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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Don't Eat This Fish

 We often choose it, and it's one of the worst fish. It contains a lot of heavy metals (

I went to bed at 10:30 on Friday night because my stomach hurt. Now, it is middle of night and I am sitting up after a med to help stomach.  I read the article about Tilapia. I don't have my glasses on, so I cannot see if this is typed correctly. 

New cleaner coming tomorrow, so I need to sleep!

Do you eat tilapia?


  1. Used to buy it a lot, haven't eaten any in ages. Fish has gotten very expensive (well, what hasn't). I figure just about everything today is bad for you - so at my age, I will eat what I like!

  2. farm raised tilapia is a junk fish (it's all farm raised, btw). After catfish are raised, then the tilapia is put into the pond to eat the waste of the catfish (yep, that means poop). Tilapia has very low nutritional value, and we call it "poop fish" at my house.

    1. meetsy,
      Oh, gross. I won't eat farmed fish.

  3. I question the validity of the article for the USA though since it is referring to tilapia in Poland. We love and eat quite a bit of it here. It often goes on sale at Lidl for 6.99 for a two pound bag and it is very good. I salt and pepper it and coat in flour and briefly pan fry it in butter until just a pale golden brown. It is absolutely delicious and one of our favorite meals..

    1. Where do you shop at a Lidl? I am quite sure it is delicious. But, is it from polluted waters?

    2. Lidl is all over the SE but probably not in AL. Aldi and Lidl have great seafood and not farm raised. We have been to the state fish hatchery here and eww. Those fish are released all over the state into fresh water for the fishermen. I trust our tilapia source and always take everything I read on the internet with a grain of salt.

    3. We do have Aldi. Oh, the internet is full of wrong things. I just choose wisely what I believe, and not even that sometimes.

  4. I don't eat tilapia for that reason. I've always read it was bad to consume.

    1. Belinda,
      This is the first I have heard of it being bad to consume. But, I will not eat farmed fish.

  5. I won't eat any farmed fish. I am lucky I now live by a river where I fish for salmon. I grew up by by the ocean with fresh wlld caught seafood and in those days, food was natural. My mother would buy big fresh scallops from the fishing boat twice a week. Shrimp and sole were always on he menu, too. I miss those days. No, I would not eat talapia from what I have read.


    1. Tewshooz,
      What a good food source you had. Where was this you grew up? We only ate fish that Daddy caught below a spillway. Who really knows if it was tainted.

  6. I grew up in a village at the south shore of Long Island over 80 years ago. Times were different then. I am sure your daddy's fish were better than what we get nowadays.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I only want what he caught and cooked in an iron skillet. Well, I have the skillet. He cooked these and had grease flying all over the kitchen. The only time I had fish cooked at my house, they were fresh caught, cooked in an iron skillet, on the grill OUTDOORS. I made hushpuppies and sent them out, too. That was in the 80s.

  7. you eat more farm fish then you know about. Check labels and ask when buying fish. Even perch can be farm fish.

  8. I don't eat tilapia. I try not to eat anything farm-raised, even from the Scandinavian countries, and esp. if it's from the South American countries. No decent standards, there. You're not even supposed to eat canned albacore (solid white) tuna more than once/week. Chunk light is the safer option.

    Tewshooz, you'll want to check to see if there are any advisories in the waters where your fish are caught. Every state has lakes/ponds/stream where it's not safe to eat the fish.

    1. Sue,
      All good advice. I only eat StarKist tuna, chunk light. There is a drainage ditch near us where people fish all the time! Yuck!

  9. No advisories for the river where we fish for salmon.

    1. Tewshooz,
      I wonder how many people fish from rivers that give no advisories. There is a place, Trianna, just north of here where people fished from polluted waters for years. A 46% black community depended on fishing for much their protein, and only found out the consequences to their health decades later.

    2. That is great news, Tewshooz! What a wonderful resource you have. Treasure it.

    3. It is a shame more people do not have that resource available.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.