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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Cereal and Eight Mosquito-Repelling Plants and $1 deal

On May 1, 2018, I bought 17 boxes of cereal at Aldi for exbf in order to save $5 on an order, $35 order, I think. About a week later, I asked him how it was coming, how many he had eaten--two boxes and he was on his third. I was amazed,  showed it, asking how much he ate at a breakfast--a large Cool Whip bowl. He measured with his hand--one of the huge tubs of Cool Whip.

At this point, well, when I asked 22 days into the month, he has eaten 5 or 6 boxes of cereal!

The first of this week I found a markdown box of cereal, called him to see if he like that one. He said he did, so I told him I would buy it for him. Then, I thought better of it and put it back since I had bought 17 boxes. Obviously, he could have eaten it with no problem before it became stale.

So, I am still on the lookout for cereal deals. He will give me the money when I find it. He is not fat at all! If I ate that much cereal and whole milk, I would gain weight.

I always knew there was a plant or two that repelled mosquitoes. However, I just added a few to my short list thanks to an article.

lemon balm

To find out more info, you can read Eight Mosquito-Repelling Plants.  I plan to keep basil by my kidding. As I lay here this evening without the sheet over me, I found five bites just below my elbow. Now, I am miserable, scratching, and will probably end up with blood on the sheets and nasty sores on my arms. Hence, basil by my bed.

As soon as I received the hypoallergenic supplies for the heart monitor, I switched them out on my body. That was a relief. I ordered them about 2 am on Friday morning, and at 10 am they were delivered to my door. St. Louis to Alabama so soon. I wonder how UPS does that. Rosemont, IL is the return address. The monitor makes me itch where it touches me. So, I pull it out of the top of my blouse or nightgown. That makes the one lead that plugs into it come loose and my blouse is too low. I used one of the sticky things for my body to hold the lead in the monitor. I just keep pulling my blouse up.

Thursday, when I was in WM in the women's clothing, I saw a tiny yellow sticker with $1 on it.  I could not stop and back up fast enough. These were t-shirts with a slight scoop neck and little v in the scoop.  I got two different sizes in two colors, a blue and a pink blouse.

Friday, I went back and ended up with a total of 6 dusty rose, 2 sapphire blue, and 2 blue and white striped, These are nice enough to wear to store and cheap enough to work in. Oh, I found a larger and longer camisole in the dusty rose for $1. Last month, I found a white one, also for $1. Ten t-shirts may sound like extravagance, but for a dollar, I can have house/yard clothes and good clothes. I won't wear the camisole until winter, but they won't be $1 then. Yay for cheap clothing.

Do you think 6 boxes of cereal in three weeks is a lot for one person? Who actually plants any of these for mosquito repellent?


  1. Does ExBF have diabetes? That is a lot of cereal - but since I follow a low carb diet perhaps I'm just jealous. I suspect that it's just that it's an easy meal for him if he doesn't want to cook for himself.
    I don't have a garden, but while those plants may help (can't hurt) - I think that ensuring that there is no standing water anywhere on your property is probably a better investment in time.

    1. He only eats this for breakfast and diabetes is under control.

  2. I bought blouses that sound like the ones you bought but they were $3 here.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.