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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Day Before


Plus, I don't need a calculator and can do most math in my head. So, there! And, I might just be able to Tik Tok and Snap Chat!

This weekend is the 60th reunion of my Oakhaven High class of 1964. We plan to go. But, the way things are working out, I am not sure. 

The trip to Memphis will take a good five hours. The reunion is just a rented room for lunch. We won't be able to get up and make it there. So, we will go the night before. Since the lunch and meeting is noon to 4pm., we cannot drive home. So, this will need two nights in a motel. 

Before 2019 we had big parties, dances at night. In 2019, we had no music, no dancing, just dinner at night. Before 2019 it cost lots to attend. Now, we pay for what we eat at noon. There were long dresses and glitz. For this lunch, I am getting nothing new or making much of an effort. 

The podiatrist is out of the office this week, so she cancelled my appointment, and she will not be able to see Tommy as an emergency with his hammer toe and bending big toe. I don't want him to develop something dangerous, like an infection. I am quite sure driving will irritate those two toes. ``

Today, I had to buy makeup since I have not had any new since before 2019. Of course, what I wear is no longer made, color is not same, or product disappeared. I will do a practice run tonight and see how it goes. We may go out and try to get what I could not find. 

I do know what I will wear--black top and striped pants, Rafaella from eBay, sandals. The pants still had tags on them. The blouse looked unworn. It will be so warm; the bare shoulders will still be comfortable. I will take a sweater just in case I need something after we leave the restaurant. 

Five years ago, at the last reunion, I said to myself that I would lose weight before this reunion. I gained weight. Sometimes, I lie to me. So, I am fatter. 

I have to carry the leg pumps, so that will be another suitcase. 

My hair has not been professionally cut since early 2018. I had planned to do this before reunion. Two weeks ago, I sat in my chair without a mirror and cut the bottom myself, except for the very back bottom. It actually looks good and is very even. Now, I need to layer it and cut my bangs. I will do the rest myself. If I had had it cut within the last six months, I might have had to deal with a haircut that could be a nightmare. So, I can do this.

I forgot I need to cut his hair. It is so long that he looks like an old gray hippie. There is never a good time to cut it. The clippers have been in the living room for two weeks. 

So, I have most things solved or under control. Except for Tommy. He has not decided what to wear. I don't know if he has a pair of pants that are not ragged, not permanently stained, or don't have frayed legs from stepping on the back hem. He is being all sorts of annoying. Last time we went there, he did not bring clean underwear. Yes, his underwear was dirty! I do not want to be finding out what he has not packed just before we need to leave or after we get there. 

I think one carryon will suffice for a change of clothing for both of us and our meds and toiletries. He wants his own whatever to carry his clothing. He has a very small, dirty white suitcase. It is unwieldy. Besides, why carry more than we have to. Mine will at least roll. 

Tonight, I trimmed and snapped the beans I got at the market last week. Surprisingly, they were still good and fresh. There were no strings to pull out. I cut them with a knife. It hurts my fingers to snap beans, obviously. In a few minutes, I will cook the shelled peas I bought and freeze them, too. We can freeze all but enough for tonight and tomorrow. I will use these for green bean casserole at Thanksgiving. I have a turkey breast thawing. Half will be frozen for Thanksgiving. 

So, Tommy showed me the two newer pair of pants, one of which he will wear at the lunch meeting. I only checked the bottom hem. All four hems are worn, ragged, and stained. We quietly argued a bit, and he relented--I can buy him one pair. Before he relented, I told him "okay", just to wear a holey t-shirt so people could say, "she picked a good one!" I told him not to wear his Dr Who t-shirt (30 yrs. olds) since it is so iconic! Just dress like I picked him out of the trash. That is when he relented. There are very few times I object to what he wears, even when it is a t-shirt with I do think the Dr. Who t-shirt is okay to wear.

Maybe I can still paint my nails and not look like an old lady did it.  Maybe I will not paint them. The Strawberry Margarita is five years old!

At least I know the car is safe to drive that far!

Gee, I made a long list and forgot soap, shampoo, toothpaste! There is always a toothbrush in my purse, even if it is a little hairy and dusty. I can never find the little cover. 

We have a heavy day tomorrow when we should be taking it easy for the trip. I have to get Tommy to talk or at least answer me when he drives. Otherwise, it's like he zones out. 

Is travel, even for a short car trip a big deal now that you are older and if you have little cooperation? Going around town for three hours exhausts me! 

I have to go and quit this stream of consciousness and do something with this list. 


  1. Safe travels and have fun at your reunion. My 50th was really nice. Enjoy!

    1. Cheryl, thanks. The first will be hard since Tommy will drive. We will have fun.

  2. I despise driving or riding for 5 miles, much less 5 hours. Besides, I love being in my own home.
    As my high school is on the opposite side of the country, I don't attend reunions. In fact, I didn't even when I lived in the east coast. I had no desire to, actually. I still don't. I lost touch with pretty much all but my one, dear, beloved friend and neighbor. She and I are still close, as were our parents, but we are two years apart, so were in different classes.

    1. Meg,
      Oh, I don't like the drive to Publix, one mile away.
      We have a reunion every five years, and we have had fun. I had lost touch, but it was still fun to attend. The only person I tried to stay in touch with committed suicide. So, that makes it a little sad for me. Some people, lots, have died.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.