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Saturday, June 2, 2018

What do you do when someone gives you 18 bags of salad?

I am talking about the salads with dressing and add-ons all in the same bag. All these salads have a use-by date of June 5, 2018. I got these on June 1.

Color me stunned! I can eat one each day. I will give them to exbf when he comes Tuesday. But, the rest. Never mind eating them. They will not go into the freezer. So, I gave 5 away. I think it was six. Maybe not.

If there are any left, which there will be, they will go into a soup well before they start to go off. Some are heavy on red cabbage and green cabbage. Canned tomatoes and ground pork will finish off the soup. Maybe I will freeze a couple, but the freezer is full. I could empty two into a freezer bag and at least save two for the future. Well, those are plans for now.

green cabbage
Romaine lettuce
red cabbage
green onions

Greek yogurt poppyseed dressing
dried cranberries
pumpkin seeds

I emptied one bag for dinner last night and could not finish it, of course! The bag states it contains 3.5 servings. No wonder. I did finish it for lunch today, Saturday.

The little bag of pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries made for a free and nutritious snack later.

Also, there are three hugs bags of collards waiting for me. I really need a larger stainless steel pot. This is not the first time I have need a huge pot. And, it won't be the last time, I am sure.

I had planned to go to PO and farmer's market today, but I am not. Instead, I am going to torture myself by going into the den of WM today, full of Rock the South crowd. I do need something there.


  1. Another option would be to ferment the salads. It would be a little like a kim chee

    Anyways, eat up! 18 bags is a lot to crunch through :)

    1. kylie,
      That would work except I cannot eat anything said so. The 1/2 salad meals were so filling, I could not eat meat nor did I want it. My jaws were sore from

  2. You have a ton of greens there. The flip side is it is really good for you!

    1. Anne,
      Yes, a ton. I was thrilled to get such nutritious food. Now, to get it all processed or eaten.

  3. If it were me, I'd be eating a lot of salads!
    I don't think you can freeze lettuce, by the way, but I may be wrong. I know that the freeze destroys my Romaine lettuce in the garden.

    1. Meg B,
      I am eating lots. The bags are 3.5 servings, and I am eating half of that each day. You can freeze lettuce, but it needs to be blanched first to preserve nutrition. Of course, it will not be salad material. I will put it in soups since most of it is red and white cabbage. Since there is so much cabbage in the salads, the cabbage will not be changed.

      The Romaine in your garden is destroyed, but the Romaine I buy is destroyed, too. Freezing it will just make it wilted like yours in the garden.

      Thanks for the comment.

  4. I think 18 bags is an impossibility for one person. Definitely giving some away was the way to go.

    1. Cheapchick,
      No, no way I could consume that much salad. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.