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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Farmer's Market

After the lunch on Tuesday,  I had time to stop by the Farmer's Market at 1 pm before it closes at 2 pm. Most of the people were gone, sold out, or tired. I wanted tomatoes, so I will have to go back Thursday.

However, I did get two Better Boy tomato plants and two cayenne plants for $1 each. Plus, I bought $2 worth of red and white sweet onions. So, I spent $6 and brought home four plants and onions to eat.

I have lots of seeds, but never got them planted. I decided to just buy plants from Lowe's, but they were almost $4 apiece. At Walmart, they were not much cheaper, still almost $4 for two plants.

After trying a taste of the honey, I now want a biscuit to eat with it.

Honey chokes me. A taste of honey, honey on toast, Bit-O-Honey, Baklava or Greek honey cake. I am not sure why. I seem to be the only one choking when I am eating honey or anything containing honey!

The beekeeper said a person only needed to eat 1 tsp honey per day to reap benefits for allergies. So, this will be a test.

Wednesday? I had my hair cut at a beauty shop for the first time since August 2016. It feels good to run my hand through it since it has been butchered. I finally grew out most of the 3" ezbf cut instead of the 1/2" I asked. Yes, I cannot let it go.

Does anyone else choke on honey?


  1. I envy you the farmer's market
    I do not choke on honey; I use it rather to soothe coughs and sore throats.

    1. urspo,
      The best part is that it is only three blocks from my house. If I could walk that far, going to the farmer's market would be a great little outing. Actually, the old farmer's market is a few blocks away, too, in sort of a triangle with my house.

      That's right! Honey should not choke me! I wonder...

  2. Do you mean gag you or actually cause your throat to feel uncomfortable? I don't use honey often- maybe in homemade granola a few times a year. I'd love having a farmer's market that close! I've been walking 20 minutes in the early morning and tying to move more. As I age, I notice my joints are stiff ugh and since I'm overweight, losing 10-15 pounds would be good so I'm really trying on that end too. No fun. Can you do chair exercises, Linda? I'm going to start that too. I probably should join a class to really motivate me.

    1. Nan,
      More than feel uncomfortable, but less than a gag. Even though I drive there, some days I cannot walk across the street where I park. No, cannot do much even from a chair. Classes always have a chirpy motivator who only serves to illustrate to everyone how I could do more.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.