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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Take a Picture of Your Stove

This is a great idea-- take a picture of your stove before you go on vacation.

This is the best I can do--something I found last week.

The med I am taking has my gastrointestinal tract torn up. I cannot stand it. I am not sure what my stomach can handle, since everything causes a violent reaction.

Yesterday, exbf got me a new ac since I had been drenched in sweat for three days and nights.  Today, he came up and a neighbor, same one who mowed, put it in. Now, I am sooo cool. I think I need a waterproof /allergy proof mattress cover and pad to put on top of that. The mattress feels like it is on fire as I lie there. I paid exbf for some of the ac. I will never get a water heater at this rate.

I did not cook dinner today, just asked him if he minded leaving. I sent him home with some yellow bell pepper, tomatoes, and zucchini to put on the last of his salads. He was gone by about 1:30 pm.

Will you be taking a picture of your stove before you leave on vacation or anytime you leave the house? Is this a good solution for you or others you know? What is the one thing you worry that you left on or unlocked at your house?


  1. Stove- no I never worry about leaving something on it LOL but I'm OCD in the fact I unplug my coffee maker and make sure my electric rollers are unplugged also and the toilet not running. A friend told me several years ago she left for the weekend and her toilet ran the entire time and flooded her I never leave until it's stopped running! No vacations planned for me this summer but I'll be going to California later to see new GS. He's expected in mid-late August.

    1. Nan,
      I usually leave the stove and refrigerator plugged in and lamps. Otherwise, I unplug all the little things, even the microwave. That would be tragic to come back and find the house flooded. Even turning off the water under sinks and commode would not be a bad idea for peace of mind. That will be a sun trip to see a new GS.

  2. I'm a little OCD about the stove and oven! I check it several times before we leave. I also have to unplug the coffee maker. And yes...I check to make sure the toilets have stopped running too!

    1. Quiz,
      I have know people who check ten times and then worry the whole trip. I think that is where taking the pictures helps...on the trip to alleviate worry. Thanks.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.