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Saturday, June 16, 2018

The frugal thing to do

It is 93F at about 7 pm. The day has been brutal. I have mostly avoided sweating by doing nothing or next to nothing.

The new ac is working and appreciated. It took two whole days and "help" from four people to figure out what was wrong.

Piddling consisted of potentially sweaty situations. But, I avoided sweating mostly.

*putting groceries together instead of having like things in different places
*picked up trash in the yard...only three pieces, thankfully
*returned various items to rooms where they belong
*tried to get stuff off the floor that someone dropped

I did nothing to clean or cook. Using little energy was the goal along with not sweating or having trouble breathing! Things look a little better and all is more organized. How is this all frugal? I spend less time looking for things. I did not waste time.

Have you had a frugal day today? Did you have hot hot hot weather today? Do you find that occasionally after being ill that you need to just get things back in the right place?


  1. I was so busy and so frugal today, that I completely missed a dinner date... I just forgot! Embarrassing, but we did save 70 bucks...

    1. Alex,
      If I did not have a day planner, I would miss everything. But, then I have to remember to look at it. Well, that is one way to save money--just don't go. Sorry you missed it.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.