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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Posted Now--Accidental School Shooting

Boiler Basket

I was in a place that absolutely was not a place I had ever seen retail products.  As I looked where my hand was resting on the counter, I saw the boiler basket above. There was also a red one. I asked the guy what it was for/why it was there. He said that if I wanted one I could have it and then they would only have one left to get rid of.

He said I could have both and give one away if I knew anyone who could use it. So, I have a gray one and a red one. I suppose I will keep the red one. 

I have been known to throw the broccoli into a pot of pasta about a minute before the pasta is done. 

This basket sits on the side of a pot. The picture above shows a pot of pasta with broccoli cooking on the side in the boiler basket. Thoughts?

When I headed to play bunco, I was on the wrong day and the wrong time. ??? 

While at Lowe's I saw a succulent with rocks on top of the soil. No, the rocks were glued together or something with holes to stick in succulents. I have never seen anything like it. But, I rarely pay attention to succulents. This is a crash course in succulents. 

Today, I went out with sandals and a thin sweater over a thin, short-sleeved blouse. Bad move. It's not that cold, but the wind is blowing so that the cold cuts right through a person. 

At WM there was another packet of flowers for fifty-cents--Old-Fashioned Garden Mixture. Even though it talks about how deep to plant seeds, these will be sown.

Bread from the Bread Store is always at least four days before the use-by date. I bought Sara Lee Bread that tastes like dessert and is usually about $2.68 for $0.80. There are five days left on the best9by date.  This Artisan bread tastes like cake. I am lucky because one bread store is about two miles from me and the other is a mile beyond that.

I bought $0.97 worth of rocks for my succulent. I think it is dying so I better plant it now.

It is night now and so cold!

Oh yeah, male student brought a gun to school and showed it to a girl. He accidentally shot her. He put it in his pants or somewhere to hide it and shot himself. She died. How stupid!

Your turn
Have you ever used one of the boiler baskets?


  1. I am not familiar with the boiler baskets but it looks like a really good idea.
    I have been wearing flip flops all day and now my tootsies are very chilly. Time for some socks!

    1. I may cave and put on socks if I get up from the bed where I have a throw over my chilly tootsies!

  2. For many years I had a 'pasta pot' that was a pot with a basket insert that had a bail handle. Used it for pasta, veggies, blanching veggies for canning/freezing and anything that required cooking in water and then draining including canning lids and rings. It was very useful and used a lot.

    I was told at Lowe's, when buying a reduced for quick sale pot of assorted succulents (why I don't know what I have) that the rocks were to make the plants look nice and to hold the sandy soil in the pot. You can buy that glue stuff at Lowe's and on-line. Personally I don't like it and would just use rocks on the soil top. The glued rocks are very difficult to separate so you're kind of stuck with them - pun intended.

    1. Bellen,
      I have a pot with an inner strainer pot that has handles like a double boiler.

      I did not try to separate the rocks but was not impressed with the setup.

  3. Replies
    1. urspo,
      the gun? stupid does not need a reason.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.