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Friday, June 1, 2018

I am Melting

The humidity is so high that I am definitely melting. The new leads for the heart monitor just fall off my damp skin. I had to go out to buy medical paper tape, hoping it will work. The monitor is useless if the leads are always falling off and the cell phone with the heart monitor keeps beeping me and sending a message to "check the white lead" or "check the red and black lead."

I started out early this afternoon to try and miss the Rock the South concert crowd and got sidetracked. So, about 5 pm I was fighting the crowds. The woman who put my groceries in my car said the next times she saw boobs or butts, she might throw up.

The WM parking lot was full, more cars there than any Christmas crowd. Beer was flying off the shelves at WM, so you can imagine the crowd is a little loose. I am so glad to be home!

Somehow, I spent $75 and none of it was groceries. But, all of it was necessary.

The only way I am not damp is if I am lying perfectly still on the bed, and of course, that is not possible most of the day. Typing makes me sweat.

At least there were no bad storms at my house or in town.  There was a clap of thunder that shook me so that the mattress was bouncing. Thunder rarely rattles me, but this clap did.

How is the weather where you are? Full summer weather? Hot and humid?


  1. It's cold and grey in Sydney, 53F

    The high humidity went away a few weeks ago but it lasted way longer than it should have

    1. kylie,
      Ah, you are heading into winter. We only occasionally have respite from humidity. Or, so it seems.

  2. This humidity is like breathing liquid air. Ugh!

    1. When I went into WM, I happened to get into a blast of ac and sat there a bit longer even when I could move on. It was so refreshing and dry. Then, I was so disappointed to go back out into palpable air. Liquid is right.

  3. I grew up back east and so did not really know there were places where it was dry in summer. Then we moved west...oh lawdy!! Now I live in the high desert where the humidity is around 20% most of the time and the temp gets to 85 in the summer (maybe). Trouble is, can't grow good tomatoes where one can have frost or snow any month of the year. Makes for a good nights sleep, though

    1. tewshooz,
      No tomatoes! That is not good. I would have to make at least a tomato-sized house to protect a couple of plants. I am comfortable in that kind of low humidity not matter how hot it gets. I, too, like to sleep in the cool.

  4. Dry and cool here in the PNW. We may hit mid 60's today. It's never humid here in the summer. Damp winters, yes, but nice, cool, dry summers. Personally, when I am outside, I prefer hot and humid, provided my air conditioner can get the indoor nighttime temperature to a cool 65 degrees.

    1. Meg B,
      It is really cool there right now. I never prefer humid, but it do love and need the ac. If it is humid outside, my hair drips wetness aka sweat.

  5. We are now regularly hitting 100F but there is not a drop of humidity to it, which makes it OK.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.