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Thursday, May 17, 2018

She is at it again and we are all happy

If you would like to enter a giveaway where you choose your prizes, go over to Sluggy's and enter. This giveaway sounds really good. I mean, what can be bad about chocolate?

When we had to rush to Birmingham to get my heart monitor, I was in the midst of  making taco casserole. We left the ground pork cooking in the new crockpot. When we got back, it was too late to finish and let him leave with the finished product.

Luckily, we had the to-go covered plates from lunch, so he had dinner to take home, same as lunch. Since I finished the casserole, I will freeze some for our dinner next week. I love cooking so I can NOT cook every day.

I am taking bets on how long this crock lasts. Anyone?

On the 19th, I will be up at 4 am to watch the royal wedding, so I may not have a post that day.

I am excited. Are you? I planned to watch Kate and William marry, but that was the day after the tornado tore up our town and there was no electricity in my home for five days. ugh

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.