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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lunch and Dinner From the Market

Tuesday was a free lunch day: baked beans with sliced sausages in the dish, two slices tomato, two slices onion, buttered hot bread, and cake. We were not inspired to get a go plate.

We took two garbage  bags of Coke cans to salvage yard. For 2 garbage bags of aluminum cans (3 lbs.), I got  $1.80, enough to buy a loaf of bread with money left over.  I went to CVS to use a 30% off coupon. When I could not find what I needed, I went to WM. Then to bank and a trip to drive around the park and lake. Everything is so green, cool, and peaceful.

Hives have been appearing all over me for about a week. They have been small and few. But, on Monday larger hives were appearing on my neck. THAT frightens me. I was too exhausted to stay awake and monitor myself. I am alive.

Dinner tonight: chicken, potatoes, squash, onions, tomatoes, field peas with snaps, strawberries. He will take some home, too. Most came from the market.

When I bought tomatoes for $5, I had $1 left on  a coupon, so I asked the guy for $1 worth of squash. He gave me four nice squash for the other $1, a good deal. I do buy lots from him, so he takes care of customers.Canntt find glasses. cannot see to edit.

I am so hot I cannot search for glasses! I put on my big girl panties and searched even though I was in pain! So, I found them.

After cooking beans and corn, I was so hot and exhausted, I did not eat with him. Once I rest and it cools off, I will eat.


  1. Seems like we both cooked chicken and potatoes last night. Lol! I hate the heat too. I should have been born in Iceland or something.

    1. T'Pol,
      I had two frozen chicken breasts that would be easy to thaw in the crock pot and too many potatoes. That was how I made the I would hate the cold in Iceland. I just need a colder ac in car and house. OR, less humidity! That would do it.

  2. I've been eating leftovers and cleaning out the fridge and freezer. I have some cottage cheese I need to use up- I like it usually but it's not calling my name now. Hot here but I have central air and can't sleep when my bedroom is too hot. I'm fine during the day with thermostat at 78-80 but not at night. Hope your hives are gone!

    1. Nan,
      If I found cottage cheese, I would eat it with pineapple or applesauce. I do understand "not calling my name" for some food I like. I have to have it cool to sleep, too. The hives come and go in different places.

  3. Keep an eye on that rash! Can be serious. Have you considered trying a food elimination diet to see if it is something not agreeing with you?

    1. Nawm,
      I did that and found what bothers me, but not what causes hives.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.