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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Tommy's Episode

 "Episode" is the only one word I can use to describe what happened.

I could not sleep last night, sort of back to my old ways. I went to bed a 1 am, rolled around, something I almost never do. I got up around 4:30 and turned on the living room lamp farthest from Tommy. This never bothers him. As I sat in my chair, Tommy roused and turned on his lamp. 

This was not concerning as I thought he needed to go to bathroom. No. He partially raised his chair, then sat there, laid it back a bit, then sat there. This went on for about ten minutes. Finally, I was exasperated and asked him what he was doing. He repeated the question several times. I was getting irritated and told him to go to sleep after almost an hour. He said okay and let his chair back and covered up. I thought maybe his blood sugar was off. 

Around 11:15 I had slept well and got up. I don't remember what started it, but he was strange. He took the sheet and blanket from him and just balled it up in his arms around his face and under his chin. Then, he started pulling the quilt from under him. He refused to stop and then started pushing his legs on the leg rest while I kept telling him he was going to break it. I asked him repeatedly what he was doing. He would repeat every question. Finally, he said, "I don't know."

I told him to put his little bone pillow down. I meant beside his chair. He took it and threw it onto me. I told him to put his blankets beside him. He gathered them sheet and blanket to throw to me. I was so exasperated. Only by talking to him in small words and pointing did I get him to put the blankets beside the chair. 

I questioned him for many minutes about his birthdate, his father's name, his brother's name, the president now. Finally, I asked him if he would drink a real Coke. He did. Then, I asked what else to eat. He tried to explain that Coke would make it all better. So, I explained in detail that was sugar/carb and how he needed protein and fiber or his blood sugar would plummet again. So, he sent me for cheese. 

Finally, he could remember his birthday, his father's name and birthday, president's name. I was exhausted and went to bed at 11:15 am and woke at 3:15 pm. He has seemed fine since then. 

He has never descended so far just out of the blue. But, he has walked around almost out of it and insisted he was okay. I have noticed he gets something to eat and is better. 

Our course, some days I have had to call 911 because of his actions. I still wonder what happened in the middle of the night and later in the morning. I am happy that he does not fall. 


The type of onions may be part of my problem potato salad other than too many onions and chopped too coarsely. These were yellow onions. I might get white onions next time. At any rate, I picked out onions again tonight. This dish may last me another three days!

For dinner: ground beef with cheese melted on top, tomato, Miracle Whip, sort of a cheeseburger of chopped meat with no bread and potato salad. Tommy had ham, peas from a can, potatoes with onion in them, the potatoes with onions I used for potato salad. 

For some reason, I ate for the first time today at 5:30 pm. It is not often I got 19 hours between meals or snacks of some kind. When I ate dinner at 7 pm, it made me feel stuffed. Wonder why? 

A bit of decluttering has happened, just enough to call it decluttering. 

We are presently facing bad weather with a chance of tornadoes. 

It seems the storms are widespread. How is Tuesday and the night at your house? 

Have you ever had to deal with a person suffering a blood sugar problem that is sort of out of it? Tell me how bad it gets. How do you handle it? Especially if the person will not listen?


  1. I'm glad Tommy got better quickly, but that must be very frightening for both of you!

    1. Treaders,
      It was not quickly at all. I spent about two hours over 7 hours dealing with him in his lack of understanding. I had to get back to bed the first time. Then, I was so exhausted the second time, I needed a nap. He had absolutely no He remembers nothing. He acts so unconcerned when I tell him.

  2. Your experience with Tommy sounds straight out of "Steel Magnolias" when Julia Roberts has a blood sugar plummet at the salon and Sally Fields has to pull her back with orange juice.

    You had great presence of mind in dealing with Tommy's episode! He's very lucky you look out for him and persist in spite of his irritability.

    There will be severe weather events all around us, but we're just getting normal spring rain.

    I think I will do some more decluttering, too. Sigh. It's endless. I get one area settled and then another area gets piled high. I am in a never-ending game of Whack-A-Clutter. LOL!

    PS: I just looked it up and your hunch is correct--white onions are indeed milder than yellow. They are more expensive than yellows here. Not that it matters because we like our onions red--red and ready for a fight! LOL

    If you do try a white onion, let us know if you liked it better.

  3. Sue,
    I try hard to keep him on an even keel. He became less irritable when I finally raised my voice about trying to get up without moving the footrest and when he was tossing the blanket to me. I had to talk louder at first because he said he could not hear me. Then, I really raised my voice with the pillow and blanket part.

    I can relate to the Whack a Clutter situation. The area next to me seems particularly prone to re offending by popping up. I do have a plan for that area, though.

    Vidalia taste the best, but it is not the season yet. I have two yellow onions here that I will only cook before adding to a dish.

  4. It may not have been his blood sugar, it could have been a mini-stroke. People get over them and seem normal.

  5. That seems so scary, with Tommy, but I suppose you are kind of used to this sort of thing happening with him.

    1. One,
      It is scary, but I am not used to it. It is so puzzling as to why it happened this time.

  6. We have a friend that had to use his cell phone to call his wife due to his sugar dropping. Now he keeps OJ beside his recliner. Write down when it is happening and let his doctor office know. A dexacon would send him a signal his sugar was dropping if he had one and a cell phone connected to it.

    1. Chef,
      Tommy can never tell his blood sugar is dropping! He is totally clueless. He would never call me. He refuses to wear anything. It is so frustrating. I feel like I am in charge of keeping him alive without his cooperation. If we are in the car, I have to keep both of us alive.

  7. Linda you should probably attend his next Dr's appointment and discuss what you should do to help stabilize his blood sugar. I know some people carry hard candy. I think it is a good idea to keep a small bottle of orange juice tucked into the back of your fridge.
    Tell him that many of your readers care about him and are worried.

    1. Janet,
      I attended the last two appointments. The doctor told him to do what he was doing if he was feeling okay. I spoke up and told the doctor he is one of the rare people who cannot tell when blood sugar is down or high.
      Today, something was going on, which he denied. But, he did eat what I told him to. Then, again in the car he ate when and what I told him to eat.
      He needs something wearable that I can view results.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.