Several months ago, I took the car to Auto Zone and was told the battery was weak and alternator was fine. So, I limped along with a slow starting car. Last week, I had to have it jumped off. But, then it started slowly since then. It struggled to start.
Today, sleepy still and without a bath, at 2:30 I put on sort of clean clothes, half fixed my hair and went to bank. Then, I decided an ice cream cone from Burger King would be nice. I turned off the car at the window and you know what happened next. The car would not start.
Four people came out of BK to push my car to the parking lot. I could not steer with one hand. Even if I had not had a cone in my hand, my hands hurt too much to steer a car without power steering. So, one guy steered my car. Then, he jumped if off. It turned out he was a city employee eating there and was not a BK employee.
Oh, I had eaten broccoli before I left the house. Even though I brushed my teeth, as I licked the cone, I noticed little green spots of broccoli on the cone. I never checked my teeth, so I may have been gross all afternoon!
I headed to Auto Zone since I got the battery there. The guy said it was 100% charged but one cell was dead. Is that a thing? They would not take exbf's cc over the phone for a battery without the cc being present. So, I went to my guy who works on my car, his shop. He came in to me and said the battery was fine, that the starter was dragging.
That only cost over two times the cost of a battery. I was shocked. Exbf was not. I will never save enough money to get a hot water heater! My May ss check is spent before I get it.
I actually got one load of laundry done before I left the house. Now, I need to cook a meal, a complete meal, and put color on my hair. Plus, I must go to laundry for one nasty load of clothing that needs hot water. Need a hot water heater! That one load of laundry in the washer needs to go in the dryer and part of it needs to be hung in the house.
It is 6 pm and I had too little sleep last night! UGH! Tomorrow, I have to be up early for the day which includes lunch (starts at 10:30 for program) and a doctor appointment. On the bright side, the car starts right up like a new car.
I have always known cars and repairs are expensive, but today drove that home once more.
Almost 9 pm, and I can barely move.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Sunday, Getting it Done
For the last few days, I have been recovering from the effects of taking an antibiotic. I was exhausted, nauseous, and just plain miserable.
Sunday, I washed four loads of clothes, and there was one on Saturday. I hung up the black pants I washed, and all the panties. I did use the dryer because there were too many towels in the towel load. At least, the use of the dryer is less. If I were hanging clothes outdoors, I could save all the cost of electricity. Since the humidity is very low, drying will be easier indoors than in rainy or just plain humid weather.
I used cold water in the washer, used 1/8 of the amount of ALL recommended by the manufacturer, used Oxi-Clean, and then vinegar in the wash.
For dinner on Tuesday, I put a steak, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, black pepper, and bell pepper in a turkey bag and into the oven. I won't be eating any of the steak. Carrots, celery and black pepper were the only costs of this meal. Carrots were bought in five-gallon bag. Celery was dehydrated quite a while ago. I use little black pepper, so the cost is negligible.
Tuesday is the day that the county agent will be answering questions. I am writing down my questions today. Prepping these questions will result in better gardening.
Sunday, I did not use ac or heat. When I was chilly in the night, a sheet and light blanket sufficed on my body with another just over my feet. When I was too warm, I took the extra blanket off my feet. I sometimes just cover my feet if what I am covered with is not quite enough. This evening, a sweatshirt and long pants is sufficient as I move around the house. Hopefully, the utility bill will be lower this next month. I have a few months a year where the bills are not elevated by heating or cooling.
For dinner on Sunday, I made tuna salad and had it with leaf lettuce. Earlier in the day, I had banana and milk. When I grate apples and add eggs to my tuna salad, it will be a two meal deal. My mother always grated apple into our tuna salad. I suppose besides more nutrition, it helped to stretch one small can of tuna to feed four little children and her. I have had people strenuously object to my putting apple into tuna salad, but did like it after one taste.
When I cleaned out the refrigerator on Sunday, I found my Miracle Whip. Yay! I knew it was in there, just not where. I had felt too bad to lean far to find anything. Throwing out an empty milk carton when I finished it opened the view. I love found food.
This does not mean I actually cleaned the shelves! There is something on one metal shelf that dripped through to another shelf. It is a mystery puddle. Meat leaked on another shelf. The crispers are okay, thankfully.
I checked the bottom of my shoes I patched with Shoe Goo. It seems that stuff picks up bits of trash even after being allowed to cure for three days. Anyway, I put another layer on and am allowing it to cure.
Not a lot was accomplished today, but it was more than most days around here.
Your turn
Does antibiotic use ever make you feel awful?
Sunday, I washed four loads of clothes, and there was one on Saturday. I hung up the black pants I washed, and all the panties. I did use the dryer because there were too many towels in the towel load. At least, the use of the dryer is less. If I were hanging clothes outdoors, I could save all the cost of electricity. Since the humidity is very low, drying will be easier indoors than in rainy or just plain humid weather.
I used cold water in the washer, used 1/8 of the amount of ALL recommended by the manufacturer, used Oxi-Clean, and then vinegar in the wash.
For dinner on Tuesday, I put a steak, potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, black pepper, and bell pepper in a turkey bag and into the oven. I won't be eating any of the steak. Carrots, celery and black pepper were the only costs of this meal. Carrots were bought in five-gallon bag. Celery was dehydrated quite a while ago. I use little black pepper, so the cost is negligible.
Tuesday is the day that the county agent will be answering questions. I am writing down my questions today. Prepping these questions will result in better gardening.
Sunday, I did not use ac or heat. When I was chilly in the night, a sheet and light blanket sufficed on my body with another just over my feet. When I was too warm, I took the extra blanket off my feet. I sometimes just cover my feet if what I am covered with is not quite enough. This evening, a sweatshirt and long pants is sufficient as I move around the house. Hopefully, the utility bill will be lower this next month. I have a few months a year where the bills are not elevated by heating or cooling.
For dinner on Sunday, I made tuna salad and had it with leaf lettuce. Earlier in the day, I had banana and milk. When I grate apples and add eggs to my tuna salad, it will be a two meal deal. My mother always grated apple into our tuna salad. I suppose besides more nutrition, it helped to stretch one small can of tuna to feed four little children and her. I have had people strenuously object to my putting apple into tuna salad, but did like it after one taste.
When I cleaned out the refrigerator on Sunday, I found my Miracle Whip. Yay! I knew it was in there, just not where. I had felt too bad to lean far to find anything. Throwing out an empty milk carton when I finished it opened the view. I love found food.
This does not mean I actually cleaned the shelves! There is something on one metal shelf that dripped through to another shelf. It is a mystery puddle. Meat leaked on another shelf. The crispers are okay, thankfully.
I checked the bottom of my shoes I patched with Shoe Goo. It seems that stuff picks up bits of trash even after being allowed to cure for three days. Anyway, I put another layer on and am allowing it to cure.
Not a lot was accomplished today, but it was more than most days around here.
Your turn
Does antibiotic use ever make you feel awful?
Six ways to get around Amazon Prime rates
This Article has ideas for getting Amazon Prime for less. I had it for a short time to get Roku cheaply. I knew free shipping would not be of much help to me. I no longer have it.
Do you have or have you ever had Amazon Prime? If you do, are you getting rid of it? What was/is your main use? I only got Roku even though I had plans to use Amazon in other ways.
Do you have or have you ever had Amazon Prime? If you do, are you getting rid of it? What was/is your main use? I only got Roku even though I had plans to use Amazon in other ways.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Wave Petunias, Vidalias, Meyer Lemon Tree
Wave Petunias
Wave Petunias are the only flowers I ever purchase. I like the pink ones best, but this is the only picture showing how they grow in a basket. I have one hanging basket just for the Wave Petunias.
I see that there are Wave Petunia seeds at Park Seeds, so I may try to plant seeds this year or maybe next.
Saturday, I will put the Wave Petunia I got today in the basket. If I am lucky, the seeds that drop will give me petunias for the next year.
Friday was a day I hoped to get some yard stuff done. The guy who was coming to mow my yard is not coming since he said he would so many times and has not! I could barely get out of the bed on Friday, so maybe this will happen on Saturday.
Since I bought eggs on Thursday night and boiled half of them, I plan to make some proper tuna salad with eggs instead of my half-made stuff. I am excited. I had to have celery to make tuna salad properly (way I prefer it). Celery is expensive!
Vidalia onions are in the stores, so I have to wash the dehydrator trays, buy onions, chop, and dehydrate. I am so excited. The last onions I had were given to me and were bitter white onions, perfect for cooking with meat, using for most things, just not raw. But, they are not Vidalias. I just used the last I dehydrated last year, so I am happy to have more this year. I put them in jelly jars, 8 ounce Ball jars. At the minimum, I need 4 jars. More will be good.
I know that Meyer lemon trees must be brought inside if grown in my area. I also know that they can live in their own little house of plastic outdoors. Well, is that right? lol
I saw a Meyer Lemon about 18 inches tall and wondered how old it is and how long will it be before it produces lemons.
Friday I have done nothing today beyond eat and sleep with chills and pain.
Your Turn
Have you ever planted petunia seeds? Wave Petunia seeds? Have you ever grown a lemon tree? How old is the 18 inch lemon tree? How old must it be to bear lemons? I know what I read on the internet, but I want first-hand knowledge/experience/opinions.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Cooking Blindly--Savory Cinnamon Raisin Bagels
After I arrived home from the cardiologist, I decided to fix something that was fast because I was exhausted. I had one Cinnamon Raisin Bagel that was not long for this world. So, I decided to add more cinnamon and sugar after I split and buttered it. I reached for the cinnamon bottle or at least where I thought I had put it. It's taller than other spices, so not to hard to spot.
After reaching and not really looking for or at a label, I vigorously sprinkled it on the bagel. It did not come out in powder form but in flaky form. Ack! I was sprinkling Italian seasoning on my bagel! The reason I was putting more sugar and cinnamon was because these bagels have only the slightest hint of cinnamon. Well, what to do??
I could just go with the savory bit and sprinkle cheese on it. But, I was in a cinnamon mood. I just put lots of cinnamon on top of the Italian seasoning and a moderate amount of sugar and put the top without Italian seasoning and bottom with Italian seasoning under the broiler. Thankfully, I only put the Italian seasoning on one half.
Naturally, I ate it first so the perfect one would be the last thing I ate. I would not recommend this. The taste was not ruined by the Italian seasoning. It was okay. But, the second half was what I enjoyed the best.
Then, I wanted eggs. I got out the carton of eggs I bought before Easter that had not been opened. When I picked up the first egg, I noticed it was sitting in liquid. ??? I checked the bottom and all around the egg. It was not dinged. Sometimes, a broken egg gets into the section where the next eggs sits.
One by one, I picked up the other 11 eggs. All were sitting in liquid, the white of the egg. The surface of each egg had one tiny hairline crack. Frozen? They were on a bottom shelf near the door opening. Nothing ever freezes there! So, I am out a dozen expensive eggs. I have the idea it happened at the store, but I cannot prove it. Today, I will get more. I need the protein as I ate the chicken I cooked. Plus, I love boiled eggs.
Don't suggest I do something so I can see the labels of my spices. Ain't happening. I usually look at each label, but I was exhausted. I never re-season cinnamon raisin bagels, just this package.
Aha! it is almost 3 o'clock and I realize the free dinner is tonight. So, by the time I get bathed and dressed, go to the store and buy eggs, bring them home, it will be time to go there and eat.
When I remembered the Thursday dinner was tonight, I decided to stay here and rest, go to the dinner, and then to WM for eggs.
The dinner was tacos or nacho chips with choice of toppings--cheese, queso cheese, black olives, black beans, pico, tomato, lettuce, onions, guacamole, and other things I cannot remember. Each person gets a small piece of paper on which to circle what you want--sort of a menu. I also chose unsweetened tea. Little piggy that I am, a had a cream cheese pie slice and tiny piece of cake or brownie with pecans in it. It looked like cake but was brownies, I think.
That makes tacos twice in one week. It was good, it was healthy. I am happy. No complaints!
The free clinic here in town had volunteers manning a table with information and bp check, blood sugar check, and BMI. Since my bp was so high yesterday, I took advantage of that and was pleased with the numbers--123/74--I think. It is usually better.
At each place setting, there was a coupon/card for $2 off Moe's. I am not sure what Moe's is, what type place, but I am going to look it up on the internet when I finish here. It was a nice little surprise.
I think I will go boil eggs!
Tomorrow, it will be sunny and dry. I have plans in the yard, so hopefully I will get a few things done.
Have you ever tossed the wrong ingredient into or onto your food, causing a minor cooking crisis?
After reaching and not really looking for or at a label, I vigorously sprinkled it on the bagel. It did not come out in powder form but in flaky form. Ack! I was sprinkling Italian seasoning on my bagel! The reason I was putting more sugar and cinnamon was because these bagels have only the slightest hint of cinnamon. Well, what to do??
I could just go with the savory bit and sprinkle cheese on it. But, I was in a cinnamon mood. I just put lots of cinnamon on top of the Italian seasoning and a moderate amount of sugar and put the top without Italian seasoning and bottom with Italian seasoning under the broiler. Thankfully, I only put the Italian seasoning on one half.
Naturally, I ate it first so the perfect one would be the last thing I ate. I would not recommend this. The taste was not ruined by the Italian seasoning. It was okay. But, the second half was what I enjoyed the best.
Then, I wanted eggs. I got out the carton of eggs I bought before Easter that had not been opened. When I picked up the first egg, I noticed it was sitting in liquid. ??? I checked the bottom and all around the egg. It was not dinged. Sometimes, a broken egg gets into the section where the next eggs sits.
One by one, I picked up the other 11 eggs. All were sitting in liquid, the white of the egg. The surface of each egg had one tiny hairline crack. Frozen? They were on a bottom shelf near the door opening. Nothing ever freezes there! So, I am out a dozen expensive eggs. I have the idea it happened at the store, but I cannot prove it. Today, I will get more. I need the protein as I ate the chicken I cooked. Plus, I love boiled eggs.
Don't suggest I do something so I can see the labels of my spices. Ain't happening. I usually look at each label, but I was exhausted. I never re-season cinnamon raisin bagels, just this package.
Aha! it is almost 3 o'clock and I realize the free dinner is tonight. So, by the time I get bathed and dressed, go to the store and buy eggs, bring them home, it will be time to go there and eat.
When I remembered the Thursday dinner was tonight, I decided to stay here and rest, go to the dinner, and then to WM for eggs.
The dinner was tacos or nacho chips with choice of toppings--cheese, queso cheese, black olives, black beans, pico, tomato, lettuce, onions, guacamole, and other things I cannot remember. Each person gets a small piece of paper on which to circle what you want--sort of a menu. I also chose unsweetened tea. Little piggy that I am, a had a cream cheese pie slice and tiny piece of cake or brownie with pecans in it. It looked like cake but was brownies, I think.
That makes tacos twice in one week. It was good, it was healthy. I am happy. No complaints!
The free clinic here in town had volunteers manning a table with information and bp check, blood sugar check, and BMI. Since my bp was so high yesterday, I took advantage of that and was pleased with the numbers--123/74--I think. It is usually better.
At each place setting, there was a coupon/card for $2 off Moe's. I am not sure what Moe's is, what type place, but I am going to look it up on the internet when I finish here. It was a nice little surprise.
I think I will go boil eggs!
Tomorrow, it will be sunny and dry. I have plans in the yard, so hopefully I will get a few things done.
Have you ever tossed the wrong ingredient into or onto your food, causing a minor cooking crisis?
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Cardiologist Visit
On Tuesday we went to the bank and then to the church lunch. We had taco salad, chips, and cake. I decided to eat the taco salad with beef and suffered greatly as soon as I ate it and even worse when we got home.
It looks like a2milk prices might become lower. Exbf said there are commercials for it all the time on NBC. Two half gallons were $8 at the store. It seems there are more specials for it. Spending much less than the usual $4.69/half gallon would please me.
I cooked chicken, potatoes, and carrots in an oven bag. The vegetables were done and the chicken was tender. I took it out of the oven and placed it on the top of the stove, forgetting the oven had been on. Sooo, the vegetables were shrunken and chicken was dry. However, it was delicious, even without any salt or other flavoring. No doctor has ever suggested I need to lower my salt intake, but just avoid it as much as I can. Fried potatoes or French fries are the exception to minimally salting.
Soon, I will leave for cardiologist. With one phone call, I discovered there is a history of heart disease in my family. Funny how that never came up!
I arrived at the cardiologist at 11:40 and finally left at 2:00. I was exhausted. The doctor I waited an extra month to see was not there since he was called away for some sort of emergency, heart related, I presume. However, I really like the guy I saw. I have another procedure besides the one today, the electrocardiogram. Plus I will be wearing a monitor. So far, I found out the bunch of nerves on the right side of my heart have failed, shorted out.
My heart behaved itself until after the doctor left the room. Now, it has been acting up the rest of the afternoon and evening.
It looks like a2milk prices might become lower. Exbf said there are commercials for it all the time on NBC. Two half gallons were $8 at the store. It seems there are more specials for it. Spending much less than the usual $4.69/half gallon would please me.
I cooked chicken, potatoes, and carrots in an oven bag. The vegetables were done and the chicken was tender. I took it out of the oven and placed it on the top of the stove, forgetting the oven had been on. Sooo, the vegetables were shrunken and chicken was dry. However, it was delicious, even without any salt or other flavoring. No doctor has ever suggested I need to lower my salt intake, but just avoid it as much as I can. Fried potatoes or French fries are the exception to minimally salting.
Soon, I will leave for cardiologist. With one phone call, I discovered there is a history of heart disease in my family. Funny how that never came up!
I arrived at the cardiologist at 11:40 and finally left at 2:00. I was exhausted. The doctor I waited an extra month to see was not there since he was called away for some sort of emergency, heart related, I presume. However, I really like the guy I saw. I have another procedure besides the one today, the electrocardiogram. Plus I will be wearing a monitor. So far, I found out the bunch of nerves on the right side of my heart have failed, shorted out.
My heart behaved itself until after the doctor left the room. Now, it has been acting up the rest of the afternoon and evening.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Coupons that expire in September
As I was passing Sutter Wines display that has been put on an endcap at Walmart right next to dairy, I backed up to look at a sheet of coupons. All five coupons expire the first part of September. So, I got a sheet.
$1.00 off KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce
$2.00 Blue Rhino Propane
$1.00 Scripto Multi-purpose lighter
$1.00 off 2 King Hawaiian Hamburger buns
$1.00 off Bubba Hamburger Buns
I am not so sure which, if any of these coupons, I will use. A lot of the items go on sale during the summer, so I will probably hold on to them until I see a sale on something. After the Fourth of July, at least the lighters will be on sale.
There is no wine purchase required.
I am still so ill. The UTI is hanging on. This makes a month. I hope I last until the appointment May 1st. Today is a church lunch. I am going to drag myself up from here, wash my hair and go. I really need a meal instead of picking at things.
Have you noticed that coupons are having longer dates lately?
$1.00 off KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce
$2.00 Blue Rhino Propane
$1.00 Scripto Multi-purpose lighter
$1.00 off 2 King Hawaiian Hamburger buns
$1.00 off Bubba Hamburger Buns
I am not so sure which, if any of these coupons, I will use. A lot of the items go on sale during the summer, so I will probably hold on to them until I see a sale on something. After the Fourth of July, at least the lighters will be on sale.
There is no wine purchase required.
I am still so ill. The UTI is hanging on. This makes a month. I hope I last until the appointment May 1st. Today is a church lunch. I am going to drag myself up from here, wash my hair and go. I really need a meal instead of picking at things.
Have you noticed that coupons are having longer dates lately?
Monday, April 23, 2018
Problem Solved (sort of)
It has worried me for a while that I throw away medicine bottles. I use all I can in many ways. In order to avoid throwing them away, I put them down here and there and have them all over the place. Soooo, I began gathering them up and storing them in a plastic bag that my Hefty cups came in.
I have choices of what to do with the bag of pill bottles since I am absolutely using all the pill bottles I can.
Ways I can get rid of the whole stash instead of throwing the pill bottles in the trash to go to the landfill:
*put them in the recycling bin and see if they will take the pill bottles.
*donate them to someone who will use them for crafts.
*Put them in the box when I take things to sell at a junk store on the highway. I would not charge for them, just give them to her.
*Offer them to a veterinarian.
I looked online and found many examples of bedazzled pill bottles and lighting using pill bottles. But, I am not feeling it at all. In the link there are 13 steps. Step #13 is a list of links for more recycling of pill bottles.
Good ideas are sewing kits and first aid kits and a money stash. Until lately, all my pill bottles had tops that were very difficult to remove or they just fell off. One side was lockable and the other side was not. Since the new Walmart caps are so easy to get off, I am going to start carrying a pill bottle in the car with Q-tips in them. Before, the caps were easily popped off or impossible to get off when turned the other way. The last thing I want to do is to fight a bottle that holds something to make my life easier.
At one pharmacy I used for years, I would take my one prescription bottle in with me, The pharmacist would take the pill bottle, put more pills into it, slap on a new label, and give it back to me. That never happens now.
Exbf tosses his pill bottles in the trash, so now I have him saving them for me to recycle.
Do you reuse pill bottles? If so, what do you do with them? Do you put them in a recycling bin?
I have choices of what to do with the bag of pill bottles since I am absolutely using all the pill bottles I can.
Ways I can get rid of the whole stash instead of throwing the pill bottles in the trash to go to the landfill:
*put them in the recycling bin and see if they will take the pill bottles.
*donate them to someone who will use them for crafts.
*Put them in the box when I take things to sell at a junk store on the highway. I would not charge for them, just give them to her.
*Offer them to a veterinarian.
I looked online and found many examples of bedazzled pill bottles and lighting using pill bottles. But, I am not feeling it at all. In the link there are 13 steps. Step #13 is a list of links for more recycling of pill bottles.
Good ideas are sewing kits and first aid kits and a money stash. Until lately, all my pill bottles had tops that were very difficult to remove or they just fell off. One side was lockable and the other side was not. Since the new Walmart caps are so easy to get off, I am going to start carrying a pill bottle in the car with Q-tips in them. Before, the caps were easily popped off or impossible to get off when turned the other way. The last thing I want to do is to fight a bottle that holds something to make my life easier.
At one pharmacy I used for years, I would take my one prescription bottle in with me, The pharmacist would take the pill bottle, put more pills into it, slap on a new label, and give it back to me. That never happens now.
Exbf tosses his pill bottles in the trash, so now I have him saving them for me to recycle.
Do you reuse pill bottles? If so, what do you do with them? Do you put them in a recycling bin?
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Earth Day 2018
How will you celebrate Earth Day? You may not be going to a festival or event, but you can still celebrate Earth Day. How? Do all you can to help protect the environment and use it wisely.
Use less plastic.
Plant trees.
Wash only full loads in the dishwasher or washing machine.
Wash clothes in cold water as often as you can.
Reduce your consumption of products or natural resources.
Reuse products.
Recycle anything you can.
By used as often as possible.
Plant something to eat even if it is just one thing.
Eat local and in season.
Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.
Hang clothing to dry outdoors or indoors.
I am not going to list all the things I can think of. Do you do any of the things I listed? What else do you do to protect the environment or use it more wisely?
Friday, April 20, 2018
Two Great Grocery Deals
Thursday night, when I was in a grocery store and looking for the Kraft Chunk Medium Cheese, I could not find it. I asked four employees over a period of 30 minutes.
Responses were all mumbled--I don't even know where the cheese in kept in the back. We don't carry it since there is no label on the shelf. I went back there and did not see any cheese at all. Maybe we keep it with the cottage cheese. Maybe it is over in the shelf with cream cheese.
Of course, I had to respond to all these foot-shuffling answers/suggestions which wore me out. Finally, I saw a manager and asked him. He came back with the 16 ounce KRAFT Chunk Medium Cheddar Cheese and told me I could have this for the same price as the 8 ounce. !!!
16 ounces of cheddar cheese for $2.38. I can live with that.
Friday night, after watching all the crockpots being opened at Walmart, I wandered down an aisle at WM where they have picnic supplies instead of Easter goodies. The 38 ounce Heinz catsup was $2.98. There was a hang tag that offered a free any Heinz Mayonnaise with the purchase of the catsup. I had to go across the store to the grocery section to find the mayo. At first, I could not see the quarts, but I was going to get the pint. Finally, I found it pushed back of the shelf or all the ones on front bought.
A quart (32 ounces) of Mayo for $3.98 was free. Catsup and mayo were $2.38 total.
Total Savings--40%
Savings on catsup/mayo deal--55%
Now, if I could just save that much each time I had to purchase anything! One good deal at each store would be worth walking in.
Oh, the third deal was pouches of cake/cupcake mixes for $0.50 each. I got these about two weeks ago. The catch: some were the brightest yellow ever. And, the others were green. Easter colors?
Your turn
Have you found the Heinz mayo/catsup deals? I imagine they are at other stores than Walmart.
Responses were all mumbled--I don't even know where the cheese in kept in the back. We don't carry it since there is no label on the shelf. I went back there and did not see any cheese at all. Maybe we keep it with the cottage cheese. Maybe it is over in the shelf with cream cheese.
Of course, I had to respond to all these foot-shuffling answers/suggestions which wore me out. Finally, I saw a manager and asked him. He came back with the 16 ounce KRAFT Chunk Medium Cheddar Cheese and told me I could have this for the same price as the 8 ounce. !!!
16 ounces of cheddar cheese for $2.38. I can live with that.
Friday night, after watching all the crockpots being opened at Walmart, I wandered down an aisle at WM where they have picnic supplies instead of Easter goodies. The 38 ounce Heinz catsup was $2.98. There was a hang tag that offered a free any Heinz Mayonnaise with the purchase of the catsup. I had to go across the store to the grocery section to find the mayo. At first, I could not see the quarts, but I was going to get the pint. Finally, I found it pushed back of the shelf or all the ones on front bought.
A quart (32 ounces) of Mayo for $3.98 was free. Catsup and mayo were $2.38 total.
Total Savings--40%
Savings on catsup/mayo deal--55%
Now, if I could just save that much each time I had to purchase anything! One good deal at each store would be worth walking in.
Oh, the third deal was pouches of cake/cupcake mixes for $0.50 each. I got these about two weeks ago. The catch: some were the brightest yellow ever. And, the others were green. Easter colors?
Your turn
Have you found the Heinz mayo/catsup deals? I imagine they are at other stores than Walmart.
Another Crockpot Fail!!!!
I did not feel well Thursday night, and it was just too much to carry in the Crockpot. So, my friend brought it in about 10 minutes ago. Immediately, I dragged it out of the box.
This is unbelievable. I am going to take it back right now. I will examine every inch of the crock.
Really? I feel like I need to check it again, just to remind myself it is really scratched.
I want to cook some chicken NOW.
This is unbelievable. I am going to take it back right now. I will examine every inch of the crock.
Really? I feel like I need to check it again, just to remind myself it is really scratched.
I want to cook some chicken NOW.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Car Battery, Crockpot Fail
I had an appointment to get the oil changed but had to call and cancel. I was going to go to the doctor but the doctor was not there, just the nurse practitioner.
Wednesday about 6:30, I decided I would go and get a refill I forgot to order from WM. So, about dusk I went out to get mail and some junk from the car. The automatic lock was not working, so I decided to go to driver side and lock it from that side. It puzzled me as to why the lights were not on in the car. Remember, I had a fever, was staggering about, and nothing made sense.
The battery was dead. I called friend around the block and left a message on his phone, asking him to jump off my car. Then, I sent a text. I called another friend and asked her if she were coming into town in Thursday. She agreed to drop me off at doctor and come back after her chores in town. All this if I could not get car to start.
He came with his 10 ft. jumper cables and it started easily. I suppose the dome light was left on. He said his car died in his carport and his old jumper cables were not long enough, so he resorted to buying the 10 ft. cables. Thankfully, the drive to WM was enough to charge the battery.
I had less than five minutes before the pharmacy closed. I hate to have to hurry so, especially when I am sick and feeling woozy. I made sure I broke no laws.
So, now I have to catch her in the morning before she leaves to get me. She has no cell at the moment. Well, first I will have to check in the morning and see if the car starts. ugh. I hate this stuff when I don't feel well.
The car did start at 8:30 this morning, so I called her, telling her I could get to the doctor on my own. Now, I must find the energy to go to the doctor. Since I will probably have to pick up a prescription, I will grocery shop while at WM.
I still have an ear infection and the uti. I left the doctor's office with four prescriptions and an injection. I was not sure I could actually drive there safely. When I was at Walmart getting my prescriptions, I bought a new crock pot. Yes, the one I bought this year bit the dust.
Inside the crock when I first washed it was a little glob where the side met the bottom. Then, it was white not black like the rest of the pot. I was afraid the glaze coming off would expose me to lead. Besides, even if it were safe, which it was not, maybe the crock would be compromised and would crack or explode while in use.
The crockpot I won is not in use since I cannot lift it empty, much less full. It would be impossible to wash.
Have you ever known anyone to go through so many crockpots? It is not like I abuse them. Does anyone know anything about the car chargers that you can keep in the trunk? I know they exist, but does anyone have a history with one or know what I should look for or avoid?
I had an appointment to get the oil changed but had to call and cancel. I was going to go to the doctor but the doctor was not there, just the nurse practitioner.
Wednesday about 6:30, I decided I would go and get a refill I forgot to order from WM. So, about dusk I went out to get mail and some junk from the car. The automatic lock was not working, so I decided to go to driver side and lock it from that side. It puzzled me as to why the lights were not on in the car. Remember, I had a fever, was staggering about, and nothing made sense.
The battery was dead. I called friend around the block and left a message on his phone, asking him to jump off my car. Then, I sent a text. I called another friend and asked her if she were coming into town in Thursday. She agreed to drop me off at doctor and come back after her chores in town. All this if I could not get car to start.
He came with his 10 ft. jumper cables and it started easily. I suppose the dome light was left on. He said his car died in his carport and his old jumper cables were not long enough, so he resorted to buying the 10 ft. cables. Thankfully, the drive to WM was enough to charge the battery.
I had less than five minutes before the pharmacy closed. I hate to have to hurry so, especially when I am sick and feeling woozy. I made sure I broke no laws.
So, now I have to catch her in the morning before she leaves to get me. She has no cell at the moment. Well, first I will have to check in the morning and see if the car starts. ugh. I hate this stuff when I don't feel well.
The car did start at 8:30 this morning, so I called her, telling her I could get to the doctor on my own. Now, I must find the energy to go to the doctor. Since I will probably have to pick up a prescription, I will grocery shop while at WM.
I still have an ear infection and the uti. I left the doctor's office with four prescriptions and an injection. I was not sure I could actually drive there safely. When I was at Walmart getting my prescriptions, I bought a new crock pot. Yes, the one I bought this year bit the dust.
Inside the crock when I first washed it was a little glob where the side met the bottom. Then, it was white not black like the rest of the pot. I was afraid the glaze coming off would expose me to lead. Besides, even if it were safe, which it was not, maybe the crock would be compromised and would crack or explode while in use.
The crockpot I won is not in use since I cannot lift it empty, much less full. It would be impossible to wash.
Have you ever known anyone to go through so many crockpots? It is not like I abuse them. Does anyone know anything about the car chargers that you can keep in the trunk? I know they exist, but does anyone have a history with one or know what I should look for or avoid?
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Food Score
This doesn't happen often. And, I still have to buy food. Unfortunately, my last gallon of milk cost me $8.79. So, this helps me to be able to drink milk.
food I chose at food bank
3.8 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
pound of breakfast sausage
4 huge baking potatoes
4 ears of corn
3lb. bag of onions
apple pie
breakfast bread
6 huge Kaiser rolls
can of black beans
2 short pkgs. of Pringles
half gal. of a2milk !!!!
box of radicchio lettuce
bag or Romaine/radicchio mix
extra large box of Honey Nut Cheerios
glass bottle of salad dressing
4-pack of small individual carrots/peas
Things I forgot:
3 peppers, one each of yellow, red, orange
sliced bakery bread
I was allowed to choose all of this. "You can have two meats" Then, they read the list on the white board on the refrigerator front. I could have had bologna or lots of kinds of lunch meat. The ground beef was gone as was the ground pork. I think this is the first time I have ever gotten boneless, skinless chicken breasts there. All the other bscb I cook, I pay for, hopefully on sale.
When I went in, the woman said to me, "I knew you were coming today." When I asked her how she knew, she said, "We have a2milk, and you are the only person who asks for it or knows what it is." I had just that day bought two half gallons even though I had a part of another half gallon at home. SO, I have milk--almost two gallons. It will not go bad before I consume it. I could have chosen oj or cottage cheese.
I could have had lots of snacks, boxes of things like mac 'n cheese, cookies, cake mixes or canned food. The only reason I chose the one can of black beans is that I do use them. Otherwise, none of the boxes or cans were things I eat normally or things I needed.
Please don't think this one day of food each month leaves me with an abundance of money to spend elsewhere. Since I chose all of this instead of just being given a box, I will eat every bit of these groceries. I did give exbf one short can of pringles, 3 rolls, and 1/2 the apple pie. I came to my senses and gave him the Cheerios. I would finish off the box way too soon. At the time, it was the best of the choices on that shelf. The woman points to a shelf and says, "You can have two items of this shelf" or "1 item off this shelf."
The produce is in boxes on their floor. The office is so small that we all have to shuffle around to access things like the two refrigerators, shelves, and the produce.
When I got home and unloaded it all, I had four half gallon milk cartons, three full and on half full. I had also just bought potatoes, so there was an abundance of potatoes.
I actually have not bought food this month other than a loaf of bread at the bread store, milk, and the $1 frozen item. I am also not capable of cooking right now and have not eaten much.
The only reason I even admit to going to a food bank and listing the food is that people are under the impression that a person can only get unhealthy food. Actually, I have gone to another and gotten a box of food that had maybe 75 items and I gave away 65 items, 50 of which were not healthy and 15 I did not like.
Not all are like this good one. You have to actually find these.
What are your thoughts on my choices and the whole haul?
food I chose at food bank
3.8 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
pound of breakfast sausage
4 huge baking potatoes
4 ears of corn
3lb. bag of onions
apple pie
breakfast bread
6 huge Kaiser rolls
can of black beans
2 short pkgs. of Pringles
half gal. of a2milk !!!!
box of radicchio lettuce
bag or Romaine/radicchio mix
extra large box of Honey Nut Cheerios
glass bottle of salad dressing
4-pack of small individual carrots/peas
Things I forgot:
3 peppers, one each of yellow, red, orange
sliced bakery bread
I was allowed to choose all of this. "You can have two meats" Then, they read the list on the white board on the refrigerator front. I could have had bologna or lots of kinds of lunch meat. The ground beef was gone as was the ground pork. I think this is the first time I have ever gotten boneless, skinless chicken breasts there. All the other bscb I cook, I pay for, hopefully on sale.
When I went in, the woman said to me, "I knew you were coming today." When I asked her how she knew, she said, "We have a2milk, and you are the only person who asks for it or knows what it is." I had just that day bought two half gallons even though I had a part of another half gallon at home. SO, I have milk--almost two gallons. It will not go bad before I consume it. I could have chosen oj or cottage cheese.
I could have had lots of snacks, boxes of things like mac 'n cheese, cookies, cake mixes or canned food. The only reason I chose the one can of black beans is that I do use them. Otherwise, none of the boxes or cans were things I eat normally or things I needed.
Please don't think this one day of food each month leaves me with an abundance of money to spend elsewhere. Since I chose all of this instead of just being given a box, I will eat every bit of these groceries. I did give exbf one short can of pringles, 3 rolls, and 1/2 the apple pie. I came to my senses and gave him the Cheerios. I would finish off the box way too soon. At the time, it was the best of the choices on that shelf. The woman points to a shelf and says, "You can have two items of this shelf" or "1 item off this shelf."
The produce is in boxes on their floor. The office is so small that we all have to shuffle around to access things like the two refrigerators, shelves, and the produce.
When I got home and unloaded it all, I had four half gallon milk cartons, three full and on half full. I had also just bought potatoes, so there was an abundance of potatoes.
I actually have not bought food this month other than a loaf of bread at the bread store, milk, and the $1 frozen item. I am also not capable of cooking right now and have not eaten much.
The only reason I even admit to going to a food bank and listing the food is that people are under the impression that a person can only get unhealthy food. Actually, I have gone to another and gotten a box of food that had maybe 75 items and I gave away 65 items, 50 of which were not healthy and 15 I did not like.
Not all are like this good one. You have to actually find these.
What are your thoughts on my choices and the whole haul?
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Volunteer, Shoe Save, Lunch, Mammogram
A yellow volunteer tulip is growing right in the middle of my backyard. It was such a surprise. In the front yard are more plants like it but without a bloom. I wonder if they are tulips, too. Wednesday, I will investigate. They do not have regular tulip leaves, but there is no doubt the flower is a tulip. One day, a black tulip volunteered here.
Two more pair of shoes are going to get the Shoe Goo treatment. One is a pair of sandals that the whole side has been ripped from the sole. This will be a true test. It may not look very good. If not, they will be what I wear everyday in the yard.
The other pair is my favorite shoe ever. When I heard this model of Clark's, a Mary Jane, was being discontinued, I bought all I could find here, and ordered them from a store below Montgomery. I think I bought eight pair. I put them all up and got out a new pair about every two years. The sole came apart from the uppers everywhere but the heel area in one white pair.
I had another pair of the same style, black, that I could wear. However, I could only find one of those shoes. In a stroke of luck, the right shoe of the white pair was still intact. AND, the left black shoe was not lost. In the yard and around the house, I wore a perfectly good pair of mismatched shoes. If I can get the sole matched with the upper, I will have two more good pairs of shoes for the yard/ rain/mud/chicken yard.
We went to lunch at a church today: ham; sweet potato baked in foil; mixed vegetables--corn, peas, green beans; buttered slice of bread; two cookies; unsweetened tea. Lunch was good; company and conversation was spectacular. We sat and talked with another couple and new friend.
Around 18 months ago, I took 13 pieces of Tupperware that had split, some lids, some bowls, and the woman now no longer sells Tupperware. So, I think I lost all the pieces. She says she told me to come get it. I don't remember that.
We drove 15 miles round trip to get 100% gasoline for my lawnmower.
I had a 3D mammogram later. It really hurt me. That is the first time for pain. More later. I am tired!
Exbf took his go plate home for his dinner. I gave him my sweet potato and mixed vegetables. I just now ate my ham and bread. Apple and leaf lettuce salad are next for me.
To save buying a new pair of shoes, would you wear one black shoe and one white shoe in the yard and chicken yard? Remember, I knew I could mend the white shoe I was wearing, and I knew I would find the other black shoe. And, they are the most comfortable shoe I have ever worn.
Two more pair of shoes are going to get the Shoe Goo treatment. One is a pair of sandals that the whole side has been ripped from the sole. This will be a true test. It may not look very good. If not, they will be what I wear everyday in the yard.
The other pair is my favorite shoe ever. When I heard this model of Clark's, a Mary Jane, was being discontinued, I bought all I could find here, and ordered them from a store below Montgomery. I think I bought eight pair. I put them all up and got out a new pair about every two years. The sole came apart from the uppers everywhere but the heel area in one white pair.
I had another pair of the same style, black, that I could wear. However, I could only find one of those shoes. In a stroke of luck, the right shoe of the white pair was still intact. AND, the left black shoe was not lost. In the yard and around the house, I wore a perfectly good pair of mismatched shoes. If I can get the sole matched with the upper, I will have two more good pairs of shoes for the yard/ rain/mud/chicken yard.
We went to lunch at a church today: ham; sweet potato baked in foil; mixed vegetables--corn, peas, green beans; buttered slice of bread; two cookies; unsweetened tea. Lunch was good; company and conversation was spectacular. We sat and talked with another couple and new friend.
Around 18 months ago, I took 13 pieces of Tupperware that had split, some lids, some bowls, and the woman now no longer sells Tupperware. So, I think I lost all the pieces. She says she told me to come get it. I don't remember that.
We drove 15 miles round trip to get 100% gasoline for my lawnmower.
I had a 3D mammogram later. It really hurt me. That is the first time for pain. More later. I am tired!
Exbf took his go plate home for his dinner. I gave him my sweet potato and mixed vegetables. I just now ate my ham and bread. Apple and leaf lettuce salad are next for me.
To save buying a new pair of shoes, would you wear one black shoe and one white shoe in the yard and chicken yard? Remember, I knew I could mend the white shoe I was wearing, and I knew I would find the other black shoe. And, they are the most comfortable shoe I have ever worn.
Saving Money with Dupes?
For most of my life I have avoided wearing makeup. But, in the last few years, I have worn more makeup than I have for the majority of my adult life. I do wear drugstore makeup, so this may not help me at all. I will check it out more thoroughly.
I wear makeup most of the time when I go to the free lunches or dinners. I rarely wear makeup when I go to the grocery or WM. And, I certainly do not wear it around the house. Revlon lipstick and Covergirl suit me just fine. But, if I wore makeup that was costly, this might help my finances.
I figured out that my lipstick at CVS is twice the price of the same makeup at WM!
I wear makeup most of the time when I go to the free lunches or dinners. I rarely wear makeup when I go to the grocery or WM. And, I certainly do not wear it around the house. Revlon lipstick and Covergirl suit me just fine. But, if I wore makeup that was costly, this might help my finances.
I figured out that my lipstick at CVS is twice the price of the same makeup at WM!
Abby at I Pick Up Pennies has a great article about DUPES. This is a way to buy cheaper makeup that is like your favorite expensive brand. Abby explains it.
Do you wear makeup? Expensive makeup or inexpensive makeup? Have you ever heard of dupes?
Monday, April 16, 2018
Happy Birthday and As of ~11 am today...
I am the mother of a fifty-year-old human being! How did that happen? I told someone who was exclaiming about my third child and how cute she was that he was the cutest baby I had of the three. She did not believe it until she saw his picture as a baby.
Okay, now the girls, both cute babies and beautiful now, are probably huffing about because I said he was the cutest baby.
Have you ever had a moment of shock when a child reached a milestone, like 21 or any other age. The other two are still in their forties. It will be a real shocker when the youngest is 50 also.
Have you ever been taken aback when a child had a certain birthday?
Okay, now the girls, both cute babies and beautiful now, are probably huffing about because I said he was the cutest baby.
Have you ever had a moment of shock when a child reached a milestone, like 21 or any other age. The other two are still in their forties. It will be a real shocker when the youngest is 50 also.
Have you ever been taken aback when a child had a certain birthday?
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Forgotten Drink That Caffeinated America for Centuries
Instead of importing tea, we could use yaupon to make cassina. This is a fascinating article explaining why yaupon frightened people so they would not drink the resulting drink.
Another article explains how beaver was eaten by Catholics to circumvent their meat fasts.
One article explains how beaver musk gives a vanilla raspberry taste to sweets. Well, I won't be trying to replace my vanilla in the kitchen by catching a beaver.
I did not get the link for the other two articles, but they are on the same page as the yaupon article.
Probably none of my hollies are yaupon since my bushes have lethal spines. Ouch! I intend to determine if this is would satisfy my need for tea. I don't drink coffee but some people use this as a substitute for coffee.
Maybe we could dispense with the costs of transporting our favorite caffeine drinks by producing it ourselves.
I have heard of yaupon, a holly. However, I have never heard of using beaver musk for a seasoning or the Catholic predilection for beaver meat. Have you?
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Garden Markers and Garden Advice
It's about that time of the year. We need something to mark what we plant where. At Food Storage and Survival there are the cutest markers. I tried to snag one to show you, but those are protected. Well, I was directing you to their blog, so they would not care. At any rate, maybe you will want to jump over there and see what appeals to you. Don't miss the links in the text. Links are the bold words.
I especially thought of Clamco's Lorraine as some of the garden markers are painted rocks.
Some of the markers are pricey and some are very frugal.
At an upcoming lunch, the county agent will be there. Last year, he had a Q&A session where people were free to ask questions about their gardens--edibles, flowers, trees, whatever. People came prepared with questions and notebooks and pens at the ready. He also gave each of us a tomato plant. I hope he gives a plant this year! I am making a list of questions.
Today was supposed to be a stormy day with the possibility of violent weather. Maybe that is happening elsewhere, but in my area all is well, just rainy. I just went to bed and slept through whatever was going to happen.
Which of the markers are your favorites? What do you use as garden markers?
Friday, April 13, 2018
Iris and Saving Shoes

Written last Tuesday
One iris has bloomed, one of the pale lavender ones, and a pink one is ready to burst open. I love iris. We had them in places we lived as a child. Mama loved flowers. We had dozens in our first house. But, when we sold it and moved away, we lived in rental houses for a few years and she never planted any at those houses. Still, there were always a few.
Today, Tuesday, I was rummaging through an old change purse, looking to see what was in it. I found an old KFC coupon for $10 worth of food. This is one I paid $6 to purchase back in January. Usually, these are used for lunch or dinner when exbf is visiting. But, now I use them for when I am sick or exhausted. I was neither today; I just wanted KFC once I found it. While $6 is an expensive lunch for one, it would have been thrifty for two people.
Four more iris in bloom.
Exbf came today. I got more sleep than I usually do before he comes. We drove around the lake, looking at the flowers blooming and through a neighborhood that always has lovely azaleas. I hate it when people prune azaleas into balls or square forms!
Lunch was chicken spicy chicken strips on a hotdog bun with leaf lettuce and tomatoes, mustard for him, Miracle Whip for me. He had pineapple. This was such an easy meal.
I felt so awful as the day went on that I did not cook what I intended to cook. So, for dinner I put four patties made from ground sirloin, 90% lean/10% fat with onion soup mix over them and onion and potatoes in the same pan, cooking them in the oven. It was delicious, but I suffered greatly from having had beef. Next time, I need to put a little water in the pan. We had Jello/fruit cocktail/apple. Fresh corn on the cob never made it to the stove. The carrots for the carrot raisin salad never made it out of the refrigerator.
His left shoe has holes in the sole. These shoes are practically new, so they needed to be saved. He has trouble walking and never gets his left foot off the ground, just drags it along as he uses two canes or a walker. They will be good to go on Saturday night. So, we are saving him a bit of money by mending shoes.
I put the Shoe Goo on the sole with a plastic spoon and sort of glued down the flaps that were ripped loose on the sole. At first the little flaps kept popping up. I just used the plastic spoon to keep pushing them down dozens of time. This seemed futile, but then they stayed down. After working with the Shoe Goo for about ten minutes, all of a sudden, the flaps stayed flat and I could no longer smear it around.
Taking a chance, I touched it with a finger. HARD! Then, I put my hand on it and showed him. I was going to put his shoes in a plastic bag for him to carry home and was glad to know he would not arrive home with the plastic bag stuck to the shoe. I suppose I will need to do this often to save these shoes. He has had them less than six months. His feet, diabetic feet, were getting wet. !!! I know, I know. He will not listen.
I was rushing all day long it seemed in order to get him home for a conference call. When he arrived at home, there was a message that the call was cancelled. ugh!
It was 80 degrees and sunshine and blue skies on Thursday.
I patched a hole in shoe soles I wear outside when it is rainy or muddy. Holes don't work with shoes. I did little else today because I was still exhausted from Thursday. Today it was 79 F. Tomorrow is supposed to be a stormy day, possibly with tornadoes.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Leafsnap--Tree ID App and Saving Money
This app was identified on a murder mystery program that included the Lindbergh baby murder. As I understand this app, it can be used by a phone or the computer.
Take a picture of the leaf and use the app to identify the tree. I noticed there are fruits, too.
I have a whole page of the sites that have information about this app. So, you can choose what you need to read or use.
When I was in high school, I could tell you the name of a hundred trees, but all that is just about gone from my memory.
I can imagine this app would be great for children as an educational tool. Or, you might use it to identify trees on your property.
1) The weather for the most part has been beautiful. This is the type of weather where I hang clothes on the line because I like to hang them out and to save money. The pollen is so terrible and so early, it seems. So, I try to hang things in the house to dry. Pants, blouses, panties, and socks are hung inside always. However, towels and wash clothes and dish cloths go outdoors. Now, I have to use the dryer. When I wash sheets and blankets they will have to be dried, also. Running the dryer is expensive! I will hang a few washcloths in the house. No money saving steps here until the pollen is gone.
2) Tomorrow, I have to use the oven instead of the crockpot. Hopefully, I can get two pans of meat and vegetables into the oven. It is not so hot out that the oven will heat up the house and cause me to use the ac. Using the crockpot would be cheaper. I cannot save money with the crockpot on Thursday.
3) I had someone help me remove two boxes from the front seat. For a while I thought I was going to have to pay someone. So, money saved there.
4) The car console is filthy. It is embarrassing. I will go to my trusty stash of toothbrushes for a cleaning tool. I change my toothbrush every three months, so I usually have plenty of toothbrushes for other jobs around the house.
Do you think you or someone you know might use the Leafsnap app? Is there anyone out there who uses the dryer exclusively as opposed to using to hanging clothes to dry?
Take a picture of the leaf and use the app to identify the tree. I noticed there are fruits, too.
I have a whole page of the sites that have information about this app. So, you can choose what you need to read or use.
When I was in high school, I could tell you the name of a hundred trees, but all that is just about gone from my memory.
I can imagine this app would be great for children as an educational tool. Or, you might use it to identify trees on your property.
1) The weather for the most part has been beautiful. This is the type of weather where I hang clothes on the line because I like to hang them out and to save money. The pollen is so terrible and so early, it seems. So, I try to hang things in the house to dry. Pants, blouses, panties, and socks are hung inside always. However, towels and wash clothes and dish cloths go outdoors. Now, I have to use the dryer. When I wash sheets and blankets they will have to be dried, also. Running the dryer is expensive! I will hang a few washcloths in the house. No money saving steps here until the pollen is gone.
2) Tomorrow, I have to use the oven instead of the crockpot. Hopefully, I can get two pans of meat and vegetables into the oven. It is not so hot out that the oven will heat up the house and cause me to use the ac. Using the crockpot would be cheaper. I cannot save money with the crockpot on Thursday.
3) I had someone help me remove two boxes from the front seat. For a while I thought I was going to have to pay someone. So, money saved there.
4) The car console is filthy. It is embarrassing. I will go to my trusty stash of toothbrushes for a cleaning tool. I change my toothbrush every three months, so I usually have plenty of toothbrushes for other jobs around the house.
Do you think you or someone you know might use the Leafsnap app? Is there anyone out there who uses the dryer exclusively as opposed to using to hanging clothes to dry?
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
No More Sunday Papers!
I went to WM very late on Sunday night, actually on Monday morning because I forgot to get the Sunday paper during the day. The paper racks were empty. I was a little shocked, but then I remembered there were five coupon inserts in this Sunday paper. Maybe there had been a run on papers.
I commented to a clerk nearby. Two clerks responded, "There will be no more Sunday paper." Before I could faint, they went on to explain that we now have only a weekend edition--in the store on Saturday with coupon inserts in that edition. I had to go to the newspaper on Monday to get my coupon fix.
Furthermore, the local paper will not be delivered ever again. All subscriptions are delivered by the mail carriers. So, all themail paper carriers lost their jobs just like that. One man who delivered papers had to move from the trailer he lived in because of no income or lowered income.
For quite a few years, there was no Monday paper so the paper people would not have to work on Sunday. I suppose demand led to a Sunday paper that we received until this past weekend. My friend said her father is fit to be tied because his morning paper will be delivered in the afternoon with his 3 pm mail delivery. Some people will have to wait until Tuesday to get their Weekend Edition.
Lots of us are not happy for a variety of reasons over this development. I just wonder how long it will be before we go back to a weekly paper. I think this latest development will result in less reading of the newspaper and cause a further decline in days it is published.
This week there were five coupon inserts, so that was fun. Plus, there were lots of coupons on things I purchase regularly. The best part was coupons that do not expire until Dec. 18! There were only a few and one that expires in June or July.
Someone on the news commented that our county has grown and we now have 80k population. Now, I am sure some of you are gasping at the small population. I did, too. So, we are not a huge, crowded area. Maybe this affected the newspaper situation.
More unemployed persons make me sad.
I commented to a clerk nearby. Two clerks responded, "There will be no more Sunday paper." Before I could faint, they went on to explain that we now have only a weekend edition--in the store on Saturday with coupon inserts in that edition. I had to go to the newspaper on Monday to get my coupon fix.
Furthermore, the local paper will not be delivered ever again. All subscriptions are delivered by the mail carriers. So, all the
For quite a few years, there was no Monday paper so the paper people would not have to work on Sunday. I suppose demand led to a Sunday paper that we received until this past weekend. My friend said her father is fit to be tied because his morning paper will be delivered in the afternoon with his 3 pm mail delivery. Some people will have to wait until Tuesday to get their Weekend Edition.
Lots of us are not happy for a variety of reasons over this development. I just wonder how long it will be before we go back to a weekly paper. I think this latest development will result in less reading of the newspaper and cause a further decline in days it is published.
This week there were five coupon inserts, so that was fun. Plus, there were lots of coupons on things I purchase regularly. The best part was coupons that do not expire until Dec. 18! There were only a few and one that expires in June or July.
Someone on the news commented that our county has grown and we now have 80k population. Now, I am sure some of you are gasping at the small population. I did, too. So, we are not a huge, crowded area. Maybe this affected the newspaper situation.
More unemployed persons make me sad.
Instead of taking the Scrubby yarn to the car last night to get rid of its stench, I forgot and left it on a table near me. I awoke this morning to chest congestion that was so horrific. Now, with coughing, meds and an inhaler, I feel better. I cannot imagine having this in my house for long.
Your turn
Are you aware of any changes to the days of publication to any newspapers? Have you noticed a few coupons with very long expiration dates?
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Red Heart Scrubby Yarn Stinks
I heard people in WM talking about it at the fabric cutting table. They were singing its praises. One woman said she saw this yarn made into squares that guys bought to wash vehicles.
So, I rode around and got a package. As I was looking at the skein and reading, I noticed a strong odor. The yarn is 100% polyester. One woman smelled it and said it smelled like rubber. At any rate, I am not going to hold this in my hands to crochet. The odor is something that is not conducive to good health, in my opinion. I could feel it in my lungs.
Can you see the little threads that provide the roughness for cleaning pots, dishes, and vehicles?
When I got home and took it out of the bag, everything in the bag smelled. Today, it is two feet from me and I can still detect a very strong odor. But, today, it smells like chemical and poop.
I am returning this skein. Mine is yellow, apple green, and hot pink.
Has anyone crocheted or knit with this yarn? Was the smell off-putting? Toxic smelling?
Monday, April 9, 2018
Wrapping Gifts
When Anne at New Happenings at the Table wrote about her gift wrappings, I was reminded of some of mine.
I use different containers, also. When I put a gift in either a toothpaste box or toilet paper roll and wrapped it to send to my g-daughter, she asked her mother, my daughter, "Why does she do things like this?" I laughed so hard. I just wonder what other "things" I do.
Another time, I wrapped a suitcase for a teen. I dated her father and knew she did not have a suitcase and wanted one. For some reason I had a box from a vacuum cleaner and used it. So, I put the suitcase with wheels in the vacuum cleaner box. There was no joke or humor or deceit intended. Well, a box wraps easily and did disguise the wheels. About 15 minutes after she started unwrapping her present, we noticed she was sitting there with the unopened box and pouting.
When we asked what was wrong, she hit the box and yelled in a petulant tone that she did not want a vacuum and started to cry. Why on earth would we give a 14-year-old a vacuum cleaner? She pretty much kept acting up about it, never thanked anyone for the suitcase which was exactly what she wanted. She managed to spoil a large portion of the celebration on Christmas Day with her brattiness.
My own children have gasped or laughed and continued to open something strange, i.e., in a strange box. They knew me too well.
Sometimes, I wrap in a different container for expediency. It is easier to wrap in a square box rather than have to tape something around an odd shape. Plus, the shape might give away the gift. A can like Anne describes would be easier to wrap and disguise the shape. Sometimes, the purpose is to throw the person off. Most of my uses are just to get the gift wrapped easily, not to trick the person into thinking another gift has been wrapped.
Today, I am thinking of gifts and wrapping as someone had twins. Well, I found board books half price and solved the problem of spending for two gifts. However, I did not wrap them, just tucked them into a tiny recycled gift bag.
Your turn
What are some ways you have wrapped gifts, either for expediency or as a disguise?
I use different containers, also. When I put a gift in either a toothpaste box or toilet paper roll and wrapped it to send to my g-daughter, she asked her mother, my daughter, "Why does she do things like this?" I laughed so hard. I just wonder what other "things" I do.
Another time, I wrapped a suitcase for a teen. I dated her father and knew she did not have a suitcase and wanted one. For some reason I had a box from a vacuum cleaner and used it. So, I put the suitcase with wheels in the vacuum cleaner box. There was no joke or humor or deceit intended. Well, a box wraps easily and did disguise the wheels. About 15 minutes after she started unwrapping her present, we noticed she was sitting there with the unopened box and pouting.
When we asked what was wrong, she hit the box and yelled in a petulant tone that she did not want a vacuum and started to cry. Why on earth would we give a 14-year-old a vacuum cleaner? She pretty much kept acting up about it, never thanked anyone for the suitcase which was exactly what she wanted. She managed to spoil a large portion of the celebration on Christmas Day with her brattiness.
My own children have gasped or laughed and continued to open something strange, i.e., in a strange box. They knew me too well.
Sometimes, I wrap in a different container for expediency. It is easier to wrap in a square box rather than have to tape something around an odd shape. Plus, the shape might give away the gift. A can like Anne describes would be easier to wrap and disguise the shape. Sometimes, the purpose is to throw the person off. Most of my uses are just to get the gift wrapped easily, not to trick the person into thinking another gift has been wrapped.
Today, I am thinking of gifts and wrapping as someone had twins. Well, I found board books half price and solved the problem of spending for two gifts. However, I did not wrap them, just tucked them into a tiny recycled gift bag.
Your turn
What are some ways you have wrapped gifts, either for expediency or as a disguise?
Sunday, April 8, 2018
For several years I have been sorely disappointed at not being able to find my pie ingredient that I love. I consider this mostly a Thanksgiving pie. But, I love mincemeat pie made with the box version of Borden None Such Mincemeat.
I always bought the little box with the dried chunk of pie ingredients. The instructions say to put water and egg yolk and to pour it into the crust and bake. Since I never followed the recipe, the quart jar was just ignored. I refused to buy it.
However, every year I call and complain about the absence of Borden None Such Mincemeat in the little box. Even with coupons, the company could never convince me to try the jarred product. I turned down the offer of coupons to be mailed to me.
While I was in Walmart, I think, I found it again in the little box, but now it is distributed by Smuckers. Now, I just have to check and see if this comes from China.
There is a very good recipe on the box for mincemeat cookies that I have tried several times.
I think mincemeat would make great fried pies or hand pies. What do you think about this idea?
Your turn
Do you ever eat mincemeat pie? Some people hate it. Do you? If you eat None Such in your pies, have you missed it? Or, did you switch to the jarred product?
I always bought the little box with the dried chunk of pie ingredients. The instructions say to put water and egg yolk and to pour it into the crust and bake. Since I never followed the recipe, the quart jar was just ignored. I refused to buy it.
However, every year I call and complain about the absence of Borden None Such Mincemeat in the little box. Even with coupons, the company could never convince me to try the jarred product. I turned down the offer of coupons to be mailed to me.
While I was in Walmart, I think, I found it again in the little box, but now it is distributed by Smuckers. Now, I just have to check and see if this comes from China.
There is a very good recipe on the box for mincemeat cookies that I have tried several times.
I think mincemeat would make great fried pies or hand pies. What do you think about this idea?
Your turn
Do you ever eat mincemeat pie? Some people hate it. Do you? If you eat None Such in your pies, have you missed it? Or, did you switch to the jarred product?
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Saturday: Drug Take Back, Sorghum, Country Music
Saturday morning, I dropped off nearly a full bag of shredding fodder. That was a relief to get rid of that mess. I usually rip my name from all sorts of junk mail and drop that into a bag for shredding. I take the rest of that item and put it into the regular trash. However, some envelopes are full of personal information and identifying numbers, so that goes whole into recycling.
This is the third shredding event that I am aware of. I missed the first one and forgot about the second. So, I was hyper-vigilant for the last month, keenly aware that their semi-annual event should be happening soon. I suppose the next event will be in October.
Since this will happen in six months, and today's event is in my day planner, I will be ready. They also had a drug take back today, along with an old electronics collection for destroying these items, and a food drive for one particular food bank. The Lion's Club and police were out in full force.
I didn't realize the Farmer's Market would happen today. I stopped and got a pint of sorghum for $7. Of course, I had to have a taste as soon as I arrived at home. The taste was a taste from my childhood. I think Mama sometimes cooked with sorghum. Or, I had it on buttered biscuit. I don't remember having it often. Maybe I had it at my Mississippi great aunt's house. It will be better the next taste because I had just swallowed the last of a chocolate cookie when I tasted it today.
This afternoon, I got my prescriptions filled and picked them up at WM. I could barely find a parking place and got the last electric cart. I had to wait a long time at electronics to get help with my internet payment. It seems I was late with a payment when I put it on auto-pay. I don't think so, but I cannot imagine what actually happened. Then, they just take a payment from my account and I still have a charge which generates another late payment. So, I paid the late payment and the regular payment will come out of my bank account with auto pay.
It was impossible for me to use my phone to talk to anyone at AT&T because 611 or any of the payment numbers generated a voice that tells me I am up to date when they find the account attached to the phone number I am using. Then, the little automatic voice tells me goodbye and hangs up. No, I am not up to date. So, that was fixed. Now, I really am up to date.
Tonight, I went to an event for those over 50 from 6 pm to 9 pm. A country band played. People danced. Admission was free as were all concessions--hot dogs and fixings, cookies, chips, brownies, tea, water or coke. There were two door prizes, all without having paid for admission. There was a donation jug. Another jug was there for a dollar with your name written on it to be deposited. The person whose dollar bill was pulled from the jug got half of what was deposited in that jug. The non-profit got the other half. The winner tonight got $24. I did not participate because I had to the dollar what I needed to pay a bill Monday.
The music was not all old country but it was excellent. The band was very tight. Someone requested "Wipe Out" about 8:30, and the band did a great job. One woman did the best dance I have seen to this tune. I thought she was going to hurt herself with all the shimmy and swim she performed along with other steps and moves.
I will be going back. Hopefully, the guy who had not bathed and wore the grimiest Alabama hat I have ever seen--all.night.long! will bath next time.
A guy sitting near me asked me if I danced. I laughed and told him that I used to dance a lot and well, but now I would have to use my walker.
One guy came in with a leather or leather-ish bag. I wondered if he had brought something to flavor his Coke. He unzipped it and took out his dancing shoes. So, did his wife--nude with stacked heel and two straps. I have seen about four of these couples present tonight, all excellent dancers, at other dances.
That was my so busy Saturday, and I am exhausted.
Do you ever buy or use sorghum? How? Did you eat it as a child? Do you like old country music well enough to go hear it free? Would you dance?
This is the third shredding event that I am aware of. I missed the first one and forgot about the second. So, I was hyper-vigilant for the last month, keenly aware that their semi-annual event should be happening soon. I suppose the next event will be in October.
Since this will happen in six months, and today's event is in my day planner, I will be ready. They also had a drug take back today, along with an old electronics collection for destroying these items, and a food drive for one particular food bank. The Lion's Club and police were out in full force.
I didn't realize the Farmer's Market would happen today. I stopped and got a pint of sorghum for $7. Of course, I had to have a taste as soon as I arrived at home. The taste was a taste from my childhood. I think Mama sometimes cooked with sorghum. Or, I had it on buttered biscuit. I don't remember having it often. Maybe I had it at my Mississippi great aunt's house. It will be better the next taste because I had just swallowed the last of a chocolate cookie when I tasted it today.
This afternoon, I got my prescriptions filled and picked them up at WM. I could barely find a parking place and got the last electric cart. I had to wait a long time at electronics to get help with my internet payment. It seems I was late with a payment when I put it on auto-pay. I don't think so, but I cannot imagine what actually happened. Then, they just take a payment from my account and I still have a charge which generates another late payment. So, I paid the late payment and the regular payment will come out of my bank account with auto pay.
It was impossible for me to use my phone to talk to anyone at AT&T because 611 or any of the payment numbers generated a voice that tells me I am up to date when they find the account attached to the phone number I am using. Then, the little automatic voice tells me goodbye and hangs up. No, I am not up to date. So, that was fixed. Now, I really am up to date.
Tonight, I went to an event for those over 50 from 6 pm to 9 pm. A country band played. People danced. Admission was free as were all concessions--hot dogs and fixings, cookies, chips, brownies, tea, water or coke. There were two door prizes, all without having paid for admission. There was a donation jug. Another jug was there for a dollar with your name written on it to be deposited. The person whose dollar bill was pulled from the jug got half of what was deposited in that jug. The non-profit got the other half. The winner tonight got $24. I did not participate because I had to the dollar what I needed to pay a bill Monday.
The music was not all old country but it was excellent. The band was very tight. Someone requested "Wipe Out" about 8:30, and the band did a great job. One woman did the best dance I have seen to this tune. I thought she was going to hurt herself with all the shimmy and swim she performed along with other steps and moves.
I will be going back. Hopefully, the guy who had not bathed and wore the grimiest Alabama hat I have ever seen--all.night.long! will bath next time.
A guy sitting near me asked me if I danced. I laughed and told him that I used to dance a lot and well, but now I would have to use my walker.
One guy came in with a leather or leather-ish bag. I wondered if he had brought something to flavor his Coke. He unzipped it and took out his dancing shoes. So, did his wife--nude with stacked heel and two straps. I have seen about four of these couples present tonight, all excellent dancers, at other dances.
That was my so busy Saturday, and I am exhausted.
Do you ever buy or use sorghum? How? Did you eat it as a child? Do you like old country music well enough to go hear it free? Would you dance?
Friday, April 6, 2018
Books, Shredding, Paper
The one thing I enjoy better than a book is a free book. I found a cache of them, all meant for consumption by seniors. They are donated to the senior centers/locations around town. From the few titles I was able to see, I really doubt there will be anything to interest me. I cannot think of any of the titles right now. When I go back to look, I will list a few titles/authors. I did notice there are multiple copies of some titles. The books can be returned or kept. They had a sign on the door saying they would accept no more book donations.
I went to the library and checked out two books and finished one on Friday night. I read 275 pages today. The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner is a true story, memoir, of living in a polygamous community in Mexico. The book starts when Ruthie is five-years-old and ends when she is thirty-seven-years old. I will tell you no more. I highly recommend this book.
That makes two books I have read in 3.5 days. I am really enjoying being able to read without eyestrain.
Earlier tonight, exbf said maybe reading more would help me to go to sleep. I am the last person to ever get drowsy with a book, even a boring book. I have been known to read all night. As the night wears on and I read a book, I become more alert.
Tomorrow will be exciting. The Chamber or someone is sponsoring a Free Shred day. I have about a brown paper trash bag of items to be shredded. This last week should have been a push to sort older items to shred most of them. But, this antibiotic makes me feel ill.
Since I did not want to own a shredder, I bought a fire pit, thinking exbf could burn them. Maybe another time we could use wood and make smores. No, he did not want to. He never said so, he just never did it.
Paper is my nemesis. I found a plastic file folder of cancelled checks from 1990. One account was a personal account and the other was my business account. All were labeled. I resisted the urge to look at them for weeks, fearing I would find something I needed to keep. Finally, I opened one envelope and found a check I wanted to keep and a number of a place I ordered material wholesale. The check has been saved and the number written down in a permanent place and the original paper with the number was put into the shred bag. I do not dare open another envelope of cancelled checks because I fear I will keep something else. It is done.
The only thing I bought today was two Roma tomatoes. I think my wants will be less when I can read.
Your turn
Are you also a voracious reader of books? Does reading make you drowsy or more alert? Do you shred or burn? Do Senior Centers near you have donated books to give away? Do you find that paper overwhelms you?
I went to the library and checked out two books and finished one on Friday night. I read 275 pages today. The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner is a true story, memoir, of living in a polygamous community in Mexico. The book starts when Ruthie is five-years-old and ends when she is thirty-seven-years old. I will tell you no more. I highly recommend this book.
That makes two books I have read in 3.5 days. I am really enjoying being able to read without eyestrain.
Earlier tonight, exbf said maybe reading more would help me to go to sleep. I am the last person to ever get drowsy with a book, even a boring book. I have been known to read all night. As the night wears on and I read a book, I become more alert.
Tomorrow will be exciting. The Chamber or someone is sponsoring a Free Shred day. I have about a brown paper trash bag of items to be shredded. This last week should have been a push to sort older items to shred most of them. But, this antibiotic makes me feel ill.
Since I did not want to own a shredder, I bought a fire pit, thinking exbf could burn them. Maybe another time we could use wood and make smores. No, he did not want to. He never said so, he just never did it.
Paper is my nemesis. I found a plastic file folder of cancelled checks from 1990. One account was a personal account and the other was my business account. All were labeled. I resisted the urge to look at them for weeks, fearing I would find something I needed to keep. Finally, I opened one envelope and found a check I wanted to keep and a number of a place I ordered material wholesale. The check has been saved and the number written down in a permanent place and the original paper with the number was put into the shred bag. I do not dare open another envelope of cancelled checks because I fear I will keep something else. It is done.
The only thing I bought today was two Roma tomatoes. I think my wants will be less when I can read.
Your turn
Are you also a voracious reader of books? Does reading make you drowsy or more alert? Do you shred or burn? Do Senior Centers near you have donated books to give away? Do you find that paper overwhelms you?
March Goals and How I Did
I had goals for March, not lofty ones, but attainable one. Things did not go as planned. Between UTIs and lack of cooperation from others who did not keep their word, little I planned did
Read three or four books. No, I did not have lens in glasses. I now do have both lens and have started on my second book.
I can do this in a bright light with the one scratched lens in my glasses. Plus, I should finally get my lens since I had the surgery. I am waiting for my checkup on Monday. Both eyes had little bubbles behind the new lens, so the opthamologist used a laser on those.
Hem two washcloths. No, could not see well enough.
Since their hems came unstitched, I am short two washcloths. I quit using them to at least preserve them in their state of not being completely unhemmed.
Prepare to start sewing again. No, guy did not show up despite multiple promises to do so. I am going to buy more material.
This involves getting machine moved and set up, none of which I can do without help.
Return TV and swap for another. No, same guy did not show.
This is another thing that requires help. The TV makes incredibly loud popping noises and scares me. It sound sharp like a rock thrown against a window. No, it's not that. I am afraid it might explode or cause a fire. No one at WM knows why it might do this.
Trade out table under TV for another. No, same guy.
Of course, I need help doing this, too. The present table is too short and too long.
Start seeds. No, finally got it together for April.
No explanation needed here.
Sow flower seeds. No, too windy some days. Allergies are keeping me inside. Plus, the antibiotic package warns to stay out of sun.
I bought a fifty-cent packet of Dianthus (top) seeds to sow in a place I do not want to mow that still needs something. I also bought a twenty-cent packet of sunflower seeds that I am going to plant where a four-foot-square garden sat. The ground should be fertile.
I managed to borrow a bit of money and got the lens in my frames. I had been without a right lens for so long that having a lens caused me a great deal of dizziness. I am over that and believe that one part of the right lens has a wave in it. However, I am reading books once again. And, I can read for longer with understanding and no eye strain,
I managed to borrow a bit of money and got the lens in my frames. I had been without a right lens for so long that having a lens caused me a great deal of dizziness. I am over that and believe that one part of the right lens has a wave in it. However, I am reading books once again. And, I can read for longer with understanding and no eye strain,
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Dice and a man with a drill
Wednesday, I played Bunco for the first time in over 40 years. It was fun, but not as fun as it was in 1974. It was tiring to sit on plastic chairs for 1.5 hours.
Today was a glorious day with blue sky and few clouds. However, even though the sun was warm, the wind was fierce and cold. Oak tree turned everything yellow. Consequently, I did not get in the yard to do anything with my "garden."
My friend came over and took out the trash. I have a largish can with wheels. The lid was in horrid shape last week, so I put it in the trash. I can use it without a lid, but the bottom is intact so there was six inches of water in the bottom. By drilling holes in the bottom, I can still use it with trash bags.
I try to never throw trash in without it being in bags, anyway. People who throw bits of trash in the can just cause bits of trash to litter the neighborhood, or, more specifically, my yard and street where I have to pick it up.
Now, since it has holes in it, I can use it to plant potatoes. Then, I can just turn it on its side on a tarp and rake out the potatoes. I have two other trash cans, but neither of those have wheels. They do have holes in them from dragging them, so water does not accumulate. One is for the chicken yard. The other was bought in 1968.
He took out recycling bin, too. I have things for recycling that I must get out there in a bit. Plus, I do have a bag of garbage that is light, so I can carry it out to the road.
He used his drill to put a hole by the door for a screw hook. I can put the key safe there so I can actually grasp the door knob to get into the house. The bolt on the key safe is so large it hinders my grasping the door knob. It makes getting up that high step into the house unsafe. Done now.
I finished reading the book I won Tuesday. It was interesting and a keeper.
Your turn
Do you play Bunco? Have you ever planted potatoes in a garbage can?
Today was a glorious day with blue sky and few clouds. However, even though the sun was warm, the wind was fierce and cold. Oak tree turned everything yellow. Consequently, I did not get in the yard to do anything with my "garden."
My friend came over and took out the trash. I have a largish can with wheels. The lid was in horrid shape last week, so I put it in the trash. I can use it without a lid, but the bottom is intact so there was six inches of water in the bottom. By drilling holes in the bottom, I can still use it with trash bags.
I try to never throw trash in without it being in bags, anyway. People who throw bits of trash in the can just cause bits of trash to litter the neighborhood, or, more specifically, my yard and street where I have to pick it up.
Now, since it has holes in it, I can use it to plant potatoes. Then, I can just turn it on its side on a tarp and rake out the potatoes. I have two other trash cans, but neither of those have wheels. They do have holes in them from dragging them, so water does not accumulate. One is for the chicken yard. The other was bought in 1968.
He took out recycling bin, too. I have things for recycling that I must get out there in a bit. Plus, I do have a bag of garbage that is light, so I can carry it out to the road.
He used his drill to put a hole by the door for a screw hook. I can put the key safe there so I can actually grasp the door knob to get into the house. The bolt on the key safe is so large it hinders my grasping the door knob. It makes getting up that high step into the house unsafe. Done now.
I finished reading the book I won Tuesday. It was interesting and a keeper.
Your turn
Do you play Bunco? Have you ever planted potatoes in a garbage can?
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
I Won a book; Free Lunch Tuesday
Even though I set the clock at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, never mind I set it for pm. So, I was not ready when exbf arrived. Plus, I had turned off my cell and poor thing had to struggle to get to door and was ready to unlock it when he got to the door. So, he could either come in or struggle back to car and sit. He chose to go sit with my encouragement. Usually, he just calls and tells me he is here.
At the lunch today, we had a man dressed as the founder of our city. He gave us a lot of information about the founding and the founder, all the while dressed in period dress and speaking in the voice of the founder, Col. Cullman. VERY interesting.
At the end of his talk, the minister in charge had three questions. Knowing the answer and raising hand first would win a prize. AH HA! I knew the first question, not from the talk, but from where I live. Col. Cullman did include it in his talk.
Who was the first mayor of Cullman? My hand shot up. "Betz" is the answer. I have lived in the Betz Addition since 1974. No one refers to the subdivision as the Betz Addition, but it is on the Historic sign three blocks away and on the papers from buying the house that identify the lot which we bought. So, my hand shot into the air. (Actually, some of the older men do know this area and use "Betz Addition" to identify exactly where I live.)
I won--Legendary Locals of Cullman County. It is the only county and city in the world with this name. The book is 127 pages full of pictures with text. I would say that less than half of each page is dedicated to pictures.
Lunch was sort of different. I was looking at exbf's plate and asked if I could have a bite while my plate was coming. He said I could, and I picked up one piece of chicken. Well, no, it was friend okra.
I thought I would throw up from the slime and taste. Nasty!
We had: a casserole of chicken; sliced, boiled eggs in cream of chicken soup or something, and crushed ruffled potato chips on top; fried okra, delicious warm roll, and chocolate cake with scrumptious chocolate icing. Since he hates, hates, HATES boiled eggs, I picked off and out of the casserole all I could find. Then, he offered me some of his casserole and I dipped out huge, hidden chunks of boiled eggs. He was really glad I got it out for He mostly filled up on okra.
We took a short ride to a church where all the dogwoods and azaleas were in bloom. Lovely.
Then, I went to a pharmacy where there is a nurse who specializes in diabetic shoes. I wanted information on getting shoes for diabetics. I suppose now I have all the information I need or all I can think of right now.
Back at my home, I gave him an Easter basket. It was actually an Easter bucket I got for a dime one year to grow plants in. The Easter Bunny gave him a huge chocolate Easter Bunny-Russell Stover, a book of 140 crossword puzzles, Easter egg with chocolate cream inside, jelly beans, and a small container of Reese's peanut butter bunny cereal. The basket had the accordion-folded paper "grass" bought half price. He commented on the "good chocolate" bunny--RS. The first thing he did after examining it all was start on the jelly beans. I was not aware he liked them that much.
This Cipro exhausts me. So, dinner was not what I planned. We had chicken in the crockpot, slaw, and field peas with snaps. I could barely get it on his plate and take it to him. I lay down.
I had planned to dye eggs but knocked the bowl of hard-boiled eggs out of the refrigerator and they rolled all over, cracking and collecting trash--a hair, bit of dust, some black specks, and disgusting stuff all around. No dyed eggs. One of them rolled out of sight. Then, tonight I found the brown egg in the dark, narrow space between refrigerator and counter...sigh. I may make egg salad from the eggs when I take off shell and rest of yucky stuff.
The Jello never happened. I was hurting too much to grate carrots for carrot/pineapple salad. So, Easter food will be over two Fruit salads will be on the menu next time he comes. Neither of us was disappointed.
By the way, the chicken was given to me--organic and priced at $17 for the four-pound bird. I really could tell the difference in taste. I could tell it had not been injected with salty, chemical stuff. Exbf exclaimed over the price. I sent the rest of the chicken home with him to clean meat from bones while I kept the rest of the breast we did not eat.
Yep, once again--I WON. It was a very good day as I took a nap when he left at 6 pm.
Do you love winning as much as I do? Would you ever or have you ever bought a hen this expensive?
At the lunch today, we had a man dressed as the founder of our city. He gave us a lot of information about the founding and the founder, all the while dressed in period dress and speaking in the voice of the founder, Col. Cullman. VERY interesting.
At the end of his talk, the minister in charge had three questions. Knowing the answer and raising hand first would win a prize. AH HA! I knew the first question, not from the talk, but from where I live. Col. Cullman did include it in his talk.
Who was the first mayor of Cullman? My hand shot up. "Betz" is the answer. I have lived in the Betz Addition since 1974. No one refers to the subdivision as the Betz Addition, but it is on the Historic sign three blocks away and on the papers from buying the house that identify the lot which we bought. So, my hand shot into the air. (Actually, some of the older men do know this area and use "Betz Addition" to identify exactly where I live.)
I won--Legendary Locals of Cullman County. It is the only county and city in the world with this name. The book is 127 pages full of pictures with text. I would say that less than half of each page is dedicated to pictures.
Lunch was sort of different. I was looking at exbf's plate and asked if I could have a bite while my plate was coming. He said I could, and I picked up one piece of chicken. Well, no, it was friend okra.
I thought I would throw up from the slime and taste. Nasty!
We had: a casserole of chicken; sliced, boiled eggs in cream of chicken soup or something, and crushed ruffled potato chips on top; fried okra, delicious warm roll, and chocolate cake with scrumptious chocolate icing. Since he hates, hates, HATES boiled eggs, I picked off and out of the casserole all I could find. Then, he offered me some of his casserole and I dipped out huge, hidden chunks of boiled eggs. He was really glad I got it out for He mostly filled up on okra.
We took a short ride to a church where all the dogwoods and azaleas were in bloom. Lovely.
Then, I went to a pharmacy where there is a nurse who specializes in diabetic shoes. I wanted information on getting shoes for diabetics. I suppose now I have all the information I need or all I can think of right now.
Back at my home, I gave him an Easter basket. It was actually an Easter bucket I got for a dime one year to grow plants in. The Easter Bunny gave him a huge chocolate Easter Bunny-Russell Stover, a book of 140 crossword puzzles, Easter egg with chocolate cream inside, jelly beans, and a small container of Reese's peanut butter bunny cereal. The basket had the accordion-folded paper "grass" bought half price. He commented on the "good chocolate" bunny--RS. The first thing he did after examining it all was start on the jelly beans. I was not aware he liked them that much.
This Cipro exhausts me. So, dinner was not what I planned. We had chicken in the crockpot, slaw, and field peas with snaps. I could barely get it on his plate and take it to him. I lay down.
I had planned to dye eggs but knocked the bowl of hard-boiled eggs out of the refrigerator and they rolled all over, cracking and collecting trash--a hair, bit of dust, some black specks, and disgusting stuff all around. No dyed eggs. One of them rolled out of sight. Then, tonight I found the brown egg in the dark, narrow space between refrigerator and counter...sigh. I may make egg salad from the eggs when I take off shell and rest of yucky stuff.
The Jello never happened. I was hurting too much to grate carrots for carrot/pineapple salad. So, Easter food will be over two Fruit salads will be on the menu next time he comes. Neither of us was disappointed.
By the way, the chicken was given to me--organic and priced at $17 for the four-pound bird. I really could tell the difference in taste. I could tell it had not been injected with salty, chemical stuff. Exbf exclaimed over the price. I sent the rest of the chicken home with him to clean meat from bones while I kept the rest of the breast we did not eat.
Yep, once again--I WON. It was a very good day as I took a nap when he left at 6 pm.
Do you love winning as much as I do? Would you ever or have you ever bought a hen this expensive?
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
A World Without Peeps?
It seems the Peeps' company is in trouble. The article mentions the company moving overseas or selling out. When Twinkies moved, the Twinkies were so awful I returned the box to the store and got my money back. These were no longer sold in two-packs. You must buy a box of twelve. Maybe it is different now. So, I suspect the same fate will befall the taste of Peeps. You can read all about it HERE. Granted, I rarely eat the whole package of four or five, but I like to know they don't go away or change. I still need a taste.
This is all I have today since I am busy.
This is all I have today since I am busy.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Foiled Easter Plans
About 2 am, Easter morning, I decided to go to WM since I had forgotten to buy a paper. I got that and a few other things, too. I decided I would swing into Lowe's and see what was on their front porch area. But, there was no light there, pitch black. So, I did not turn in but kept going and was going to exit to a business on the right, circle the parking lot and go back the way I came toward home.
Since Chick fil A turns off every blessed light, I could not see it. All of a sudden, I saw it and slowed, getting into the turn lane and turning into the parking lot. Well, blue lights lit up my car. I could not imagine what I did. Of course, I stopped all cattywampus. The police officer was very nice. He said that I was going 45 mph and suddenly braked and was going 30mph and turned off the road. That was all.
I told him about going to Lowe's and changed my mind and how I could not see CFA and suddenly did and braked hard to get into the parking lot to turn around. He then understood why I did what I did.
He said that when people see him behind them that they change what they are doing suddenly and try to turn off to avoid him. He said he could see now that I was not doing drugs or drinking. BUT, my tag was expired, so he had to address that. He told me it expired in 2017. I assured him I had the 2018 tag and started digging in the packages of pink cups in the floor of the passenger side. He asked if I just like pink or what.
I laughed and told him I hated the red party cups and loved pink. Since they don't sell them all year, I just bought a year's supply. He offered to put the tag on and I promised to get my tag on Monday or Tuesday, and I will. That whole encounter was a little unnerving. But he was a very nice man.
We will be eating Easter meal/food on Tuesday, so I was going to cook it today and tomorrow. Well, today continued not to go smoothly.
Hen was frozen so solidly with shrink wrap packing so tight, I could not get it the wrapping off without maybe cutting myself, so I left it in the sink after I ran water over it.
Eggs I was going to boil were all floaters. The egg carton had last Sept as the date. ??? Finally, I dug in the refrigerator and unearthed the April 20 ones.
I decided to eat some of the $1 Russell Stover chocolate bunny. It was gross. The brand was Parker! When I went to the store today, I got a $3 one, very large. $1 were sold out. We will split it because it was too expensive and neither of us needs that much chocolate. I got other things I needed at the store.
Since I am fighting a flea infestation, I used natural Cutter about 12 hours ago or longer and can still taste it and smell it. The Natural OFF I purchased also, shoots out a stream not a spray. At the store today I got some OFF and do not care if it has DEET.
For a while today, Sunday, nothing was going right! Eventually, I ate three boiled eggs, and they were so delicious. The hen smells so scrumptious. I don't think anything else can go wrong today. Then, I ate another boiled egg.
So, that was my Easter. I could have cooked a meal or gone somewhere, but I actually do not feel well enough and have not all weekend.
Since Chick fil A turns off every blessed light, I could not see it. All of a sudden, I saw it and slowed, getting into the turn lane and turning into the parking lot. Well, blue lights lit up my car. I could not imagine what I did. Of course, I stopped all cattywampus. The police officer was very nice. He said that I was going 45 mph and suddenly braked and was going 30mph and turned off the road. That was all.
I told him about going to Lowe's and changed my mind and how I could not see CFA and suddenly did and braked hard to get into the parking lot to turn around. He then understood why I did what I did.
He said that when people see him behind them that they change what they are doing suddenly and try to turn off to avoid him. He said he could see now that I was not doing drugs or drinking. BUT, my tag was expired, so he had to address that. He told me it expired in 2017. I assured him I had the 2018 tag and started digging in the packages of pink cups in the floor of the passenger side. He asked if I just like pink or what.
I laughed and told him I hated the red party cups and loved pink. Since they don't sell them all year, I just bought a year's supply. He offered to put the tag on and I promised to get my tag on Monday or Tuesday, and I will. That whole encounter was a little unnerving. But he was a very nice man.
We will be eating Easter meal/food on Tuesday, so I was going to cook it today and tomorrow. Well, today continued not to go smoothly.
Hen was frozen so solidly with shrink wrap packing so tight, I could not get it the wrapping off without maybe cutting myself, so I left it in the sink after I ran water over it.
Eggs I was going to boil were all floaters. The egg carton had last Sept as the date. ??? Finally, I dug in the refrigerator and unearthed the April 20 ones.
I decided to eat some of the $1 Russell Stover chocolate bunny. It was gross. The brand was Parker! When I went to the store today, I got a $3 one, very large. $1 were sold out. We will split it because it was too expensive and neither of us needs that much chocolate. I got other things I needed at the store.
Since I am fighting a flea infestation, I used natural Cutter about 12 hours ago or longer and can still taste it and smell it. The Natural OFF I purchased also, shoots out a stream not a spray. At the store today I got some OFF and do not care if it has DEET.
For a while today, Sunday, nothing was going right! Eventually, I ate three boiled eggs, and they were so delicious. The hen smells so scrumptious. I don't think anything else can go wrong today. Then, I ate another boiled egg.
So, that was my Easter. I could have cooked a meal or gone somewhere, but I actually do not feel well enough and have not all weekend.
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