He thanked me so warmly and as though he was so grateful. He ripped off his t-shirt because he said he was hot. He had soaked his t-shirt and the sheet over him which was covered by a blanket. He sits in a stream of ac which was running. So, not sure how he gets so hot. 

He was in such a state that I presumed he had not taken dinner/night insulin but knew it would be dangerous to suggest strongly for him to do so. I made him a sandwich with too much peanut butter and gave him a regular Coke, one with sugar. Then, I realized I was just pushing away the inevitable. So, I called 911. By the time they took a blood sugar reading, it was up to 90. 

The guys asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital. He looked at me and said, "Linda, what do you think?" I said I did not think he needed to go, but that tomorrow I was buying a glucometer and using it to test him. He said, "Okay." He has almost become violent when I have suggested testing him before. So, maybe I can get him to be reasonable about the glucometer. 

Right now, it is 7:30 am, and he is finally warm enough to sleep. He was shivering, so wanted the heat on. He awoke just as I typed that and is still cold. Well, I insisted he eat so I can go to bed because I am afraid to leave him alone. I know he is better because he is being mean and insulting to me. Grrr!!!

Finally, at 10 am Saturday morning, I felt confident he was okay, so I went to bed, sleeping until 3 pm. This afternoon he said he never peed, just thought he had to go. 

When I got in here, he was gathering his sheet and blanket and tshirt to wash. Later, he washed the blanket covering his chair. I had suggested he wash them. Usually, he rejects any idea anything of his is

It was a glorious day, lots of sun, and even more wind. Some days, I am not sure why I comb my hair. Does it seem to anyone else that this is an unusually windy spring? 

I went out to see part of the meteor shower and found heavy cloud cover. So, I came back in. Has anyone seen meteors this time?


  1. That is so sad about Tommy. Getting older is certainly slows us down and makes us wish for the vitality of our youth. I hope he is doing much better today. I would definitely be getting a glucometer. My body warns me when my blood sugar goes into the low 90s as I start to tremble and I know I need to eat something.

    1. Belinda,
      I read that there are a few people who get no warning. He is definitely one of those people. He was better. But, was going through the same thing again but later this morning. I caught it, though and won't be calling 911. I get fuzzy headed and just want something to eat to straighten me out.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.