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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Surprise Payout to Me and Then Another

Two envelopes containing checks were in my mailbox Monday. It was no manic Monday, just an ecstatic Monday. Plus, I awoke feeling very well today.

You know how entities have problems that result in class action lawsuits? Well, months ago I received a card/letter to opt in or out. I did neither. I have had no association with this company in 10 years, much less any problem that would make me eligible for any payout. They never wronged me.

But, I will go to the local grocery and cash the check sent me and arrived today--$64.87.

Then, I received another $26 credit on a card that I expected but did not know how much or when. It was not earned money, either. Honestly, I would have been happy with only a few dollars. I hate using dribbles on a card then having to call to see how much is left. So, on Tuesday, I made a purchase that was $5.75 and got $20 in cash. That leaves me $0.15 on the card, easy to remember.

This day, this May Monday was good to me to the tune of $90.87. You have no idea how broke I was before the mail came! I have a place to put this!

Monday, I did practically nothing, but that's okay.

Do you ever get a payout/money that surprises you? Do you ever get unexpected money from class action suits? Are you as ecstatic as I am? Do you always have a place to put it, or do you figure it can be used for a frivolous purpose?


  1. Yes I have. When I returned back from Missouri last year, there was a payout of a little over $100. Definitely much needed at the time.

    1. rhitter94,
      This is a case of "little things mean a lot."

  2. So, so happy that you are feeling well! Hope it continues for a very long time. Nothing better than feeling well. Our good health is such an amazing blessing.

    1. tana50,
      Thank you. Feeling well is up and down for me. I try to have more good days than one when I am exhausted. I think no one appreciates feeling well until one does not feel well.

  3. I just got a postcard in the mail yesterday about a Chase Bank class action lawsuit that I'm eligible for. Not sure how much it will be. Says estimated between $10 and $125. I have two others I registered for awhile back that I'm waiting on. My Pillow (which I think will be about $12) and Blue Buffalo dog food, which I think will be about $10. I think the largest check I ever got was from Sprint years ago for about $65. Congrats on the extra money!

    1. One,
      WOW, you racked up! I like getting money in the mail.

    2. What is the lawsuit for My Pillow all about?! I don't have one, but always wondered if it would help me sleep better. I haven't found a pillow I like in the past 15 years!

    3. apparently they were sued for some deceptive advertising on the buy one get one free or something like that. DH uses it. He likes it ok, I guess. I don't think it's anything special. He's never acted like it's any better than any other pillow he's had LOL

    4. I think it was something about saying it was a sale price, but the sale never ended. So, actually the sale price WAS the price. It could be different.

  4. Oh how I wish people would send me money from outta the blue. lolz

    1. slugmama,
      It does not happen that often around here! I think the last time I was included in a class action suit was about 10 years ago. It was another that I did not sign up to be included, and it was only like $12. Maybe your mortgage holder will offend someone by breaking the law.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.